Calling all night shift workers!

nerdfitquest Posts: 167 Member
Working the night shift can be hard in the first place, but I think it is even harder when trying to track our calories and stay active.

I would love to add anyone in a similar boat and hopefully other night shifters can find some supportive friends in this thread. So if you work the graveyard shift or maybe this is just your normal MFP viewing time ( Looking at you people from the UK :D )drop your name below and add me!

Also if you have any words of wisdom for counting calories as a night shift worker let us know!


  • Smirnoff65
    Smirnoff65 Posts: 1,060 Member
    In all honesty I find it easy enough to keep a track of my calories, I work 12 hour night shifts 3 one week and 4 the next, I get up around 4pm and usually would have a breakfast of toast and banana, my first tea break in work is at 21:30 and I consider this my lunchtime, I would usually have something like a mushroom and bacon omelette that I had made at home heated up in the microwave along with some sliced tomato. My lunch break would be at 1am and this would be when I have my main meal which would usually be a chicken curry and rice that I would have made a large batch off and frozen and are ideal for heating up in the microwave. My 2nd tea break is at 5am and I usually have low fat yoghurt and some fresh fruit. I head to the gym when I finish work at 7am and usually work out till about 08:30, quick 10 mins in the sauna, shower then home to bed. Works really well for me.
  • Smirnoff65
    Smirnoff65 Posts: 1,060 Member
    I ought to say my day for adding in my calories starts when I get up in the evening to have my breakfast and ends the next day when I go to bed. On the mornings when I have had a work out at the gym I always sleep really well them days.
  • steve0820
    steve0820 Posts: 510 Member
    Fellow night shift worker here as well!! :drinker:

    I log from the time I wake up (9pm) until I go to bed the next day (3pm). Most of my workouts are done right after work, 7am-7h30 ish or after the kids get dropped off at school. The Key I found is trying to keep a routine. If possible, even on weekends.

    Currently started a cut this week, from bulking the last 4 months.

    Feel free to add me.
  • nerdfitquest
    nerdfitquest Posts: 167 Member
    Wow that is some really good advice Smirnoff65 ( and some good food ideas for me to steal haha ) Do either of you ever have problems with the way MFP tracks for us at night?
  • steve0820
    steve0820 Posts: 510 Member
    Wow that is some really good advice Smirnoff65 ( and some good food ideas for me to steal haha ) Do either of you ever have problems with the way MFP tracks for us at night?

    I personally log in regards to my sleep patterns during the week. So, my week begins Sunday night @ 22h30, I wake up at 9pm. Whatever food I start consuming from 9pm, up until I go to bed the next day (3pm). ALL gets logged under Monday's stats and not split into Sunday/Monday.
  • Smirnoff65
    Smirnoff65 Posts: 1,060 Member
    That's the way I do it too, also on my first day off when I have came off nightshift that morning I'm inclined to have a drink and/or a cheat night Chinese takeaway, It helps me to keep within my calorie target to do it on that day because I would be coming home from work, going to the gym and burning up about 600 cals, go home and go to bed and get up at about my normal time of about 4pm, don't bother with either breakfast or lunch on this day as I would usually have my take away meal around 6-7pm, then a feed of Smirnoff and maybe a bottle of wine or two later that evening usually I am very close to my calorie target. really look forward to this evening all week and so does my wife and I think it helps to have that treat to look forward too. As I say it has worked really well for me having lost 76lbs in 19 weeks
  • Roaringgael
    Roaringgael Posts: 339 Member
    I work 10 hour permanent night shifts.
    I'm not a big night time eater ie I don't get hungry during the night. I'll eat something though if I get hungry.
    I'm flexible.
    I eat a breakfast style meal towards the end of my shift (around 0600hrs) because I swim after work.
    I have a meal when I get up in the afternoon, sometime a snack, if hungry a bigger meal.
    I eat my largest meal for tea (dinner, supper) and have another snack before work.
    I record my food in lots ie 0500-0800, 0800-1200, 1200-1600, Tea and snack.
    My days off fit into those times as well.
    There is a night shift forum here - its a lot of people from america.
    I'm Australian so I'm online when you guys are asleep.
  • I also work third shift. I log my food I eat at work as lunch. The food I eat after work as breakfast and when I wake up is dinner. I also break my exercise up. I do a quick 20-30 minute exercise like walk the dog before I go to bed and than I do another 30 minute exercise after I eat dinner usually something while I watch tv. I try to keep everything normal so I don't confuse myself on days off and when I have to rotate shifts
  • Dragonborn79
    Dragonborn79 Posts: 161
    I'm a night person. My boyfriend is a musician so we wake up and go to sleep on a completely different schedule than most. I would like to get some friends on here, so add me if you want. (OP and anyone else, really. I'll just delete you if you get on my nerves.)

