Just started Insanity. HELP!!

I only have 10 more pounds to lose, and I just started Insanity today. I've gotten into good enough shape where Jillian Michaels 30 day shred ( level 1) is pretty much a warm up for me. I've run multiple races and done the hell out of Turbo Fire. I do all kind of burpees, power jumps, crazy plyo workouts etc...I did the Insanity fit test today and HOLY CRAP. I was freaking dizzy and nauseated for an hour afterwards. I seriously thought I was in good shape :( Made me SOOO sad!! FML.

Is anyone else doing it, or planning on it? I could seriously use some buddies, or some support. I REALLY want to do it. I've been waiting over a year to get near my goal and fitter to start. People, JOIN ME PLEASE!!!!


  • sheltol
    sheltol Posts: 120 Member
    I've done multiple rounds of insanity. Your body will adjust crazy fast if you just stick with it and keep at it. It's very leg heavy so you have to make sure you eat well and recover well. Getting through the 60 days is a huge accomplishment so earn that shirt. Message me if you have questions.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    I have done a couple of rounds of insanity and t25, plus a hybrid combining p90x and Insanity. Make sure you are eating enough, start at your pace for now, and build into it. You will get there.
  • member666
    member666 Posts: 1
    I've just srated insanity for the second time, did it a year ago to get into shape for pre season training. I agree its very leg heavy, I work to my heart rate as you can pace it and improve your fitness each time then. Its worth it though. Best cardio workout ever!.
  • teresamurphy81
    It's just muscle confusion. Stick with it. You'll be insane in no time! :)
  • Butrovich
    Butrovich Posts: 410 Member
    I finished Insanity a year ago and agree the initial Fit Test can make you feel out of shape. However, if you stick to the nutrition plan and workout schedule, you will see tremendous improvements in 60 days. Have faith.
  • onefitsurvivor
    onefitsurvivor Posts: 108 Member
    I LOVE Insanity! T25 and 21 Day Fix are also my favorites! Stick with it...it's painful but you'll be overjoyed with the results!
  • CarrieLincoln
    Wow! Yes, sounds like you are in great shape! May need to keep hydrated. Drink water about 1/2 hr prior to the Insanity workouts. They push you to your limits and are sooo much fun especially if you are competitive with yourself which makes you naturally push harder! Drink sips of water through out the workout. I know he says to drink plenty; however, through my experience too much drinking during the workout can make you feel sick. The key is hydrating before with plenty of time to digest. Hope this helps. Keep me posted on how this works for you!

    Side note: I am a Certified Insanity Instructor and if there is anything I can help with, please don't hesitate to ask.

    Dig Deep! =) Carrie
  • tl_dr
    tl_dr Posts: 96
    I've gotten into good enough shape where Jillian Michaels 30 day shred ( level 1) is pretty much a warm up for me.

    you're a true beast... :o
  • onefitsurvivor
    onefitsurvivor Posts: 108 Member
    I LOVE Insanity and Beachbody! So much that I decided to be a COACH last month. Stick with it...it gets easier! I lead Challenge Groups every month so feel free to send me a MESSAGE if you're interested in joining. It's all done online at your convenience. I CANNOT wait until the new Piyo comes out!! SO STINKIN' EXCITED!