Type 1 Diabetes and Losing Weight



  • i've been T1 for about 9 years now, diagnosed when I was 22.

    I've been training solidly for the past few months and loosing weight slowly but steadily. I think it's just the balance of adjusting your insulin intake with your exercise levels. It can be frustrating, but don't be afraid to tinker with your insulin doses, you will be surprised how much less insulin you can use when training hard. When I first started running I found I was getting a lot of hypo's, even though testing regularly & snacking constantly. I just had to lower my dose on the days I knew I was going to train hard.

    While the weight lose is slow, the plus side of feeling fit and on top of your sugar levels (plus using less insulin) is defiantly worth the hard work. I started off running 3 times a week, for about 30min at a time. The difference that made to my everyday well being was enormous.
  • Insulin Pump and weight gain.
    I have been a T1 for over 42 years and have been on a insulin pump since 1995. What has occurred is a steady climb in my weight (about 90 pounds). Due to the length of time, I one of the systems that I have is high blood pressure. I am on multiple meds for this and one is a calcium channel blocker (Amlodipine). The Amlodipine, I believe, has accelerated my weight gain and having the ability to have a insulin dose whenever I eat (shots would inhibit this tendency) Do you folks have any thoughts on loosing weight?
  • Hi - been a t1 for 15 years & diagnosed as an
    Adult. Started the OmniPod wireless pump 4 yrs
    ago. I never wanted the pump because of the
    tubing and hassle... I LOVE this pump! Shower,
    Swim & pay no attention to it! The meter/personal
    device even tracks any insulin on board & automatically
    adjusts your bolus amount accordingly. Slight weight
    gain but due to age/slower metabolism :( Activity/exercise
    is key. Glad to find the group -
  • I am a type 1 diabetic and have had diabetes for 10 years now. I'm on the Animas ping insulin pump and love it. The most frustrating part of having diabetes and trying to lose weight is having to manage more frequent lows, which means having to intake more calories to fix the lows. I have spoken to my health care team and doing my best to lower my temp basal, but still have to cure the lows from time to time. Just thought I'd share one of my frustrations.
  • I'm a type 1 diabetic too and I'm desperately trying to lose weight! Any tips? :)
  • I am also a type one diabetic and have steadily put on weight since my diagnosis (3.5 years ago at age 25).

    I have found that eating small meals six times a day is the way to go. It avoids the lows and helps keep things SOOOO much more level than before. I frequently felt like a roller coaster. It was awful. Eating every 2-2 1/2 hours ensures your checking your BS two hours after you eat and preventing the lows.

    Has anyone else adopted an eating style like this? Know any good 250 calorie meals? I haven't been to active on this site, but I need to lose quite a bit of weight before trying for a baby...fingers crossed. I am really digging the six meals a day...more work and planning, but the sugars are much more even.
  • Hi everyone
    Diabetic for 14 years, and have recently increased long term insulin by almost double! Much better contra, but gained a decent amount of weight. Feel like crying :( any advice greatly appreciated...x
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I have had type 1 diabetes for 18 years, have also had type 2 for about 13 years (i.e. double diabetes). I also have metabolic syndrome and Hashimoto's disease. I've found it impossible to lose weight. I did recently have an updated thyroid test and found that I need to increase medication. That should help, but I've had the same trouble with good thyroid numbers.

    What troubles me is that nearly all weight loss plans for the last 80 years have been based on the idea of calorie deficits. While calorie deficits are a little different, the ultimate problem is that eating less than expending on a carb/glucose basis will only result in lows (after treating the low, there is no more deficit).

    It looks like some have had success with Symlin. I've tried that in the past, but discontinued due to side effects. I do use Apidra in a pump. Besides Symlin, is there anything else that any of you with type 1 have found successful to lose weight?
  • G'day from me :)

    I am another type 1 who is struggling with weight loss - tried WW/SW/low carb and now trying calorie counting.. it's so damn hard.

    My A1c is 9.2 at the moment and have extensive retinopathy.

    Would love some T1 friends x
  • Hey guys, im a 16 year old, determined to lose weight. i have had diatetes since i was 7 years old. i am currently about 72 kilos with my height being 165cm. the last few years i have tried everything i can to lose weight. i find myself hardly eating anything and still packing on the kilos. i eat a healthy diet and if anything, i would find myself not eating enough. im always up early to exercise, i do a 30 minute walk before school every morning and i run when i come home from school and i do this every single day, even weekends. it is physically draining me and i find myself not enjoying it as much as i used to, it has become something "I MUST" do. so exercise doesnt seem to be the issue and either does what im eating. so what could it be? anyone got any ideas? i take split doses of novorapid and levemir. the doeses in the morning are quite high and of a night time they are fairly low, so when you add it all up it seems to be reasonably even. any advice and help would be greatly appreciated.
  • BetesBitch
    BetesBitch Posts: 234 Member
    Hey guys, im a 16 year old, determined to lose weight. i have had diatetes since i was 7 years old. i am currently about 72 kilos with my height being 165cm. the last few years i have tried everything i can to lose weight. i find myself hardly eating anything and still packing on the kilos. i eat a healthy diet and if anything, i would find myself not eating enough. im always up early to exercise, i do a 30 minute walk before school every morning and i run when i come home from school and i do this every single day, even weekends. it is physically draining me and i find myself not enjoying it as much as i used to, it has become something "I MUST" do. so exercise doesnt seem to be the issue and either does what im eating. so what could it be? anyone got any ideas? i take split doses of novorapid and levemir. the doeses in the morning are quite high and of a night time they are fairly low, so when you add it all up it seems to be reasonably even. any advice and help would be greatly appreciated.
    Get your thyroid checked cause if your barely eating anything then YOU DO lose weight. Except if maybe you have hypothyroid and it's not treated.
  • BetesBitch
    BetesBitch Posts: 234 Member
    I would like to know if any T1 diabetics have lost weight while blood sugars are on a roller coaster ride most of the week then other days are fine. My diabetes is so much touchy if I do as much as sneeze, my blood sugar goes up. Anyways, I've been doing all the right things for weightloss as in eating healthy in moderation each day and exercising consistantly throughout the week something like this (JillianMichaels 30DS twice a week, badminton once a week, elliptical 3 times a week) Im a stay at home mom for the winter with my 2-year-old. I should be losing weight as I diligently starting doing this on Jan 27/14 because i was sick of being stuck at 15lbs over my prepreg weight. I've given myself until May 1st before i step on the scale.
  • Hey everyone, i'm a fellow type 1, have been for about 6 years now & i've dramatically put weight on since my diagnosis. I go to the gym regularly and eat extremely healthy but nothing seems to be budging. Luckily i've stopped putting weight on but that's about all i've managed to do.
    I've been eating less calories and tracking it on the my fitness pal app & it's saying that now i'm not eating enough calories and am putting my body in 'starvation mode' but i definitely eat enough. Could anyone tell me how many calories they usually eat a day on this app and whether they've had any weight loss from this? i'm really struggling! :( x
  • cmrs321
    cmrs321 Posts: 2
    Hi all,

