Ready to give up today!



  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Step Awaaaayyyyy from the scale. haha. But seriously, step away from the scale.
  • tanya7768
    tanya7768 Posts: 28 Member
    Step Awaaaayyyyy from the scale. haha. But seriously, step away from the scale.

    At this point I want to chuck it out the window. lol
  • wifeymou1112
    wifeymou1112 Posts: 129 Member
    Give up the damn scale!!
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Do you weigh your food?

    I do

    Ok. So what kind of pizza do you get that is 135 calories per slice? Were those slices weighed (assuming you baked pizza yourself)? What is Bologna- beef 1 serving 1 slice? Lettuce - 1 cup? Homemade meatball sub - did you enter this recipe or did you select it from the database?
  • Factory_Reset
    Factory_Reset Posts: 1,651 Member
    So give up

    You're in charge of you OP. Nobody here can make you want it. It's up to you to weigh your food, log it, exercise in some form, and give it time. 3 weeks is not that long.

    Good luck OP :flowerforyou:
  • tanya7768
    tanya7768 Posts: 28 Member
    Do you weigh your food?

    I do

    Ok. So what kind of pizza do you get that is 135 calories per slice? Were those slices weighed (assuming you baked pizza yourself)? What is Bologna- beef 1 serving 1 slice? Lettuce - 1 cup? Homemade meatball sub - did you enter this recipe or did you select it from the database?

    It was a cheap frozen kind of pizza lol. And yes a lot I just search through the data base. Bologna is a lunch meat.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Your logging is sporadic at best. Focus on being more accurate and logging everything every day.

    Second, I really wouldn't recommend eating below 1200 calories. With 47 pounds to lose, you could likely eat more than that and still lose weight (but only with accurate and consistent logging).

    Once you start logging regularly, you have GOT to increase your protein numbers. I don't see how you aren't hungry all the time eating at or below 1200 calories and only getting in 40 grams of protein.
  • tanya7768
    tanya7768 Posts: 28 Member
    Your logging is sporadic at best. Focus on being more accurate and logging everything every day.

    Second, I really wouldn't recommend eating below 1200 calories. With 47 pounds to lose, you could likely eat more than that and still lose weight (but only with accurate and consistent logging).

    Once you start logging regularly, you have GOT to increase your protein numbers. I don't see how you aren't hungry all the time eating at or below 1200 calories and only getting in 40 grams of protein.

    That's the thing I'm not really hungry all the time. I'm afraid to eat over that. I agree with the protein.
  • dmeyers1969
    dmeyers1969 Posts: 130 Member
    i reviewed your food diary and noticed the following:
    1. your calorie goal is 1200 and I am no DR. but that seems low
    2. Even if that is your target calorie goal per MFP or some othe method, several days in the past week you were under, some days by 400+ - that is no good
    3. You are not tracking every day so how can you give yourself a fair assessment of whether you are doing what you need to do to lose the weight

    Set realistic goals
    Track your food every day and if you do that and then add in exercise - you will see results. That is what I did and it worked
    Don't do that and honestly, you are not giving yourself a fair shot at hitting your goals

    Sorry if this seems harsh asked :)
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Do you weigh your food?

    I do

    Ok. So what kind of pizza do you get that is 135 calories per slice? Were those slices weighed (assuming you baked pizza yourself)? What is Bologna- beef 1 serving 1 slice? Lettuce - 1 cup? Homemade meatball sub - did you enter this recipe or did you select it from the database?

    It was a cheap frozen kind of pizza lol. And yes a lot I just search through the data base. Bologna is a lunch meat.

    Ok, you're not getting my point so I'll be blunt. You're NOT weighing your food. WTF does "one slice" even mean? Did it weigh 50 grams? 100 grams? If you're not accurate in your logging, then you can't complain about gaining weight because you don't even know for sure how much you're eating.
  • BillRicks1
    BillRicks1 Posts: 473 Member
    OK - there are 4 numbers you need to watch (listed in order of importance)
    1) WATER - 1/2 your current weight in ounces. If you are 150lbs. then 75 ounces of water a day.
    2) Protein - You'll need to figure your daily protein requirement. If you can't find a protein calculator, message me.
    3) BMR - Basil Metabolic Rate - This is the number of calories you burn daily, at rest.
    4) TDEE - Total Daily Energy Expenditure. What you actually burn.
  • wampahoofus
    wampahoofus Posts: 38 Member
    I have gained weight for two reasons even when my calorie consumption has been down:
    - Salty food. After eating a salty meal, I can gain a pound or two from water retention.
    - Constipation - Waste material can build up over a day or two

    I have heard other have had problems with MFP over-estimating calorie burn for various exercises. I would avoid eating back more than half of your exercise.

