Question about my BMR

So i checked and mine is 1883 so what should i be eating to lose i still have 94 more lbs to lose ive been on a 1400 clorie diet but have been stalling here and there i am 30 years old 5ft 6 in and 244 lbs


  • timkirkland34
    timkirkland34 Posts: 1 Member
    Not sure what your macro's look like but I wouldn't drop calories any more. 1400 is already probably too low. Up protein intake and lower carb intake and do a 15-20 min more exercise every workout session.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    With BMR of 1885 and sedentary lifestyle you burn 2262 per day approximately. Not sure if you're sedentary, of course, Its just a # to start with. Eating around 1800 would give you a 500 deficit to start with, and more from any extra activity or exercise you do.
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    So i checked and mine is 1883 so what should i be eating to lose i still have 94 more lbs to lose ive been on a 1400 clorie diet but have been stalling here and there i am 30 years old 5ft 6 in and 244 lbs

    I suggest you go here and put in your numbers.

    Its really close to what you have. 1846 BMR - 2216 TDEE. I suggest going to the site because it will also help you with macro break down to ensure you get the proper amount of protein, carbs and fat for your goals.

    As you continue to lose weight you will have to keep recalculating and adjusting.
  • scottsgirl4lyfe2004
    scottsgirl4lyfe2004 Posts: 36 Member
    Thank You everyone
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    Be more accurate and honest with your food diary. If you were indeed getting 1400 cals a day, you would be losing weight. Measure everything and be aware of serving sizes!
  • scottsgirl4lyfe2004
    scottsgirl4lyfe2004 Posts: 36 Member
    um i am accurate and honest with my food i measure everything out hense why as you can see i usually dont get 1400 calories even eating 3 meals and some snacks and ive tried upping my calories and i still dont lose weight i am losing weight just slower and i stall alot
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I'm not trying to be mean, but you're not accurately logging. If you were truly eating at 1400 calories for a longer period of time (more than a couple of weeks) you would definitely see some weight loss. If you're talking only a week or so, well, you may not see weight loss every week and that's OK and expected.

    Measuring your food is not accurate unless it's a liquid. You need to weigh everything else. You will be shocked when you do that at how inaccurate the measuring cups make you.
  • maryetamfp
    maryetamfp Posts: 70 Member
    Just having a quick look at your diary, I would also suggest that you are eating more than what you think. Most of the things appear to be measured by "cups" and this is not really accurate (would my cup be the same size as yours?). I would suggest weighing everything with a food scale to get accurate quantities.

    Also, I have not seen any "oils" or cooking sprays logged in at all and these are things that can add a lot up (especially oil, for example!!), do yo use any of these when cooking?

    In any case, best luck with your journey, I'm sure you will get the hint or what the problem is eventually and you will continue dropping :)
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Also, I have not seen any "oils" or cooking sprays logged in at all and these are things that can add a lot up (especially oil, for example!!), do yo use any of these when cooking?

    Lots of people don't use oil when cooking. Non stick pans have made that pretty optional :-)
  • maryetamfp
    maryetamfp Posts: 70 Member
    I don't use oil at all myself but have to use fry light sprays most of the time because with certain foods and even in non-sticky pans, they will stick or burn.