I need help desperetly and need advice!?

Question 1.
Do you guys find trying to lose weight and be healthy expensive? as a college students working i find that my small checks go straight to gym and buying high quality food to help me lose weight and its killing me financially, i barely ever have money for myself and its bad enough my family doesnt care and laughs at healthy food and throws out the "Ive been eating this brand for 50 years and im still here!" well ya but your either overweight or have a **** load of health issues -_-

2. I feel like i wanna give it? I am 5'6 and 140lbs but alot of people think i look 120lbs because i have a very skinny waist and athletic thighs and naturally big butt, for some reason i feel like 140lb is bad, i think because 2 years ago after i quit my sport of 7 years i was 134lbs but then i just wanted to relax and eat when i wanted till i went to the doctors and they told me i was 140lb and that i was borderline obese and if i didnt lose weight then it would be hard for me to have kids?!? then they diagnosed me with PCOS. But anyway i just feel like a failure when at 140LBs an i lost the weight and went back to 134 but idk 2 years later im back at 140 but i look and feel fine! everythings normal for the most part and my waist is still very very small to the point sometimes my bones almost sticks out :-/ i think the fat is in my thighs and butt so im trying to tone that but idk whats wrong with me, i just feel fat for some reason. Im back to working out 2-3 times a week for an hour and im eating better ( not fully healthy but im getting on track) and drinking alot more water and have cut sodas out of diet and ive been eating 1500 calories everyday for 4 weeks and im still around 140lb!!!! whats wrong with me? am i sane? do i have a disorder?


  • spicegeek
    spicegeek Posts: 325 Member
    at 5ft 6 and 140 lb you are well within normal weight range you are not even close to "overweight" on the BMI chart ( for all that piece of crap is worth ) let alone obese

    If you do not have a disorder you are dangerously close
  • jillian_fan2425
    jillian_fan2425 Posts: 167 Member
    140 pounds is in the normal range for your height, as another poster stated. 140 is my GW and I'm also 5'6".

    If you are a college student, isn't there a gym on campus you can use for free? Besides, you don't have to pay for a gym or use a gym at all to get in shape. These boards are chock full of ideas for how to work out without the use of a gym.

    Can you switch to generic brands for some of the food you're buying? Get frozen instead of fresh? There are lots of ways to cut corners and still eat a decently healthy diet. Again, search for some ideas on these boards.

    Sounds like you've made a lot of changes in the past 4 weeks. Give your body some time to adjust to it all before you panic.
  • phelan999
    phelan999 Posts: 37 Member
    At 5' 7", obesity starts at 191. Overweight starts at 160. Even adjusting for you being an inch shorter than me, you are not even close. Please don't stress about the 7 pounds.
  • sugaryglam
    sugaryglam Posts: 3
    Thankyou soomuch guys I feel a lot better, I swear to god my doctor is the one that put this in my mind anyway and I'm just scared of not being able to have kids and I go to community college and we have a very small fitness room that even the football team complains about cause it's so small :-/ but I work out 2-3 times aweek a my local beach and I didn't know 140 was normal either for me I've just been 134 or around that rAnge for so long even my mom gets worried and pressures me to lose wieght when she sees I'm 140 also -_- not only that I went to one of those smoothie protien places ( Herbalife)and they made it sound like all I do is lay on my bed and watch TV and they said my fat content was alil higher than normal and idk I it's all in my head I no but sometimes I just wanna be skinny and normal , no curves or nothing , I'm just not fully comfortable in myself