Curves Circuit

Good Day, I have recently joined Curves and plan on going 3-4 times a week - just wondering if anyone has any tips on getting the most out of your workout there?? thanks Jeanine


  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Good Day, I have recently joined Curves and plan on going 3-4 times a week - just wondering if anyone has any tips on getting the most out of your workout there?? thanks Jeanine

    Gah! I did this and got NO WHERE. I wanted to "tone up" and lose weight. Neither happened.

    If you want to use this for cardio purposes (heart health only) and to regain flexibility, it's great! It's quick and fun. If you want more dramatic results, you'll need to make sure your diet is in order and add some strength training 3x/week. The "weights" at Curves aren't sufficient, imo, to be called strength training.

    Again, it depends on your goals, so maybe rephrase what you mean by "getting the most out of your workout"?
  • Jeanine1981
    Jeanine1981 Posts: 3 Member
    Well I am in my first week, so definitely going to be giving it all I've got, and staying positive with the experience. Obviously, proper diet needs to accompany an exercise routine to be effective to achieve weight loss and toning, which are two of my goals. I guess what I mean by "getting the most out of my Curves workout" is basically, that you have 30 minutes to get your work out in - are there any ideas for increasing calorie burning during that time?
  • WhiteRabbit1313
    WhiteRabbit1313 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Well I am in my first week, so definitely going to be giving it all I've got, and staying positive with the experience. Obviously, proper diet needs to accompany an exercise routine to be effective to achieve weight loss and toning, which are two of my goals. I guess what I mean by "getting the most out of my Curves workout" is basically, that you have 30 minutes to get your work out in - are there any ideas for increasing calorie burning during that time?

    Well, I'd make sure that you really bust your butt at it and add in some strength training to build muscles for "toning." There are women on here who lift heavy weights and don't see results until around 6-12 months in, so I wouldn't rely on Curves to do that for you. Additionally, the common consensus is that "abs are made in the kitchen," which means that you consistently eat at a deficit to lose fat (TDEE-20% is a common target). There's absolutely nothing wrong with getting your cardio (Curves) routine in order, then beginning strength training, then working on your diet. (Or any order, for that matter.) Eventually, if you want to be "toned," you'll need to do all 3 of those, anyway. Many would say lift heavy, eat at a deficit (when cutting), and SKIP the cardio, and, if your diet is in order and working for fat loss for you, then that's all you need. Anything is better than NOTHING, and I think this is a good start for you. If I'd have accepted (and embraced) the fact that it really does take diet AND exercise to get the body that I wanted 2 years ago, imagine how AWESOME I'd look by now?! (Not that I look terrible, now, but most of us who remain sedentary and diet the lbs. off usually end up with flabby little bodies. haha!)

    Anyway, I'd say fully embrace the cardio, because it's paid for...nothing wrong with starting with cardio. :wink:
  • Jeanine1981
    Jeanine1981 Posts: 3 Member
    thanks again :) Trust me I understand that diet and exercise must work together, to get results - but KNOWING an DOING - two totally different things HA HA. So I hope this time, I get it right! Thanks for your great tips also - very much appreciated :)
  • ReaGaladriel
    ReaGaladriel Posts: 84 Member
    I've been doing curves 30 minute circuit for almost a moth now and I really like it! But I have a question. The trainers say that this workout burns 500 calories and MFP says 153 calories?? I know 500 is a bit too much for 30 minutes but 153 feels too little??
  • dianeart88
    dianeart88 Posts: 1 Member
    i burn between 393 to 458 cals hope this help
  • staceybeee
    staceybeee Posts: 28 Member
    I don't know if your Curves has the curves smart card (you insert it into each machine as you go) but I found this really stepped up my workout. It measures your range and reps and when you get stronger it changes for a better workout. I find when I forget my card and just do it regularly I don't get quite the same workout.

    Use your boards between the machines to step up your heart rate, do Jillian (if they have it there) or find some exercises online that you can do for those 30 seconds instead of just running in place.

    I have been going 4x per week and that mixed with a decent calorie deficit I was seeing really good weight and inch loss.

    I have also noticed that Curves seems to say I have burnt a huge amount of calories and MFP is quite low. I stick with what MFP says. This way I am eating back the exercise calories but not overestimating. So far so good!

    Good LUCK!!
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member, that is so 15 years ago.

    Hey, any exercise is good. It depends on what you want. I hope you are not paying a lot for that.