    I've been Type 1 for 35 years, only struggling with weight in the last couple of years.

    This may not apply to you, but since menopause hit last year I've also had what I thought were hypos that turned out not to be. I finally figured out that hot flashes and hypos sometimes feel identical, especially in the middle of the night. It's been a trial dealing with it, but the CGM has been a huge help.
  • Hi I never knew there was so many type 1 diabetics on here!
    I've used the programme on my phone for a while now and never knew you could talk to people
    I've only recently started controlling my diabetes as I carb count now and I've nearly died a few times over the past couple of years
    Due to diabetes not being controlled properly.

    I was diagnosed when I was 5 I have had it 16 years!
    I quit smoking and started the gym and cycling :) and feeling better than ever!
    I would still like help I've lost a stone in 8 weeks
    I do struggle to loose weight like a '' normal '' person does it's so frustrating

    I am hoping finding people like me will
    Help me and keep me motivated :)
  • Hi everyone.
    I'm 21 and was diagnosed with type1 diabetes just over 11 years ago now. My main struggle is weight loss. I've tried hard and am doing continuous exercise but nothing seems to work for me. If anyone would have any tips/advice that'd be great. :)
  • asjenkins
    asjenkins Posts: 2
    I have had T1 for 20 years. I'm so over it I could scream. I am 41 years old and using a pump. The older I get the more weight i gain and I cannot seem to stop it! I am even a FITNESS TRAINER!. I workout 6 -7 days a week, mixing it up with Kickboxing and Functional intensity training. I have gotten rid of gluten in my diet, most dairy, and NOW i decided to go completely bread and grain free. My blood sugars are, as of this week, better than ever b/c of it. I was an 8.2 A1C at my last appt and I had to make a change. I have so much scar tissue built up from pumping that the Doc thought that may be the reason.... well it wasn't. I was eating way too many carbs. I am now using MFP to track carbs and fat and protein. i am eating as clean as I can. I am eating under 70-80 carbs a day and only in fruit and veggie carbs. I have increased healthy fats. In a NORMAL person.. this should make them lose weight. But for ME... as usual.... it's not working. Sooooo... what's a T1 to do??? I have the BS under control.. so what;s up with the weight? I am now taking half the insulin I was last week due to the lowering of the carbs... so what gives?
    Feel free to add me.. I need some support and help, too! Suggestions from any professionals?
  • asjenkins
    asjenkins Posts: 2
    OHHH i am having that too! I'm not in menopause yet but the hormone fluctuations due to some polyps on my uterus and estrogen surges wake me UP at night with sweats and heart racing! I think i have to be low! But i'm not. Drives me up the wall. I used to not have to check.... i would just roll over, eat some glucose tablets, or drink a juice box, and go back to sleep. Not any more... Now I have to check...boooooooo!
  • Hello All,

    I am also a T1 diabetic and finding it really hard o lose weight. I am on a pump and find it hard to adjust my settings and find I undo all my hard work by having a hypo :)

    I have managed to lose just over a stone but still have a stone and a half to lose and this has taken me around 7 months so tough going.

    How does everyone else manage - do you find by reducing food intake you have more hypos? what do you use to treat it? Is there anything other than checking your blood every 2min :)

    Thanks for all your help xx
  • meechster20001
    meechster20001 Posts: 76 Member

    Another type 1 here, diagnosed just before my 1st birthday many years ago. I've been on myfitnesspal a few years and never really done anything serious about it but after a really rough ride with my diabetes and piling on a stone (14 pounds) in about two weeks (because every low is followed by a sugar binge) I'm getting serious with it! I'm tracking my sugars and everything with the MySugr app, which I love, I'm on my doctor's case to get a referral to a diabetic specialist to have a look at my insulin regime, see a dietician and all the other stuff that I should be getting. Only two more weeks to wait!

    My diet has been far from perfect even since my wake up call but inside my targets largely and I'm exercising. Little by little and I'm going to get there, trying to stay focused and on track is always my problem as I expect instant results and always disappointed that this is a long game...

    Michelle x