Exercise Tips?

Hey guys,
Im looking for any good exercise tips :)
I'm currently a college student, and I can't afford to go to the gym :( Also, where I live I can't really go running outside. Sometimes I go up the mountain and go on hiking trails, but its really far from my house and its difficult to go up every day.
i mostly workout in my basement with DVD's but its getting really boring doing the same thing over and over. Im also running out of room.

Can anyone make me a suggestion for a good, fun workout that will help me to lose weight? Keep in mind I only have 2 5lb hand weights at home and a resistance band.

Any tips would be awesome :) ox


  • jesspl13
    jesspl13 Posts: 1
    Hey I feel your pain, I'm at college too and have little time and money too :(

    What I try and do is walk around campus as much as possible (I don't know what your campus is like but ours is pretty big). Also if you live around some areas with hills, walking up the hills or doing lunges up the hills reaaalllyy gets those butt and thigh muscles going haha also just walking with weights is really good as well.

    As for the basement, maybe give the DVD's a break, I downloaded these two iPhone apps called Butt Workout, Belly Workout and 7 Minutes (which is a workout for when you have no time). They're all really good because you can adjust the difficulty and time lengths and they also have videos and instructions showing you how to do the workouts properly :D
    Also there are a heap of exercises you can do without equipment like situps, push ups, donkey kicks and squats etc
    Also music makes it more fun and if you youtupe pot pilates, it's really fun to do and actually really helps with losing weight!

    Goodluck girl xx
  • Catlady87
    Catlady87 Posts: 302 Member
    There's a YouTube channel called something along the lines of dorm room exercise. Something with dorm room in the title. Check that out
  • KelliA0628
    KelliA0628 Posts: 44 Member
    YouTube. As a Zumba instructor I'm on there allll the time looking for new routines and have come across SEVERAL fitness channels!! Dance Fitness with Jessica is AMAZING!! She's got a ton of great stuff!
  • mmoonstars
    mmoonstars Posts: 103 Member
    Have you checked the local city/county library? Maybe pull some DVD's from there to spice it up from the ones you own? I also hear fitnessblender is good
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    There are a TON of exercises you can do without much or any equipment at all. Try googling some youtube videos from Kaia Fit or Crossfit, etc.

    Here's a short list of things you can do in varying combinations:

    Sit-ups (traditional crunches, V-ups, cobbler crunches, weighted sit-ups, Russian twists/kayakers)
    Planks (traditional, right or left side, rainbow planks, plank jacks, mountain climbers)
    Push-ups (standard military, tricep push-ups, plank push-ups, diamond push-ups, downward dog push-ups, shoulder tap push-ups)
    Lunges (walking, standing, reverse, jumping, weighted, kayaking lunges)
    Hip raises (weighted or non)
    Chest press
    Tricep dips (standard, single legged, weighted)
    Bicep curls
    Squats (regular, jumping squats, weighted squats, wall squats, oblique squats, squat press)
    Sprints outside with recoveries in between
    Running man
    High knees
    Broad jumps

    I'll add more if I think of more, but here's some off the top of my head.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    youtube and facebook have a TON of exercise options.

    Zuzka Light
    Melissa Bender
    Adrian Bryant
    Fitness Blender
  • Does your college not have a gym? All 3 of the colleges I have been to (2 for undergraduate and now my graduate school) have gyms and the gym fee is included in the tuition.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    There's a plethora of free exercise programs on youtube, ivillage, etc.

    Just understand that exercise is for fitness and health. Calorie deficit is for weightloss.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
  • Krishna_Veni
    Krishna_Veni Posts: 173 Member
  • abrand2014
    abrand2014 Posts: 24 Member
    Hey I feel your pain, I'm at college too and have little time and money too :(

    What I try and do is walk around campus as much as possible (I don't know what your campus is like but ours is pretty big). Also if you live around some areas with hills, walking up the hills or doing lunges up the hills reaaalllyy gets those butt and thigh muscles going haha also just walking with weights is really good as well.

    As for the basement, maybe give the DVD's a break, I downloaded these two iPhone apps called Butt Workout, Belly Workout and 7 Minutes (which is a workout for when you have no time). They're all really good because you can adjust the difficulty and time lengths and they also have videos and instructions showing you how to do the workouts properly :D
    Also there are a heap of exercises you can do without equipment like situps, push ups, donkey kicks and squats etc
    Also music makes it more fun and if you youtupe pot pilates, it's really fun to do and actually really helps with losing weight!

    Goodluck girl xx

    Thanks for this!! My campus isn't too big, but most of my classes are on the upper level so I do take the stairs. And the iPhones apps- I had just downloaded 7 Minutes before MFP. I love it too :)
  • abrand2014
    abrand2014 Posts: 24 Member
    Does your college not have a gym? All 3 of the colleges I have been to (2 for undergraduate and now my graduate school) have gyms and the gym fee is included in the tuition.

    Yes we have a gym, But its really crappy. You have nearly a hundred students trying to get in and theres 5 treadmills, 3 bikes, 2 ellipticals, 2 stair masters, and then 1 of each weight machines, plus only a few free weights. I go sometimes, but I don't feel its really worth it.
  • abrand2014
    abrand2014 Posts: 24 Member
    As for everyone else's post- thanks guys! Deffinately going to search all those up on youtube :)
  • soxobsessed
    soxobsessed Posts: 130 Member
  • ykomar
    ykomar Posts: 19
    I love Jessica Smith...she has a lot of great workouts on youtube.
  • abrand2014
    abrand2014 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks Guys- also, do you go by any meal plans or do you stick to making whatever you feel that day? If you do use a meal plan, can you suggest which ones to go by?