Sooo I had a major binge last night, advice welcomed!



  • pancake100
    pancake100 Posts: 23 Member
    That was one of my primary concerns but I still have a slightly bloated stomach. Some I'm probaly just going to have a tea with almond milk for the moment and in hour or so I will eat my breakfast.
  • pancake100
    pancake100 Posts: 23 Member
    Give yourself one 24 hour plan. Just one. Do it, see how you feel. Give it a day without it and consider doing it again. Then again.
    Do explain, I don't really understand it, but sounds interesting.
  • pancake100
    pancake100 Posts: 23 Member
    Move, definitely! I too had a high calorie night last night when i ate an entire large blended ice cream thing with snickers in it. I'm just eating normally today. Restricting your intake to try to "make up for" a binge will only make things worse
    Sorry to say that happened to you, but good to know I'm not alone.
  • pancake100
    pancake100 Posts: 23 Member
    drink water and get over it, no point dwelling over the past.
    I think maybe I need to drink more water after dinner...
  • pancake100
    pancake100 Posts: 23 Member
    Drink lots of water, get a decent workout in today, eat as usual. In the long run you've only put yourselves back a couple days at most. Most importantly try to figure out why you've been bingeing. For me if I want to eat ALL the food it's either because my protein isn't high enough, or I skipped breakfast. Hangovers also cause me to want to eat all the food.
    I opened my diary to the public maybe you can give me an idea if i'm getting enough?
  • pancake100
    pancake100 Posts: 23 Member
    Cut yourself some slack but don't make excuses. Why did you eat? Was it because you felt hungry all day? Was it because you particularly wanted any of these foods? It sounds really carb heavy, so have you been trying to avoid carbs or sugar? If you figure out the reason behind your binge, it will be easier to deal with in the future.

    Don't try to starve yourself today. Just go back to your 1550 calorie goal and learn from yesterday.
    Not sure about lacking in carbs and sugar, but I have opened my diary and maybe you can give me some feedback on my current eating of 1550 calories.
  • pancake100
    pancake100 Posts: 23 Member
    Do not give this any power. So what? Right back on the horse you go! It's only a big deal if you let it stop you.
    I will get back on the horse assuming, the horse let's me...
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Stop doing that.

    As for ME, I'd love to go and buy a nice, fat three-gram bag of coke and get my binge on, but I don't. Why? Because I'm in recovery; because I don't REALLY want to mask my feelings with a drug; because I have tools today to deal with urges; becasue I don't want to deal with the "after" feelings of self-hatred and disgust for what I just did. There is no physiological reason for my addiction and there is no physiological reason for your binges and purges.

    You need to find tools and a program. You need to treat your eating disorder like a drug problem. I'm totally serious. You need to white-knuckle when the urge comes up (no pun intended) and you need to CALL SOMEONE when you feel like doing that.

    It's a simple solution for complicated people.

    And just forget about what you did and move on. Most of the problem is the guilt abotu what was done and then thinking that since we F**ked up we may as well F**k up some more.

    Sorry if I came off snippy. I'm trying to tough love you. Or something like that.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Give yourself one 24 hour plan. Just one. Do it, see how you feel. Give it a day without it and consider doing it again. Then again.

  • MintBerryCrunch21
    Oh gawd I know how you feel. In fact I just had a weekend binge! :(

    On Saturday after finishing my late shift I ate about 2000 more calories than I should. Then yesterday I decided to have another day of eating whatever I want. Lots of sugary snacks, alot of bread, lots of fattening food. Must have been 7000 calories or more on the weekend. I have been dieting for over 2 months (fairly strict with my diet).

    Then plan for me now is to hide the weighing scales and get back on track. Same workout, same calorie intake. I feel a little more motivated somehow to get back to regular diet and working out. I actually needed this binge. Obviously yesterday I was gutted and little guilty but now it's kinda weird feeling I have because I feel more energised, its given me more fuel to reach my fitness goals.
  • pancake100
    pancake100 Posts: 23 Member
    Oh honey, I have been there. I struggled for years with an ED which still haunts me from time to time. So I know well the panic after a binge and the urge to purge. I'm not sure if you have an ED or not but your use of the terms "binge and purge" suggests to me that you might identify with having one. My apologies if that's not so.

    My advice re: last night's binge is - don't do anything about it. Don't skip meals today or eat less or exercise more than usual. In the grand scheme of things this is just a bump in the road ad you have to look at it that way. If you did this kind of binge every day, it would be different, but you don't, and it's okay to sometimes overeat. IT'S OK. Seriously, it won't make a difference long-term.

    More important is keeping your body healthy and properly fed. Skipping meals SEEMS like a good idea but it isn't. Your body needs food on a regular schedule! If you start eating at irregular intervals and ignoring hunger, that's when you damage your body and that can be a trigger for more disordered eating as well (i.e. bingeing). Skipping meals is also bad for weight loss or maintenance.

