Looking for support :)

Phoe87 Posts: 144 Member
Hello everyone, I am not a total newbie here. I tried MFP few months ago, got some good results, but slowly slipped back to old habits. So this time I want to do it properly and with some support. I am 27 years old and I weight 201,5 pounds (91,6 kg), so there is a long journey before me. My main problem is my life style - I have sedentary work, I don’t work out and I eat too much bread, pastry and all things sweet, because they make me calm and happy until the guilt arrives... I am also kind of lazy and highly introverted, so I spend most of my free time alone, staying at home reading, watching tv shows or playing games. My main motivation this time is health - I had elevated level of sugar in blood few times, nothing really serious, but it was enough to scare me to do something with it.
I feel kind of alone in this changing lifestyle/weight loss thing. One part of my family is considering every female above 120 pounds disgusting and overweight, so I don’t really like to talk with them about my weight issues. The other part of family (which is also overweight) still thinks, that the best way to do something for me is to bake me a cake and that I am just a little chubby... I also work in high stress environment, where everyone is working extra hours and it is hard to explain that I can’t stay overtime, because I need to go for walk. I would love to have some supportive friends, so if you don’t mind my grammar mistakes (English is not my first language), please feel free to add me :smile:
I am not good with big changes, so I decided to begin with small ones. My goal right now is to start walking regularly (four or five times per week), track my food and slowly lose some weight. I am not doing any major changes in my diet right now, just control the portion and watch calories. I am also thinking about getting fitbit – has anyone some experience with it? Is it good or just waste of money? Thanks, and good luck with your weight loss journey!


  • queenofthefae5
    queenofthefae5 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there! Good for you for reaching out. I need the support too. I also have a sedentary job and eat too much of the wrong foods. Convenience foods get me way too often. I kick myself in the butt for this because I know how to eat well and I know how great I feel when I do; I just don’t do it often enough.
    I’ll happily support you in your journey. I don’t have any insight on Fitbit, though. Do you get breaks throughout your workday where you could fit in a quick walk? That could be a great way to increase your walking time.
    I’ll add you as a friend here. Maybe we could even do a daily check in with each other for accountability.
  • Oh wow, my story is somewhat similiar to yours. I'm sorry to hear you can't really talk to family about it. I think you should be applauded by atleast doing something about it. I'll add you, we can support each other.
  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    Sounds to me that you have the right approach. Weigh, measure and log your foods as a start - this really pinpoints where you're eating to excess - then control your portions. Deciding to give up particular foods is often a mistake as it immediately makes you feel that you are on a 'diet' and are deprived. I find it helps to plan each day in advance so I know how many calories I have to play with.
    Introducing exercise slowly is also a good idea. Walking is great - really helped me improve my fitness. Start out well within your capabilities and increase it gently. Perhaps you can go out for a walk at lunchtime? Try and include a hill - or at least a gentle incline. You will soon want to do more. If you can only exercise in the evenings - or can't exercise outside - there are some really good walking videos that you can start doing - plug walking videos into google - there are a few on youtube.

    Good luck with your journey - I am enjoying mine and cannot believe how much fitter I am after 3 months - it can be fun! :smile:
  • cheeks102490
    cheeks102490 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey there! I'll support you if you support me! I'm also highly introverted and sedentary, and currently suffering from depression as well...mainly due to my weight gain. Before I got pregnant 5 years ago, I weighed about 120 lbs. Now I stand at 5'2", at 173 lbs. I love to bake, and love food and soda, which isn't helpful to my dilemma AT ALL. I am dealing with major self-esteem problems, and rarely want to leave the house because I feel like a beast sometimes. I have motivation but I'm always falling off the wagon...I have Adult ADD and am an INTJ personality type so I get quite obsessive then quite bored. Also, I HATE exercise...but I know I need to learn to like it. If you or anyone else wants to friend me go right ahead, because I want friends that also want to make life changes and need positivity as much as I do.
  • Hey, don't feel alone. There are plenty of us introverts around! I have the same problem that you do, temporary success, and then reverting back to old habits.
  • racitraci
    racitraci Posts: 2
    Hello All,

