Apple Cider Vinegar?

Hi, I occasionally drink ACV in a glass of water here and there, but I'm looking for any experiences that you've had drinking it consistently. Did it help with weight loss, energy, clearing up skin, or anything else? Just curious. I love the taste, but I just don't drink it often.


EDIT: I do use it as a toner and hair clarifier.


  • Platform_Heels
    Platform_Heels Posts: 388 Member
    I don't know about any of that but it is supposed to help control the spike in your insulin when you eat
  • MelisMusing
    MelisMusing Posts: 421 Member
    I drink it frequently. It has helped with allergies, joint pain/muscle soreness. I haven't noticed any direct weight loss benefits.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I have not used it for any of those reasons, but did have an uti infection after giving birth and it helped with that.
  • Abevemi
    Abevemi Posts: 54 Member
    I have just started taking some first thing in the morning mixed in with my warm lemon juice. No indication of it helping yet, but it has only been 5 days or so.
  • krennie8
    krennie8 Posts: 301 Member
    i eat a lot of straight vinegar on salad & it makes me feel hot, sweaty, & kinda terrible :-\ so i've started watering it down. Beyond that idk about good/bad for weight loss or anything else.
  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    JustAnotherGirlSuzanne Posts: 932 Member
    Weight loss is calories in and calories out, so unless it makes you feel more full or if you're using it like as a salad dressing instead of something higher calorie I kind of doubt that it works for weight loss.

    On another note, it's been known to help/solve arthritis/muscle and joint pain (which can lead to longer and stronger exercise sessions).

    I also found out today that it can be used to treat mosquito bites and sunburns! Oh, and if you can stand the smell, you can wash your hair with it.

    True story.
  • Parimositabloo
    Parimositabloo Posts: 13 Member
    Well, this might be TMI, but I had a constipation issue for years, I'm talking really bad, like twice a week if I was lucky bad. Since I started taking ACV daily (I mix it with grapefruit, orange or pineapple juice and honey) I's and everyday thing now, sometimes even twice a day, more like a normal person. So, I'm a fan.
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    I love the taste of it. I mix a half tsp of Bragg vinegar with some lemon, stevia and water and put ice in it. It's wonderful. It tends to give me energy. Most people use more vinegar than I do but I've read that too much can cause problems. I talked with a woman this morning who uses a tbs in her morning smoothie.

    It helps me with allergies and fatigue issues. Also, it helps control blood sugar. I've heard it helps with weight but I don't know from personal experience. I always put a Tbs on my salad and love the taste. It can't help to try it for awhile and see if it helps you and if it helps with weight control or loss. Also, visit the Bragg website for more information and check with WebMD. Studies prove it helps lower blood sugar.
  • MadCountyMama
    MadCountyMama Posts: 38 Member
    I use the Bragg's ACV for inflammation/sore muscles (works great for my knees after running), allergies (nightshades- ACV helps rid the toxins) and general health. My doctor recommends it and I enjoy the taste.
    I also use it as my "special" drink when I'm tired of water. I just do a Tbsp in my glass with some ice - I'll have to try it with the lemon, not a fan of stevia though, maybe honey?

    I also use it if I get a sunburn, just dab it on the burn - helps take the sting out and heal. I do this at night cause ya smell kinda like a pickle :)
  • beachgod
    beachgod Posts: 567 Member
    I tried drinking it mixed with water and thought it was horrible so that experiment came to a screeching halt. I have used it to successfully remove two warts and a mole, so there's that.
  • KhatLady
    KhatLady Posts: 51 Member
    Oh, and if you can stand the smell, you can wash your hair with it.

    True story.

    Actually, you condition with it, you wash with baking soda, both VERY diluted. Like a tablespoon ACV in 8oz distilled water. The smell is nothing. It fades very quickly and vinegar is actually also a deodorizer. Either way, it's nothing a drop or two of essential oil won't mellow out.

    There isn't a day that goes by that I don't use ACV for something - conditioner, toner, room freshener, on laundry...on french fries. :love:
  • laurynwithawhy
    laurynwithawhy Posts: 385 Member
    Well, this might be TMI, but I had a constipation issue for years, I'm talking really bad, like twice a week if I was lucky bad. Since I started taking ACV daily (I mix it with grapefruit, orange or pineapple juice and honey) I's and everyday thing now, sometimes even twice a day, more like a normal person. So, I'm a fan.

    I use it for just the opposite! Whenever I have tummy troubles, or the stomach flu, this is my go to cure. I take a shot every couple of hours and it helps me keep everything down.
  • BigTireFlipper
    BigTireFlipper Posts: 116 Member
    Apple cider vinegar for anything but cooking is pretty much junk science.

    The article starts out talking about how high school schoolers are relying on web searches for "research" on topics like this and then goes on to the science behind the mythical apple cider benefits. Long read, you have been warned.