    My boyfriend was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes in November. We completely changed our diet. He's lost 80 pounds in 6 months...I've been less lucky though I'm even more strict on my diet and I'm exercising! Sucks, but I'm hoping something will click soon. Either way, I feel better and I don't feel like I'm "on a diet", I just eat different food now. We're pretty good about our eating habits, but we afford an occasional Cheat Night. I feel bad (physically and emotionally) after each one though, so those might cease soon. I'm still recovering from last night's pizza guilt.

    I'm 35 and also a bit of a nerd. I love your profile by the way. I would be a lot better at losing weight if I could level up. If Bethesda and Wizards of the Coast got together and made a weight loss program I would be fit (and possibly save the world) in no time. They need to get on that. Tapping into that market would be wise as most of their fans could benefit.

    It's 2am here and he just got home. Dinner time.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Been working nightshift for 4 going on 5 years and all of my weight loss has occured while working on the nightshift.
    The most important thing I found is sleep. I make it my #1 thing above all else. I plan my workouts and eating habits around my sleep schedule. I found if my sleeping patterns are erratic, then I'd be constantly tired, over eat in a effort to help stay awake, thus going over my calorie allowance and didn't bother going to workout at the gym because I was too tired.

    Typical work day/night for me:

    Go to bed around 3-4pm
    Wake up at 10:30pm and go to work
    11pm-7am at work. When it's not busy I will take 10 min walk breaks through out the night.
    Eat my first meal between 4-6AM
    Get off work and hit the gym 9AM-11AM the start and stop time varies depending on what I have planned.
    Noon-2pm Eat 2nd meal.
  • steve0820
    steve0820 Posts: 510 Member
    That's the way I do it too, also on my first day off when I have came off nightshift that morning I'm inclined to have a drink and/or a cheat night Chinese takeaway, It helps me to keep within my calorie target to do it on that day because I would be coming home from work, going to the gym and burning up about 600 cals, go home and go to bed and get up at about my normal time of about 4pm, don't bother with either breakfast or lunch on this day as I would usually have my take away meal around 6-7pm, then a feed of Smirnoff and maybe a bottle of wine or two later that evening usually I am very close to my calorie target. really look forward to this evening all week and so does my wife and I think it helps to have that treat to look forward too. As I say it has worked really well for me having lost 76lbs in 19 weeks

    Congrats on the weight loss! 76lbs in 19 weeks, that's amazing!
  • Trukngrl
    Trukngrl Posts: 106 Member
    Yay for 3rd shift. Perma-graveyarder here. I have had success changing up my food log to list it in 4hr increments, ie: 0000-0400, 0400-0800...ect. That allows me to track my food in the proper window of time, and helps with my days off when I adjust to daylight hours. I also get PLENTY of sleep, I love sleep, I can probably outsleep anyone I know. I try to make getting moving a priority, I take breaks at work and go for a brisk walk - tracked with my fitbit and After work I head to the gym or to the walking trail and then go home shower and sleep. My standard work day is 2300-0700, however we get mandated for overtime w/o notice, so my 8 hour shift can promptly turn into a 12hr shift. Due to the ever changing schedule I always make sure to have healthy snacks that are shelf stable with me - almonds, protein bars(Quest bars) so as not to be tempted by the constant orders for take away or the barage of vending machine food calling my name. I tend to wake up between 1500/2000 depending on how late I got to bed that morning, I also have my largest meal w/my family at night before work, so I snack as the night progresses. Worst drawbacks for me are a desk job, and sometimes desiring sleep more so than working out. Control your mind and you can control your body!

