exercises to lose ladies apron



  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Unfortunately you can't spot reduce fat, you need to reduce your overall fat percentage.

    For me, eating at a moderate deficit and lifting heavy has helped tremendously. I now have a crease along my lower stomach but nothing compared to what it was.

    still a work in progress!
  • emmabakercooke
    After two emergancy C-sections and a VBAC I have a HUGE what my Dr calls a Fat Apron.
    He has said that the skin is so stretched that it will never go back and it will require surgery to remove it, but the chances of getting it done on the NHS are tiny :(
    So I guess I'll have to learn to live with it.
    It really upsets me though.
  • kathyhinsh
    kathyhinsh Posts: 3
    Well I have read all your comments, & I hope that I will be able to reduce my 'apron' (as well as everything else!) as I have to fit into a dress for my sister in law's wedding in July..... Am already on 1200 calories a day, have lost 2 stone, still need to loose another 1.5 stone ideally before the wedding...........
  • silvercanoe
    silvercanoe Posts: 95 Member
    Bump for reference
  • Rowan813
    Rowan813 Posts: 170 Member
    You can reduce it by lowering your overall body fat. You can strengthen your abs, which will help.

    But the only... only... thing that will eliminate that "apron" is surgery. It's excess skin that will never fully tighten without an abdominoplasty, aka a tummy tuck.

    $10,000, give or take.

    This is totaly true. Once the skin has been stretched to a certain point there is no going back no matter how much fat you lose without surgery.
  • kenyainez
    kenyainez Posts: 222 Member
    LOL. I call mine a "Spare Tire". I cannot stand it and it has always been a trouble spot. The only thing I can think to do that'll help get rid of that is what would get rid of all fat on the body, eating clean, drinking water, and great workouts with cardio and strength training with ab and leg routines included. Just keep pushing, it'll go away eventually.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    Fat loss and making sure that the muscles underneath are tight for after the fat loss. If it's skin then a wait and see approach or surgery are the main fixes. I do know that if you have had kids, there is a separation of muscle in the lower abs. After my daughter's were born and I lost all the weight at the bottom of my flat stomach was a small little pooch of skin, most couldn't see it but before kids I always had a perfect belly so I noticed it. My doctor told me during pregnancy the lower ab muscles separate to accommodate the pregnancy, the only way to get rid of this line was either...get the muscles stitched back together, time, and reverse crunches (still time, it takes years for some to tighten enough to close the gap) or live with it. This is the same area many moms wind up with the apron, due to the gap in the muscles...this area can be saggier and look worse even with fat lose because of the lack of tension and support for the area.

    Boy do I wish my biggest body issue was a little line only I could see at certain angles...I thought it was such an issue, I would kill for the body I had then .