Grocery list for a constant snacker

mikaselm Posts: 32
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
Hi! I have some grocery questions fro all of you! First off, I'm flat broke. Like, 76 cents in the checking account broke, so when my honey gets paid on Monday, we'll still have to ride the budget pretty hard. Secondly, I'm one of those constantly hungry people. I've found that I can pretty easily stick to my diet if I keep snacking on tiny tiny snacks throughout the day. So I'm looking for CHEAP, low cal snacks that I can slowly munch on while at my computer or while while sitting at my desk at work. (easily my highest craving times!)

One note, Cereal's already on the list, my fav is honey bunches of oats, because I just can't get enough of that strawberry flavor! IS there any other cereal that 's healthier but still sooooo flavorful?

i've already eaten so many celeries and raw carrots taht I hope I never see another one ever!



  • gadzu
    gadzu Posts: 7
  • Potatoes are pretty cheap and they keep you full longer.
  • 2much32
    2much32 Posts: 2 Member
    I would suggest vegtables...they're usually cheap, and you can snack on them all day without gaining many calories...carrots, celery, cherry tomatos, anything like that will do the trick...avoid snacking on peanuts (all kinds)...they're really high in calories and can add up quick

    good luck!
  • Definitely popcorn. As far as the cereal goes, what about mixing in some Fiber 1 (the original kind) with the cereal that you really like? The nutrition stats for Fiber 1 are pretty amazing and I definitely prefer it mixed with other cereals or stirred into a cup of yogurt, as opposed to eating it on its own.
  • scjohnson420
    scjohnson420 Posts: 5 Member
    Fiber one chewy bars, delicious!
  • lanadee
    lanadee Posts: 14 Member
    I am not setting myself up as any type of expert, but it has been my experience I am hungry all the time when I have too many carbs/sugar. So I eat protein. Eggs are cheap. One egg can hold me for hours. What type of diet are you doing? You might want to check to see if something you are eating is giving you too much of a sugar high..then a drop. Or perhaps you are just not eating enough to satisfy you when you DO eat.

    Hope that helps!

    your friend,
  • sherilynn65
    sherilynn65 Posts: 26 Member
    i agree, popcorn. we just went shopping and i got the pop secret 100 calorie single serving packs, 10 packs in a box, and i made one last night for my snack, geez i couldnt believe first off how good it actually is, i got the butter kind, and second those little bags hold alot more than you think, there was so much in there i couldnt hardly finish it, the dog liked the leftovers lol. i do eat the small carrot sticks and i also love cutting up bell peppers and munching on those, good luck it is a hard journey but it is so worth it, keep up the good work and avoid temptation,
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Carrots, celery, radishes
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    I agree about the eggs and string cheese and an apple are great snacks as well. I, too, find that too many carbs during the day make want to continue eating, so I try to focus on protein. Of course look for the markdown meats that have to be frozen or cooked that day. What about tuna fish and yogurt? Something to round out the carbs? I don't do cereal so I can't recommend one to replace the HBO.
  • I do n't much care for the popcorn that comes in the microwavable baggies, but I LOVE the pop on the stove kind. I've put it away, though, because my habit was to drench it in butter. Anyone have suggestions for upping the taste of popcorn without using butter? Margarine or olive oil spread is a no, because it seems to MELT the popcorn in a very unappetizing way :D

    I'd love to be able to eat popcorn again! It;s one of my favs!
  • I'm fortunate enough to work for a company that provides organic fruits in the lunch/break room. I try to snag apples and bananas before they are gone.

    I try to bring the following from home for my snacking items at the desk:

    boiled egg
    tuna (from can, packed in water)
    rice cakes with hummus
    cottage cheese (lowfat)
    nonfat yogurt
    mixed nuts
    carrots, celery, broccoli with hummus or masala/lentil dip
    sugar snap peas
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    first thing i thought, popcorn, which is what im eating now. but buy the popcorn and oil for it. one of those bags has a bunch of calories sometimes. fixing it you can control the oil and the popcorn. haha. smoothies work too. i buy organic pineapples and organic strawberries(frozen) and one is 2.39 and the other is 2.99. some juice, take your pick, is 2-3 dollars. this usually last me 3 nights or so, and i dont eat them every day, every other day. also get some peanut butter and crackers.
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    to up the taste of popcorn two things work for me. lots of spices, salt, or peppers, or garlic, i know weird, but it works. also, when im not super hungry, i eat a little bit less popcorn and a bit more oil. not a lot, but enough for a bit of taste.
  • i love to pop green peas in the microwave and put a couple of fat free slice cheese on it. Then I sit in front of tv and eat one by one! with my fingers. (wash hands, lol ) a whole frozen bag lasts hours and its only a couple of bucks!!
  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    Yesterday I bought two huge grocery bags of vegetables for $ 13 and change! That includes:

    - 2 lbs carrots
    - white button mushrooms
    - 2 matsu apples
    - field cucumber
    - green pepper
    - bulb of fennel
    - 2 beets
    - 2 grapefruits
    - head of cauliflower
    - 4 tomatoes

    Any and all of these things can be combined into awesome snack foods. For instance, you could make roasted beet chips, stuffed mushrooms, salsa, baked apples, apple sauce, stuffed peppers, beet-grapefruit-fennel salad, faux sushi.... the list is endless. Vegetables are cheap- you just need to let yourself get excited about them!! :glasses:
  • Thank you all very much! I really appreciate it! Does anyone happen to know the nutritional information of those popcorn flavour slrinkles? Supposed to taste like butter or cheese or whatever?
  • For your popcorn dilemma, I like to spray mine with the parkay spray butter that is 0 cals. It doesn't make it soggy. I like to make sugar free jello/pudding (50-80 cents a box) and have 1 cup with a couple of dolops of light whipped cream for a snack. And rice cakes make filling cheap snacks also!
  • oooohhhhh, pudding... I 'm SO getting some of that! AS for the butter sprinkles, I found them with a different DB search. Turns out I can use a whole container of butter sprinkles to equal the same calories worth of real butter I usually use. Yikes! I wonder if they taste good? I hadn't t thought about the Jello option, they have a ton of fat free products, I 'll have to take a look at the store when I'm there. I 've never tries fat free jello, but when my diabetic grandfather lived with me, we used to eat sugar free jello, and I actually like it better :D
  • 33KIKI
    33KIKI Posts: 304
    just another thought for would be freezin fruit - especially grapes, apples with a protein like peanut butter that keeps me pretty full and i used to not eat peanut butter oh and sometimes cucumbers in leiu of chips especially hummus or something. Hope that helps- keep up thepositive attitude :)
  • My new light snack is the laughing cow light wedges. They come in a bunch of flavors.
    What I do is take one blue cheese wedge (35 cal) and spread it on pieces of apple, maybe with a walnut or two.
    Or, the queso cheese one smeared on strips of bell pepper.

    Each wedge is 35 calories, but it jazzes up fruit or veggies well.
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