    Here's to 3rd shift and dropping some late night weight.
  • JEDDIE89
    JEDDIE89 Posts: 17
    I worked 3rd shift (9:30 pm - 8:30 am, Monday - Thursday/Friday morning) for 3 years. I live 45 minutes from work, so I wouldn't get home until 9:15 am or so, then would have trouble falling asleep (sometimes not falling asleep until noon). I had to be up everyday by 4:30 pm so that I could get my son from daycare, then I would do things with him, like go to the park or swim or whatever, until I had to leave for work at 8:30 pm. On a good day, I got 5 hours of sleep - I was always cranky and constantly tired, but I was very active at work and because I was the only person running quite a few machines at the same time, I simply didn't have the time to eat during my shift. I would usually have a pretty big breakfast, then a moderate amount for dinner, but I didn't really eat any other time. Funny thing is, we're so slow at work now that I have been moved to 1st shift (8 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday), and I have gained almost 10 pounds in 2 months. I'm not as active at work now, but I do a lot more exercise with my son and I also have been eating more healthy (more fruits and veggies & taking herbs like turmeric, cayenne, olive oil, and oil of oregano) and trying to increase my fluid intake (I'm hardly every thirsty, so this has been difficult). I get more sleep now than I ever have and I don't have to switch my schedule on the weekends anymore, so I should be doing better health-wise, right? I will be moved back to 3rd shift in September, so I fear I am on a never ending cycle of confusing my body. :(
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,508 Member
    I'm going back on night shift starting this week. Then, I have vacay scheduled in June. Can't wait!!

    I'm planning on 11-7 shift, workout from 8-9 am or so, then cook and clean around the house, then sleep from 1-8 pm. We'll see if the family and I can adjust to this.
  • dekadai
    dekadai Posts: 47 Member
    I've been working 2nd shift (1230-11pm) for 2 years now and it sucks. I do most of my exercise in the morning and do an added 30 minutes when I get home. I prep my food on sunday which also helps. I did gain 15lbs after I started working this shift, but It's gotten better.
  • otherling
    otherling Posts: 1 Member
    I have just started the night shift a few weeks ago. Its a 6 week trial so will have a choice at the end of it.
    I work 11 hour shifts x 4/5 days a week. I live 40 mins from work. I was thinking about joining a gym as previously on the 8am-9pm shift I couldn't. I go to bed at 9.15am until around 4/5pm. I am very active at work cleaning and I find the flexibility of nightshift suits me so far in response to counting calories. I struggle with is what counts as breakfast etc. Maybe routine is the key. I am in awe of those who finish work and work out. I am so tired I struggle to stay awake on the bus.
    Does the work out wake you up a bit ? Do you sleep better after a work out.
    Although my job is very active I find I only lose weight when I go to the gym regularly so it's something I personally need to make time for if I want to be healthy.
  • catb58
    catb58 Posts: 239 Member
    I work a month of day shift, a month of night shift....complete 12 hour switch. Last night was my first night getting diet and exercise logged into MFP. My workout was before midnight, but my meals didn't end until about 3am, so I just logged all that on Wednesday's info. Hopefully, that was how it should be done. Guess I'll find out as the month goes along! :ohwell:

    I'm happy to add any other night shifters as friends!
  • catb58
    catb58 Posts: 239 Member
    And workout time tonight is 1:15am (actually Friday morning). That will be added to Thursday's exercise log.
  • lenac87
    lenac87 Posts: 383 Member
    I work 2-3 12 hour night shifts per week 7pm-7:30am, I have just gotten back to night shift about 3 weeks ago after being on days for 4 months so I'm still trying to re-adjust. Right now I have my diary set up hourly 12-6, 6-12, 12-6, 6-12 because I thought it would be less confusing when I go back to a "normal person's" schedule on my days off :)
  • mcubed33
    mcubed33 Posts: 1 Member
    I know this thread is a little dated but I was you leave your settings on MFP to the normal 12am to 1159pm for a day?

    Since I was up at 5pm and my shift starts at 7pm then I have changed my FitBit to act as though Noon is actually 12am for me so it shows me getting up at 5am since my days are set to begin in the evening.

    Does anyone do this or am I just making it harder to track?

    I guess I just felt like I was getting cheated out of time but now that I think about it, it is the same thing. I sleep 6 hours no matter if it is day or night. you leave your MFP set the same or change to reflect your night shift as your days...