    I think you are all amazing... working together for a common goal! I have recently purchased a fitbit, and it is great because it motivates me to move more. My goal each day is to reach 10,000 steps. Walking is a great start, and balanced with a healthy diet you will be amazed at how the pounds come off. I had surgery last year and the only thing I could do was walk so I made it a priority. The great part about walking is that it isn't hard on the body, and you can do it from anywhere with only the cost of a good walking shoe. If you hate exercise the fitbit might help or other little tricks that I have added are to download (from the online library) audio books which I can listen to while I walk... the time passes and I don't even realize. Obviously walking a pet or meeting a friend. When I check the fitbit, and I haven't hit my goal I make sure I go for a walk. Instead of high calorie drinks I buy carbonated water, and add lemon or a bit of juice and ice. All the best to you ladies... I'm heading out to walk my dog in the sunshine! You have motivated me:happy:
  • Peacockbutterfly
    Peacockbutterfly Posts: 90 Member
    Hello, it is great that you decided to reach out for support! I started a few months ago in a very similar situation to yours except I have a job where I'm on my feet most of the day and I still was out of breath moving to fast. I have very little support system and found it hard to go through this journey alone. I HATED the thought of exercising but started slowly with walking. I did get a Fitbit and love it. I now walk between 9-12 miles a day and exercise and am loving it. It is all about making small and sustainable changes to your routine to break out of your comfort zone. I really don't like change and now that I've built up new habits this is all the sudden my routine as opposed to all the sitting and eating sugar I did before that I was so comfortable with.
  • shakira1201
    shakira1201 Posts: 6 Member
    Im in a very similar situation, and am also looking for support! Its so nice to see everyone on here so willing to support one another. Makes me feel even more motivated :D

    I have a similar problem as you regarding family. A majority of them I can talk to and they dont even think I need to lose weight, but I live with my sister who is in her 30's and weighs not much over 7stone. Shes tiny. Not anorexic looking, but really really petite and teeny, and if she eats too much one week and feels her non existent bum has got a tiny bit bigger, she complains that shes putting o weight. On one occasion she was speaking to a friend about when she was younger and said 'oh god, I was a size 14 back then, I was really big' ..... oh thanks! Being a size 14 myself it made me want to burst into tears. Its got to the point that I wont wear anything tight or revealing in front of her for fear she'll look at me amd think jesus, whata heff.

    Its so important you feel supported, and if you struggle to get support from your family and friends, places like this are a great place for it! Its full of people going through the same thing and you can air your stresses as much as you want without being judged.

    Im happy to support :) good luck on your journey.
  • modevia
    modevia Posts: 13
    I agree with everyone,

    This is a place where being judged is not a problem. I relate to you and Shakira, since I have no confidence around my sister, she is younger and i feel looked down.
    I cant wait to lose weight and look better than her!!
  • shakira1201
    shakira1201 Posts: 6 Member
    I feel the same! I often daydream about the days I can wander around the house in shorts and a t-shirt and not constantly thst my sisters judging me. How much are you looking to lose?
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    Hey guys,

    I've fallen off the wagon recently since surgery and can't seem to switch my head back to how it was and still being a couple of weeks/months away from exercising again it's a struggle but hey I'm trying. When my head was in it I did well so hopefully I can help if anyone wishes to add me and if not good luck all just remember 'if it was easy everyone would do it'.
  • rawrdotorg
    rawrdotorg Posts: 3
    Hey there, I am also new and would be happy to support you :)
    I work in a highly stressful environment too, although because it is a hospital I am on my feet all the time rushing around everywhere so I feel exhausted when I come home and don't feel like working out.
    I think the best thing to do in relation to working late and trying to explain why you can't is to just say that you have plans, or are going to a fitness class or something. Like you said, people can sometimes look at you funny if you say you are going for a walk. If you say you are going to a class or meeting a friend for a walk then it is a commitment that you cannot get out of ;)
    I also think that you could look at videos on Youtube that can give you more advice on exercising in a highly sedimentary job.
    Good luck!
  • Phoe87
    Phoe87 Posts: 144 Member
    Hello everyone, thank you so much for your kind words, for the FR and your advices, I really appreciate it and I am definitely going to try some of them. I was considering quick walks during the lunch break, but it is either a walk or eating a lunch and I really don’t like to eat in a hurry, or doing work related stuff while eating. And to my surprise – I kind of like my evening walks. There is fantastic weather this week, so I can go outside, there are some awesome routes for walking (and lots of hills, they are basically unavoidable) . Yesterday I even find out, that there is a route for runners near my house.

    queenofthefae – I plan to log every day, so I will be happy to check on you. What is your current goal? Do you work out every day or just a few times per week like me?

    cheeks102490 – Hi, INTJ here too :) I would like to be able to say something helpful, but I have experienced depression myself, so I know there is not much, that another person could do to help. But it is hard to believe, that you can feel bad about yourself – you look absolutely stunning on that photo! I hope you will feel better soon.