Les Mills Combat and program intensity

joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
I was just wondering what everyone thought of the intensity of the program?

I graduated Insanity, and then this week graduated Asylum Vol 1.

Anyone else find this workout to be good, but not really as intense as everyone seems to make it? I just finished the Combat 60 dvd, and while it's a good workout, I'm kind of left feeling like I didn't get a "great" workout.

I get the calorie burn, and my HR stays in a good zone and I'm keeping up with everyone on the video with no modifications, so I'm happy about that, and I don't feel like I'm gong to die afterwards....but I don't know....just something about it seems.....off? I don't know if that's the right word. Just feels more like recovery workouts.

I'm going to keep it instead of getting my money back with the 60 day return policy and couple this program with running.....maybe I just miss the "omg Shaun T you S.O.B, you are not human" feeling?


  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    I did Combat straight out of Insanity as well and yes, ANYTHING after Insanity or the sequels seem like a piece of cake compared. I don't think there's anything else out there like Insanity so any workout has an unfair advantage when they have to follow up with Shaun T and his insane group of friends! Combat has since become one of my favourite workouts but you really can't compare it!
  • Malachai76
    Malachai76 Posts: 128
    yeah agreed its not as intense IMO i've completed insanity twice, t25, body beast i started les mills after those i liked the live 60 ultimate warrior one but got bored doing it all the time as the other workouts weren't doing it for me. Currently doing TapOut XT thats pretty intense up there with insanity but in a different way not so much jumping about. T25 has been my favourite workout so far
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    awesome, thanks everyone! I'm enjoying it, just was kind of underwhelmed LOL
  • caronmmitchell
    caronmmitchell Posts: 2 Member
    There's a HUGE difference between the DVD classes of Les Mills and the real in-person gym versions. In the gym, its a great, high intensity workout (plus most instructors switch up the moves every few classes, keeping your body guessing). At home, its...meh.
  • larsfromars
    larsfromars Posts: 88 Member
    I'm coming off a round of P90x3 Mass, and Now I'm a month into Body Combat Ultimate Warrior. For me I don't feel
    as pushed because Combat doesn't make my body as sore on a daily bases as Mass did. However, I am using it
    to cut some weight off ...and the weight is indeed coming off.
    I do find Body Combat to be fun...and changing things up, has been a blast.
  • lisajtubs
    lisajtubs Posts: 62
    I have also done insanity and am currently doing the body combat. I would say that body combat is more fun, but that it is not as intense as insanity. I have been doing martial arts and boxing for about 14 years now - i really put everything into the punches and kicks but I tend to feel just invigourated after the workout rather than exhausted. I am not following the program anymore, i am just picking my favourites DVD's from each set and doing them whenever i feel like it.
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    I was just wondering what everyone thought of the intensity of the program?

    Any program you do is as intense as you make it. You could do Insanity and go through the motions and half assing all the exercises. Or you can push yourself so hard during the warmup it feels like your heart is going to explode before you even stretch. Its totally up to each individual how hard and intense you want to be.

    Les Mills Combat is no different.

    Even the comment about the DVDs vs the Classes. Its completely subjective. She feels a bit more pumped in that environment, surrounded by others. Maybe she feels a different energy level and this in turn makes her want to step it up a notch and really go for it!

    If you are doing the program and cant get into it, then maybe its something that doesnt seem as fun, interesting, or motivating? I know its definitely less of an impact on the body than Insanity (even though its mostly cardio with HIIT pieces in it) but again, its as intense as you make it.

    Maybe I am drinking the Travis Stoetzel Kool-Aid but Train Aggressive and Always go H.A.M.
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    I go as hard as I can go, but it's definitely not as fun as Insanity or Asylum (did I just say those were fun?).

    My HR doesn't get anywhere near what it does with Insanity even pushing H.A.M

    I do replace the Warrior Upper Body with Asylum Vol 2 Upper Elite (holy hell that's tough).

    I am starting week 4 in Combat Ultimate Schedule on Sunday....I'm going to drop back to the regular though. I want to focus on my running since a Marathon is coming in September and I want to use the rest day mid week for an interval run.
  • SFDonovan
    SFDonovan Posts: 72 Member
    I've been doing BodyPump for 8 weeks now and have lost 13 lbs. I'm 52 years-old and currently 306 lbs. My worry is doing Body Combat which I consider high impact with a lot of quick movements, will adversely affect my knees. They are OK now, but are not in the best shape. I experience little pain at the bottom of my squat routines. Doing bottom-halves during Pump are killer, and many times I have to step out of the exercise. My shoulder joint are another item of concern. A skiing accident year ago left me with a certain amount of discomfort in my left shoulder. What I don't want to do is take on something my knees or joints are not ready for.
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    Combat is pretty low impact.

    The best way to do Combat if you're worried about impact is to not do the jump kicks or knees and to do the kicks low until you have a good stable foundation leaning on one leg.