50lb challenge- shift it before uni starts up again

lrpxo Posts: 17 Member
For me, i want to shift 50-62lbs before i go back to university in september. I want to walk into a lecture and people that i havent seen in months to go "what the.... she looks so different!" (hopefully in a good way)

So heres for any school, college/uni students... or teachers or anybody who wants this summer to be their last one as a fatty (ouch, i know!)

Add away.

lets motivate!


  • KelseyDiane91
    KelseyDiane91 Posts: 13 Member
    I graduate in August (I'm doing an internship where none of my class sees me) and I'm trying to lose 20 by then (at least) so I totally understand wanting to shock everyone. We can motivate each other!
  • lrpxo
    lrpxo Posts: 17 Member
    Amazing! Sounds good to me! x
  • booboox94
    booboox94 Posts: 15 Member
    We're already friends but I'd love to lose 15-20lbs by the time I go back for my final year at uni in September. And want to shift the full 55lbs by May next year for my end of year degree show and exhibitions!

    You can definitely do this hun! xx
  • fit4life_13
    fit4life_13 Posts: 17
    I start school again in the fall and i want to lose 50lbs by that time. I too would love to see the shocking faces of friends and fam when i go back.
    Good luck everyone!!!
  • angeljan1904
    angeljan1904 Posts: 9 Member
    I start nursing school in the Fall and desperately want to be smaller and healthier before then. I also have a military ball to attend in November. My goal is to lose 55 lbs by then. I hope we can keep each other motivated. Good luck!!
  • sugarlemonpie
    sugarlemonpie Posts: 311 Member
    I know what you mean! You can do it! I've been feeling the same way, I am planning on moving around October back to where I went to college, and want to be fit and healthy so people who haven't seen me in 2 years will be all "Wow you look so good!"

    It's possible, just takes hard work and dedication to a new lifestyle! :)