Insanity Challenge Group - Interested?

Are you Insane? Looking to lose weight? or Gain muscle? or just get lean for summer?

I've done INSANITY many times and have been looking for people to join! We can make a Facebook Group (preferred) or I think you can make one on here. We would be logging in daily to talk about anything regarding the program, diet, etc.

INSANITY is not an easy workout. However, mind over matter can really help here. You WILL be sore the first week, if you haven't been doing Insanity consistently already that is. DO NOT GET DISCOURAGED! We will get you the results

Shaun T is a wonderful instructor, and with a Challenge Group, I know we can get great results by banning together. I have done an INSANITY group with friends already, and I have seen people lose 13, 14, and 27 pounds. I can't even count the inches! Amazing results can be achieved.

If you are interested, we can talk and get you set up.
I'm thinking mid May for this challenge. You'll have time to get the program and look over the nutrition. You will also have time to prepare yourself for the most Insane workout program of YOUR LIFE!


  • Just note that people have already asked me about the group, so make sure you get your spot. :happy:

    FACT - Only 10% of people who start ISANITY, finish Insanity. Crazy right?

    FACT - Those that start INSANITY, join an accountability group, and commit to posting their accountability each day have their odds of completing the program and achieving amazing results TRIPLE!

    FACT - Those that start INSANITY, join a group, and make it to Day 1 of Month 2 have a nearly 75% chance of completing the program. Remember, it's easy to quit, so DON'T!
  • Sooo... I have a copy of the Insanity DVD that a friend gave to me. I am not good with cardio workouts ( I usually do the elliptical or treadmill and not the variety exercise groups). I attempted Day 1 of Insanity today. (There are 6 workouts so I'm planning on doing one a week consistently). I only made it through the first 10 minutes. My plan is to take a break and start it over all day today until I make it through the 45 minutes.

    Did anyone else have this problem? I'm gonna need the encouragement. I KNOW I CAN DO IT!!!!!! :smile:
  • You need to be careful though. Online they have the workout Calendar. There are Month 1 DVDs, a recovery week DVD, and Month 2 DVDs. Following the calendar is necessary. Would you be interested in joining the group? You can totally do it!

    You don't want to wear yourself out. Take breaks during the workout but don't quit it. Even if that means you can't so it all, just continue it when your heart rate goes back down.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Sooo... I have a copy of the Insanity DVD that a friend gave to me. I am not good with cardio workouts ( I usually do the elliptical or treadmill and not the variety exercise groups). I attempted Day 1 of Insanity today. (There are 6 workouts so I'm planning on doing one a week consistently). I only made it through the first 10 minutes. My plan is to take a break and start it over all day today until I make it through the 45 minutes.

    Did anyone else have this problem? I'm gonna need the encouragement. I KNOW I CAN DO IT!!!!!! :smile:

    There's a workout calendar, you don't just do the same one for a week... Plus you should start with the fit test so you can measure your results.
  • Exactly^ :)
  • vaishnavijayasankar
    vaishnavijayasankar Posts: 33 Member
    i would luv to try this again :)
    but when i did before i also got insane within 10 minutes and got sad when i couldnt do more :(
    idk whether to give it a try again or not!!!!!!
  • You are not alone! It's definitely not easy! I'm going to send you a buddy request. I would love for you to be in the group!
  • II would like to get to know you guys. Post your 5 W's below. Who are you? What do you want from this group? Where will you work out and where do you want to be after this program? When do you plan on working out and when do you expect to have the results you desire? Lastly, why do you want to be in this group?
  • Avy049
    Avy049 Posts: 16
    This is a fab idea!!!

    I'm doing T25 for first time & loving it although only done two days!!!! Would be great if a T25 page was set up on the site too!!!!
  • That's awesome! T25 is great!
  • abhik_m
    abhik_m Posts: 3
    Thanks for creating this group. I have been doing some research about the insanity workout and will be starting the 60 day program tomorrow. Am quite excited and motivated at the moment. That being said, I'm sure this is going to be extremely demanding, both physically and mentally. So I was looking out for some sort of "support" group/buddy to help keep me motivated and obviously to be able to help others out as well. That's how I found this group.

    I don't see any posts after 21st April. Just wondering if the group has moved to some other page. Or do you have any suggestions about how I can find an accountability partner/group?

  • taliahsafah
    taliahsafah Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! Sure! I would love to join. This is my first round Insanity and I am on Day 12. Seeing results already!! Would love to keep in touch with folks who are doing it as well.

    I am also doing step aerobics 2-3 times per week.
  • sharmilav2
    sharmilav2 Posts: 8 Member
    I started the series yesterday and I'd like to join the group please
  • abhik_m
    abhik_m Posts: 3
    Hey Taliah, Sharmila,

    Thanks for the quick replies! So I have created a spreadsheet (using MS Excel) to track my progress. This includes other details such as the workout for each day and what meals I plan to have each day. I still need to fill out the details for the meals. Since I live in India, not all the ingredients mentioned in the Insanity meal plans are available here. So I will have do some customisation.

    I don't plan to have the protein shakes as of now, but I do hope to be able to stick to the 5 meals a day plan and an intake of around 1800-2000 calories per day. Another thing I plan to do today is take measurements - weight, shoulder, chest, waist, hip, thighs, biceps and BMI. Will post those details on here and keep updating them each week to share my progress.

    Do you guys have any pointers/suggestions before my first day tomorrow? Also, if you want to take a look at the spreadsheet, drop me a mail at abhiksmitra (at) gmail and I'll send it across.

  • taliahsafah
    taliahsafah Posts: 3 Member
    Hi !

    I'd be happy to look at your spreadsheet. Its great that you plan to list your meals. I didn't do that and as a result sometimes I go over on my sodium, cholesterol, and fat intakes. I hate that! The thing I love most about MFP is that you can plan ahead on that tool daily to make sure you are eating just right.

    I will shoot you an email shortly.

  • abhik_m
    abhik_m Posts: 3
    Today was day 1 for me. Inspite of all the prep through reading, watching videos, etc... I was just not ready for the fit test :) It totally kicked my *kitten*... to the point where my legs felt like jelly and I thought I was going to puke (I am really out of shape!)

    I had to pause the video and take a longer break after suicide jumps. After I did the push-up jacks, I had to pause the video again. Only this time, I went straight to the toilet because I thought I was gonna throw up. That didn't happen. Fortunately!

    After that, I just lay down for some time and contemplated postponing Insanity by a week or 2 and doing some light exercise each day until then, sort of as a build up/prep for the main insanity program. But then I felt may be I should just figure out the balance of how hard to push myself and that I should not give up on day 1 itself!! Lol!

    So I completed the last test - Low Plank Obliques and as of now, I plan to continue the program :) Here are my fit test "results":
    Switch Kicks - 100 (50 per leg)
    Power Jacks - 46
    Power Knees - 60
    Power Jumps - 25
    Globe Jumps - 7
    Suicide Jumps - 10
    Push-up Jacks - 20
    Low Plan Obliques - 44 (22 per leg) --> this was after taking a really long break after push-up jacks

    I didn't get started on the nutrition plan today. Won't be able to for a couple of days. Hope to get started on it by Tue/Wed this week.


  • sharmilav2
    sharmilav2 Posts: 8 Member
    Does anyone have a good way to post the Insanity exercise on the log? I've been putting high impact aerobics. I'm surprised Insanity doesn't show up in the search.
  • hotplugged
    hotplugged Posts: 37
    I usually use this calculator:

    Once I have the calorie loss, I add an excercise and call it : Insanity Pure Cardio (or which eevr I did). It will remember that entry for the next time.