    Also, take a look at your diary and see if there are any places where you may be underestimating the calorie content of a food item or two.

    Weight increases are very frustrating and we have all had them. Stick to the plan and the scale will come back into line soon enough!
  • tanya7768
    tanya7768 Posts: 28 Member
    Do you weigh your food?

    I do

    Ok. So what kind of pizza do you get that is 135 calories per slice? Were those slices weighed (assuming you baked pizza yourself)? What is Bologna- beef 1 serving 1 slice? Lettuce - 1 cup? Homemade meatball sub - did you enter this recipe or did you select it from the database?

    It was a cheap frozen kind of pizza lol. And yes a lot I just search through the data base. Bologna is a lunch meat.

    Ok, you're not getting my point so I'll be blunt. You're NOT weighing your food. WTF does "one slice" even mean? Did it weigh 50 grams? 100 grams? If you're not accurate in your logging, then you can't complain about gaining weight because you don't even know for sure how much you're eating.

    I see your point, I mostly weigh things I'm unsure of , like meats and cheese, some things I just search through the data base. I'm new to the weighing food thing. Just bought my food scale last week.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Do you weigh your food?

    I do

    Ok. So what kind of pizza do you get that is 135 calories per slice? Were those slices weighed (assuming you baked pizza yourself)? What is Bologna- beef 1 serving 1 slice? Lettuce - 1 cup? Homemade meatball sub - did you enter this recipe or did you select it from the database?

    It was a cheap frozen kind of pizza lol. And yes a lot I just search through the data base. Bologna is a lunch meat.

    Ok, you're not getting my point so I'll be blunt. You're NOT weighing your food. WTF does "one slice" even mean? Did it weigh 50 grams? 100 grams? If you're not accurate in your logging, then you can't complain about gaining weight because you don't even know for sure how much you're eating.

    I see your point, I mostly weigh things I'm unsure of , like meats and cheese, some things I just search through the data base. I'm new to the weighing food thing. Just bought my food scale last week.

    Ok, all things need to be weighed. If it's a liquid, then those get measured. Try weighing and logging everything for two weeks, and see what your weight does then. I think you'll be surprised at the true serving size of some things you're eating.
  • CoffeeBugg
    CoffeeBugg Posts: 75 Member
    Your logging is sporadic but you do state "It feels like my mid section went down", so I would not be surprised if you have actually lost a bit of bodyfat weight and are just seeing a normal day to day fluctuation on the scale due to water weight or something along those lines. I weigh myself every morning at the same time, and there are days where I weigh 3-4lbs more than I did the previous morning despite the fact that overall I have been steadily losing about 2 pounds a week since January. Unless you continue gaining weight, don't worry about it. Some days the scale just decides to be a jerkface.
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member

    Have a look at this thread before you go freaking out further.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Giving up will definitely make you reach your weight loss goals.

    Said no one, ever.


    Step 1: Weigh food, log it accurately
    Step 2: ???
    Step 3: Profit.
  • tanya7768
    tanya7768 Posts: 28 Member
    Do you weigh your food?

    I do

    ok ty. I will start dong this and see. fingers crossed.

    Ok. So what kind of pizza do you get that is 135 calories per slice? Were those slices weighed (assuming you baked pizza yourself)? What is Bologna- beef 1 serving 1 slice? Lettuce - 1 cup? Homemade meatball sub - did you enter this recipe or did you select it from the database?

    It was a cheap frozen kind of pizza lol. And yes a lot I just search through the data base. Bologna is a lunch meat.

    Ok, you're not getting my point so I'll be blunt. You're NOT weighing your food. WTF does "one slice" even mean? Did it weigh 50 grams? 100 grams? If you're not accurate in your logging, then you can't complain about gaining weight because you don't even know for sure how much you're eating.

    I see your point, I mostly weigh things I'm unsure of , like meats and cheese, some things I just search through the data base. I'm new to the weighing food thing. Just bought my food scale last week.

    Ok, all things need to be weighed. If it's a liquid, then those get measured. Try weighing and logging everything for two weeks, and see what your weight does then. I think you'll be surprised at the true serving size of some things you're eating.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Keep up the hard work and remember to measure, weigh and record everything properly. Look for the trends over a longer course of time vs just one day or week. Don't give up++++++++