Lifting Runners..... HELP need some advise!!!



  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    I lift and run both.

    S: lift
    M: run
    T: lift
    W: run
    T: lift
    F: run
    S: rest

    Sometimes I skip a run and only run twice a week.

    ETA: By run, I mean jog. :)
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I always lift every other day (got my own setup, including while contracting away in a motorhome as I am now!)

    While on a deficit I was typically running 2 or 3 times a week most weeks, some weeks I ran every day (averaged 9k a day over 11 days when I had a friend's dog as well as my own to look after.)

    I found that running on the same day as lifting actually seemed to produce better results.

    I would aim fo0r lifting first, but was surprised to find that even when I ran 11 miles at midday or so, my lifts weren't too bad that evening - while lifting the day after a run seemed to impair the lifting performance a bit more.

    Now that I'm moving to a surplus for some muscle gain, I'm toning down the cardio a bit - and with said working away, there's not a running club so locally either.

    My lifting is a slightly modified starting strength (chucked in dips and pull ups to help rock climbing and thus made it a three day program rather than two).

    Incidentally, I did umm and ahh about whether to try and focus on weights or cardio while in a deficit - eventaully came to the conclusion I'd sacrifice some muscle for cardio - as the muscle can be fairly quickly regained at the end but gains will be limited while at a deficit - so might as well improve cardio, which can decently improce while at a deficit.

    To conclude - try different things and see what works best with you.
  • nzwermann
    nzwermann Posts: 4
    I believe you can lift heavy and run too. I would never say stop running because I know how it make you fill and center yourself.

    Now you might not get huge results because cardio burns up more engery than straight lifting. One is your heart rate stay up high while running compared to a weight lifter. I have been reading a lot on, which it has some good idea and advice. You just have to set your goals and do what you think is working for you. I lift during my lunch break and do 30min of cardio in the evening with my wife. So far I have seen great results and only been do it a week.

    Running will help have better blood supplies to your muscles, but you wont make a body like the Rock with tons of cardio or running. You just have to set your goals and what you have in mind to be. Like myself I am a big and like being big. All I care to do it lift weights and lift HEAVY, do about 30-60min of cardio a day, eat better. and cut some of my gut off. If I could be healthy and look like Dewayne(The Rock)Johnson or Brock Lesnar I would be happy...
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    Wow, awesome ideas here I can go on!

    My main goal is to shed FAT, to maintain as much LBM as I can as I still drop weight. I'm only 5'3 so being 180 lbs is still a lot. I really don't care about the actual scale weight, more so how I look, inches, BF%. I don't run to eat more to or run for a calorie deficit. I'm following TDEE -15% and IIFYM eating mostly whole foods.

    I'm loving the idea that I may be able to do both!!!!

    If 5x5 might be to aggressive, what other programs do you recommend?
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    How about 3x5? :)

    Something like a 5/3/1 might be a bit less stress - but, whatever, you can't expect to get any consistent long term gains.
    I had actually initially started intending to go for 1lb/week, but ended up at 2lb/week as my BMR/TDEE is a fair bit higher than most calculators would put it at.
    I'm glad that I did, as it goes - the 20 weeks I lost weight, I did lose a bit of strength (some of that from doing a trail ultramarathon) but I'm confident that by 40 weeks I'll be a good bit stronger than if I'd lost at 1lb/week for 40 weeks.

    I'm definitely the skinniest/lowest fat I've ever been - including when I was about 10-14lb lighter a bit over a year ago.
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    I started crossfit about 16 months ago.. and adding running back in 5 months ago. RIght now I am training for a half marathon. My schedule seems to work for me pretty well.

    CROSSFIT (Cardio/lifting - mixed workouts) - Monday night, and WED/THU/FRI morning.

    RUNNING - Tuesday night (4 to 5 miles), THU & FRI after crossfit (3miles), Sunday (long run 6 - 12 miles)

    SATURDAY is my sacred REST DAY. I know my body needs it.
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    I am running between 40-50 miles per week.

    I don't have the time or inclination to mess with weights.

    If my mileage were lower, then yes, I probably would do a little weight work but that is not my objective at the moment.

    I used to be a power lifter. I have put in my time at the weight room. I was successful. It was fun. I discovered running and never looked back.

    I had a decision to make. Serious running or serious lifting. I chose running.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I lift heavy and run.

    I'm running 20ish miles a week. I run half marathons, looking at a full this fall. I'm currently down with an injury, but it had nothing to do with how much I'm doing - not an overuse injury.

    I mostly lifted in my first year of working out following 5x5. I ran here and there, but maybe 10 miles a week. Really just enough to get cardio in.

    I started increasing my miles about the same time my lifts started stalling with 5x5. I had my sights set on longer distances, so went ahead and switched to 5/3/1 so that I wasn't increasing weight every session.

    I squat 200 and deadlift 225. I'm not putting a lot of effort into increasing those lifts, I just find that every month when my 5/3/1 week rolls around the weight is pretty easy to handle. My running continues to improve as well. I suppose that I haven't hit that point yet where I have to decide between one or the other.

    I lift 3 times a week, and am trying to run about 5 times. I don't run on leg day, and I make sure that there's a couple days between leg days and my really long run so that I can recover some. So far, so good.

    I find that diet is incredibly important when you're lifting and running. You HAVE to get that protein in. You're going to be doing so much that you'll need the help in recovering. Make sure you're sleeping enough and taking complete rest days as needed.

    As I said earlier, I'm looking at a full marathon this fall. At that point, I'm not going to expect my lifts to increase much, possibly even have to deload some. I'll continue to lift though to retain LBM and to help prevent injury. I find there's a lot of opinion on this topic, but so far this is working for me.