Newbie trying to become healthy

Hi everyone! My name is Mer. I'm 29 years old. I think my goals might seem a little different from some people's, but I'm hoping to get and provide some support on here regardless. I actually don't have much weight to lose (or really at all), but instead am focusing on being healthy. Currently, I eat a ton of junk food, drink (alcohol) every day, and don't exercise. I am trying to make steps to get out of an unhealthy relationship where we are extremely bad influences on each other. I don't plan on cutting out alcohol entirely (hey, the summer is coming up!!), but I do NOT need to be having it every day, regardless of whether my bf is. That is a slippery slope that I do not want to go down. Sorry for the overshare, but I have realized just how unhealthy my lifestyle really is, and I want to make some changes.

Soooo that's where MFP comes in. I'm going to use it to track my food to make sure I'm getting the nutrients I need, not overeating, and I also think it will help me cut back on the booze (didn't realize how many calories are in a glass of wine!!!). I also signed up at a gym, and they did an assessment on me. Although I am slim (5'9, 140), my body fat percentage was that of an obese person! I have virtually no muscle mass from being so sedentary. So my goal is more to lose more like 10 lbs of fat than 10 lbs total. I want to put on some muscle, so I guess I'll have to see how that goes weight-wise. Ideally I'd like to weigh 130 but be really strong, but I'm pretty new to everything, so may need to make adjustments along the way.

Hoping to get support in eating healthy, working out, and hopefully having a healthy frame of mind, as I've never done this before. Also, because I am already fairly slim, most people say things to me like, "THAT's what you look like eating junk and not exercising?! Why would you start, then!?" I understand that attitude because I also used to feel that way, but now I've realized that being healthy is far more important than just being slim! Anyway, I think a lot of people don't really understand that I'm trying to make a big lifestyle change and that it will be difficult for me as well, even though I don't have the intimidation of losing a huge amount of weight.

Wow... sorry that turned into a crazy rant!! Apparently I should keep a journal or something. Looking for friends who are also making a huge change in eating and exercising!! promise my next posts won't be so ridiculous :P
