Inch Loss but minimal weight Loss

Hi All, I am very overweight @ 114kg and eight weeks ago I decided to join the gym and get a PT, I see her 3 times per week and do 2 classes per week, my overall fitness has improved dramatically and I feel so much more energised and happy in myself.

I have lost 5" from my waist and 5" from my hips in that time (those were the only places we measured) but only 5.5kg in weight.

I eat net around 1800 cals per day.

My question really is should I decrease my calories to increase the weight loss, or should I keep doing the same and ignore the scales as I am obviously getting smaller.

On previous diets I have not exercised but lost considerably more weight in the same time period.


  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    12lbs in 2 months is really not that bad... that's 1.5lbs a week. I wouldn't be upset with that in the least. Slow and steady is the best way to lose, that way your body has time to adjust itself and you're not left with a ton of sagging skin, and you're not as likely to gain it back. Just make sure you keep your protein amounts up so you're losing fat and not muscle.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Fabulous job!!!! You're weight lose is steady and, more importantly, healthy and sustainable. That's awesome!

    And scales are notorious liars. Keep taking measurements and start taking progress pictures. Those are real indicators, not a random number that's more than likely different on every scale you step on.
  • Pusarah
    Pusarah Posts: 124 Member
    I think you're doing great, I found for awhile I was in the same boat with the inches instead of pounds and since I started I am down 4 pant sizes. Very happy and I will take it...the weight loss kicks in week to week but the inches keep going and its a sign of success. You should be really happy with the inches loss! You're doing great :)
  • momiji166
    momiji166 Posts: 32
    my trainer says that a lb of muscle takes less space that a lb of fat and that is why there is not any dramatic weight loss but good inch loss, I just can't get my head round the figure on the scales, we only weigh fortnightly and I'm fine with that, I think I need to browse the boards some more and re educate myself lol.