    So don't stress over it, don't beat yourself up over it. It all evens out in the end. Just carry on as usual and eat your normal amount today.

    It helps to stick to an eating routine if you are struggling with cravings. That is - eating similar-size meals at the same time of day. Your body will anticipate the routine and you will find you won't have as many cravings, hunger pangs, blood sugar dips, and so on at strange times of day. Also try to eat balanced meals with the right proportion of protein, carbs, and fat in each one.

    Also, maybe you could explore what might have triggered the binge. Usually it's not actual hunger but it could be any number of things. Perhaps it's physical, like you're not meeting your nutritional needs on your diet. It could be emotional as well, some stress or something in your life. I mean, only you know for certain, but it bears looking into so you can learn healthier ways of dealing with it.

    Hope this helps. Good luck!
    Thanks for your post Buoyant Soul, eating disorders are a b*tch, forgive me for that term but they are. I had anorexia throughout 2012, then eventually it evolved to binge eating in early 2013, then throughout mid 2013 was bulimia, then that stuck to early 2014, then I stopped having ED until it started again last week. It is returning cycle and it feels just plain (plain as in not normal and not weird) but it is wrong and unhealthy though.
  • pancake100
    pancake100 Posts: 23 Member
    I still don't understand of what a 24 hour plan is.
  • taramaclaren
    taramaclaren Posts: 95 Member
    I still don't understand of what a 24 hour plan is.

    It means to follow your plan - 1550 calories and whatever workout you aspire to do - for 24 hours.
  • pancake100
    pancake100 Posts: 23 Member
    I still don't understand of what a 24 hour plan is.

    It means to follow your plan - 1550 calories and whatever workout you aspire to do - for 24 hours.
    So just keep doing what I'm doing basically?
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I still don't understand of what a 24 hour plan is.

    It means one day at a time. Just do the right thing for today; don't worry about tomorrow or yesterday. Just get through ONE day without bingeing or purging. It's a simple tool. The days pile up on their own and you train your mind to stay in the moment, in the day.
  • weblur
    weblur Posts: 140 Member
    ^ This. And the Keep Calm and Log It pic. I heard someone recovering from bulimia say that she had to learn to "own" what she put in her body. It sounds like you did that - you didn't purge, that is so great! Now you log it, learn from it, and keep doing what you need to do to get better. :flowerforyou:
  • pancake100
    pancake100 Posts: 23 Member
    Will do!
  • BuoyantSoul
    BuoyantSoul Posts: 117 Member
    Thanks for your post Buoyant Soul, eating disorders are a b*tch, forgive me for that term but they are. I had anorexia throughout 2012, then eventually it evolved to binge eating in early 2013, then throughout mid 2013 was bulimia, then that stuck to early 2014, then I stopped having ED until it started again last week. It is returning cycle and it feels just plain (plain as in not normal and not weird) but it is wrong and unhealthy though.

    Yeah, it's easy to form a habit and it can even be addictive. Like I remember I was addicted to the feeling of being hungry. If I felt hungry that meant "success" to me. Breaking this habit and this habitual way of thinking and behaving can take a long time and a lot of effort. It doesn't happen all at once but one step at a time and sometimes one step backward. But once you identify your triggers you can be mindful of them and that's how it changes. You're doing a great job!
  • sherambler
    sherambler Posts: 303 Member
    Drink lots of water, get a decent workout in today, eat as usual. In the long run you've only put yourselves back a couple days at most.

    Great adivce. I always forget this. It's easy after a binge to get wrapped up in thinking that I've completely undone all the work I've previously done. And of course, when I let those types of thoughts consume me I feel like a failure and resort to food again. I binged last night as well and I know I'll feel so much better in a couple days if I go back and stick to my normal plan than restrict or even overeat. Sometimes what's more powerful than anything to do with weight is knowing that the disorder doesn't have to have a stronghold over your life.
  • synchrohobbit
    synchrohobbit Posts: 58 Member
    I'm right there with you. If I don't have the food around that triggers (cereal and milk, nuts, ice cream, baked stuff) I won't. But my sister went grocery shopping this week and bought all of that. Then I haven't eaten it in a while, and I end up with an extra 1500 calories. What I try to do is occasionally buy individual packages of this stuff so I am not lacking it and setting myself up for a binge if it dos show up in mass quantities, but it doesn't seem to prevent them entirely. Because I'm so short one pound in the summer makes a significant difference in how I look, so I then end up panicking and taking a laxative (I knooooooooow this is bad, it happens about once a month) and trying not to eat the next day. I usually do end up evening out the calories after a couple of days, but I think the most frightening part is worrying about it happening again. I will sometimes do a "planned" binge, which might mean saving my calories for a pint of ice cream or a small loaf of bread, and after a tough workout those tend to actually feel good and I don't get guilty.

    I also should point out that somewhere in a response the OP said they don't have ED anymore because they stopped purging; unfortunately this is not true. It's clearly still there, and even after years of essentially being recovered I obviously (see above) still struggle.