Weight Loss 'Enhancers"

Rachel8129 Posts: 16
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I was wondering if anyone uses "enhancers" from a nutrition store? I was put on Phentermine last year and had to stop because I got the bad side effect of an irregular heart beat. It helped me lose weight really fast, but alas, I stopped. When I started to work out again I started to use OxyElite Pro from GNC and I noticed it helps me curb my hunger, or my feelings of hunger and helps me get through the day without passing out. I am not addicted to these and I can stop taking them when I want, but sometimes I feel like I need a little umph to get through the initial exhaustion of working out two hours a day. Anyone else have any experience with this? If not taking the pills I take, do you take one at all? Is this a bad idea? Thoughts and comments welcome.:yawn:


  • The only downfall to inhancers is that when you finally come off of them the weight comes back, often times double. There is no quick fix for loosing weight. We all want to see results right away but the best way is to retrain your body on good healthy eating habits, eat reasonable portions and exercise.
    I used Phentermine as well, lost 30lbs and as soon as I stopped using, I gained the weight right back. When you transition to a gradual lifestlye change not only will you be able to loose the weight in healthy manner but you will be able to maintain the weight loss as well.
  • Rather than taking pills to hold off your hunger, why don't you try the 5 meal a day idea. About two to three hours after breakfast, have a small snack such as an apple and a piece of string cheese, or a pear and a hard boiled egg. Then in the afternoon, say two to three hours after a light lunch, have another small snack. This will keep your hunger down and you will find that you need to eat smaller portions. Also this is a method of eating smaller portions and keeping your body from going into starvation mode. :wink:
  • I agree with the above posters. I also tried the phentermine (Adipex) and I lost weight but as soon as I stopped taking it the weight came back with a few more pounds! If you feel you really need some extra energy try B12 vitamins or something like that before you used the "enhancers". Good luck with your goals!
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    this is just my personal view its more about life style changes , i would not take the pill because i dont know what would happen when i stoptaking it or like you side side effects..

    I eat less add move more the side effect is i'm slowly shrinking!
  • Hi, I am wondering if you feel like passing out if you are eating enough food? There is a great article on this site by David Greenwalt on this topic which is very enlightening.

    You might want to try the Scarsdale diet, you can loose up to 1lb a day - eating really healthy fresh (and easy to prepare) foods. You can also snack on celery and carrots as often as you please. After two/three days the diet stops you feeling hungry. You can only stay on this for 14 days, after which you switch to the keep trim diet for two weeks, after that if you still need to loose weight you go back on the Scarsdale and so on. Most importantly - you loose fat not muscle!

    I used it 30 years ago after having children, and it worked really well for me. I've slipped badly in the last year, so I've just started it again and my goal is to loose the extra 30lbs I'm carrying.
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