When I exercise I dont lose weight HELP!!

I have been working hard and haven't lost a pound yet. I was not going to exercise this week to see what happens again but I feel guilty cause I actually enjoy it. I started out weighing 178 and now 166. But the only way I got to this point is when I did not exercise for a week. HELP!!!!!!!

Hello im new to this so not sure if I'm commenting in the right area. But it seems as if I do not lose weight when I exercise. When im not exercising I drop up to 6 lbs in a week. I have been dieting for over 2 months and I started with Weight Watchers but found you guess and it still has been the same result. Im currently doing 30 day slimdown by Jillian Michaels. And 2 to 3 times a week I do Hip Hop Abs. Before that I was doing treadmill. Please help. My diary is open to ALL suggestions. I also read I could be doing the wrong workouts that are too intense cause my HR to climb out of the fat burning mode for weight loss please respond.


  • MaggieLoo79
    MaggieLoo79 Posts: 288 Member
    Are you logging your food? I ask because I tend to eat more - without even noticing - when I'm working out hard. Just a thought. :smile:
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    All depends on lots of things! When you exercise your body holds onto water to repair the muscles after a good workout!

    But if you are eating healthy & exercising, you SHOULD lose weight.

    Work out your BMR & TDEE, Eat below your TDEE and you should lose
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Two things.

    Working hard is an opinionated statement.

    Exercise does not equal weight loss. Calorie deficit = weight loss.
  • rodduz
    rodduz Posts: 251 Member
    Had a little look at your diary and (not to be harsh) but your diet is pretty lame. It's all carbs, next to no protein and barely any fat!

    Even so, in a calorie deficit you should be losing weight. It was only a few days ago that your target calories was changed to 1200, before that it was 1500.

    Stick to 1200 for a few weeks, change your diet. Eat much more protein and less carbs. Carbs that you do eat, make them vegetables.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    exercise can cause water retention that masks weight loss.

    But that being said if you are not losing weight you are not in a deficet. Do you use a kitchen scale to weigh all solids? measure all liquids and use correct entries?

    As well it doesn't matter what you eat it is all about how much of it ...so the PP is wrong.
  • cherylrb00
    cherylrb00 Posts: 14 Member
    You r not being harsh just giving me your opinion thx. This is all new to me. I have never had a problem with weight but had my 4th child 6 months ago which is a 10 year gap from my other 3 children and it has been difficult. Is there a way you can give me an example with one of my meals. Also not sure why it says 1500 at first. I think its because I was trying to figure app out. Also I put im sedentary because I have a desk job. But I work out 5 to 6 days a week. And if its a difficult week I would say no less than 3 to 4 times. Would I need to change this to moderate?
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    You r not being harsh just giving me your opinion thx. This is all new to me. I have never had a problem with weight but had my 4th child 6 months ago which is a 10 year gap from my other 3 children and it has been difficult. Is there a way you can give me an example with one of my meals. Also not sure why it says 1500 at first. I think its because I was trying to figure app out. Also I put im sedentary because I have a desk job. But I work out 5 to 6 days a week. And if its a difficult week I would say no less than 3 to 4 times. Would I need to change this to moderate?

    It's fine to keep your activity level at sedentary as long as you're logging your exercise and eating back at least a portion of the extra calories you earn. Or you can switch your activity level to active and not have to worry about logging your exercise. Either way should work fine.

    If you haven't come across them yet, I always recommend starting with these three links:
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Make sure you're using a food scale and logging food based on weight.

    Looking thru your diary I am suspect of the 1 oz tilapia filet. 1 oz of tilapia would not be very much. The filets that come pre-packaged/frozen are usually 3-4 oz each. (Love those!) Also if you're using any butter, oil in cooking: log that.

    Monday, did you have just a part (1/3 perhaps?) of a banana w/ breakfast? If it was a whole banana, 37.5g/38calories is way too low. With the bread, ham for lunch: weigh these also. Even though a label may have information per slice there is no guarantee that all slices weigh the same.

    Other than that, just aim for accuracy. Make sure you're eating enough & logging everything. And you may need to give it more time. I'm not sure if you indicated how long you've been eating reduced calories.
  • melissa_tn
    melissa_tn Posts: 37
    it is not the popular answer on here, but I agree with the PP who said your diet could use some adjustments. It's not very well balanced. For instance, you are very high in carbs and sugar and very low in protein and fats. For me personally (notice I'm not saying it is the same for all), being in my 30's and having a baby in my 30's, my weight loss is very different and harder than it was in my 20's. I retain fluid like crazy and have to keep my sodium low and can't not eat a lot of sugary treats and manage to lose weight. If you can wrap your brain around the TDEE/BMR everyone talks about, you can get a better idea of how to balance out the carbs/protein/fat. Also, as long as you are logging your food correctly you can make adjustments as you go and ultimately find the balance that works for you as an individual. Good luck!