Hello all!

I'm NEW! I've been meaning to join this site since October when my work started a Biggest Loser challenge that ends this month (why they would do that RIGHT before 4 'food' holidays I don't know), but kept putting it off.

Now I am on board and ready to do it! I just need some motivation to get me started I think.

I have 2 kids, one 3 year old, one six month old. And I need to lose a lot of weight. :(

Hi all!


  • flossicle
    Hi and welcome...this is a great place to start your weight loss journey! Best of British luck for the trip!
  • Startingover71
    Hi there and welcome!

    I just signed up on Sunday and found it very motivating here, everyone is really friendly and supportive.

    I have a lot of weight to lose also, feel free to friend me!

  • sweetsexy43
    sweetsexy43 Posts: 99 Member
    Welcome..im new at this to...you will thoroughly enjoy the site..the folks are soooo supportive and nice. Im enjoying it..and its really keeping me motivated. Good Luck!
  • melissa1977
    melissa1977 Posts: 129 Member
    Welcome to MFP!! It's pretty awesome here, everyone is really fantastic and supportive. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like! :) Good luck!
  • MrsHunterFellows
    MrsHunterFellows Posts: 20 Member
    heyyyy, if its at the end of this month then you really haven't got alot of time to do anything major :-/... add an extra 30 minutes a day to ur exercise and you should see results... good luck
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    if you need a friend, go ahead and friend me. There are so many great people on here. Advice, encouragement and recipes. I just started last week as well, other sites ive tried the people arent nice, theres no exercise and food plans, and theres not really any things food wise in there, like I had to find the closest things possible, and this is just so awesome here. Congrats on the babies, I have a 2 year old that has endless energy(if i had his energy id probably weigh 100 pounds and cant figure out why he weighs anything, aha) so that works:) Take it slow and coming here is a great step.
  • penguinfan03
    penguinfan03 Posts: 32 Member
    We're already buddies, but hi again, and welcome!! I'm really excited to have another like-minded person in a similar life situation to tackle this with!!!!!
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    Oh I am not participating in my work's weight loss challenge, just to clarify! That's just the reason I know about this site---they suggested it.

    This has been a long time coming though, so I'm ready!