I never get full



  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    It's just a matter of getting fed up with your weight and health enough to make a change. It sounds like you don't have enough motivation right now.
    it may be and i know why.
    after i lost weight i have some loose skin on my belly and evrytime i set my mind to lose weight i think that losing more weight will affect more my skin condtion and that is holding me back from achieving my goals.

    That's silly. Your health and weight happiness are more important than loose skin. I understand how disheartening it can be to, after all of your hard work, not have the body you thought you were going to have. You're only 19 though - start doing some exercise and it'll tighten up unless you have another condition that lead to loose skin. A friend of mine who was 30 was over 400 pounds and lost weight (got down to about 190lbs) and started doing P90X. Everything tightened up and he looks amazing! Don't let aesthetics hold you back from your goal, use it as motivation to get what you want! :)

    --If you are looking for some motivation, look at all of the mommies who battled loose skin on here alone and got extremely fit and amazingly gorgeous. You'd never know a kid grew in them! I'm sure if you start a thread in the fitness section some of the guys on here would post befores and afters too!
  • willi95
    willi95 Posts: 11 Member
    after i eat something in the morning i start to think about food evryday. i noticed that if i eat only 1 meal at dinner i can stick to my macros but that will mean not eating during the day
    What are you eating for breakfast? If you are eating cereal or carbs, you are starting a blood sugar cycle of hunger cravings every two hours. You really want to eat breakfast every morning but it should be eggs, meat, protein and fat. Try eating no carbs for breakfast and see how the rest of the day is.
    i will try a low carb diet. thanks a lot for your reply
  • willi95
    willi95 Posts: 11 Member
    It's just a matter of getting fed up with your weight and health enough to make a change. It sounds like you don't have enough motivation right now.
    it may be and i know why.
    after i lost weight i have some loose skin on my belly and evrytime i set my mind to lose weight i think that losing more weight will affect more my skin condtion and that is holding me back from achieving my goals.
    That's silly. Your health and weight happiness are more important than loose skin. I understand how disheartening it can be to, after all of your hard work, not have the body you thought you were going to have. You're only 19 though - start doing some exercise and it'll tighten up unless you have another condition that lead to loose skin. A friend of mine who was 30 was over 400 pounds and lost weight (got down to about 190lbs) and started doing P90X. Everything tightened up and he looks amazing! Don't let aesthetics hold you back from your goal, use it as motivation to get what you want! :)

    --If you are looking for some motivation, look at all of the mommies who battled loose skin on here alone and got extremely fit and amazingly gorgeous. You'd never know a kid grew in them! I'm sure if you start a thread in the fitness section some of the guys on here would post befores and afters too!
    i will do, i'll try to not let my skin condition hold me back again.. it will be hard but i' will try
    thanks a lot
  • ruthejp13
    ruthejp13 Posts: 213 Member
    edit: great! glad you are willing to try.

    I looked at your diary. Because of your previous extensive weight, you probably are insulin resistant. Try a low carb diet. Change your macros to 50% fat, 25% protein and 25% carbs or even less carbs. For breakfast, don't eat ANY carbs. I bet you won't be obsessing about food all day if you start your morning with natural protein (not a processed whey product) and fat.
  • willi95
    willi95 Posts: 11 Member
    edit: great! glad you are willing to try.

    I looked at your diary. Because of your previous extensive weight, you probably are insulin resistant. Try a low carb diet. Change your macros to 50% fat, 25% protein and 25% carbs or even less carbs. For breakfast, don't eat ANY carbs. I bet you won't be obsessing about food all day if you start your morning with natural protein (not a processed whey product) and fat.
    that's what im going to do tomorror :) thank you for your help and thanks evrybody too
  • ruthejp13
    ruthejp13 Posts: 213 Member
    One of the items I noticed in your diary was "Pane Con Olio, 183 g 553"
    I believe that is bread and butter. I hope it is REAL BUTTER or OLIVE OIL. Try chopping up some cauliflower up and mixing it with some cheese and baking or broiling it. Get it a little crusty and then pour some butter or oil on it.
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    I'll have to disagree with the dude who said it's okay to never feel full, just stick to your diet through willpower. It may work for some, but for me it would be a miserable and ultimately unsustainable way to live.

    Satiety is a very personal thing, it's hard to predict what will fill you up but if you never get full it means that what you're eating doesn't do the trick. You need to try different foods and see what works and what doesn't.

    In general, people find fiber, fat and protein to be filling, but there's really no rule. Volume can also be important. My experience has been that fat+fiber is the most filling combo for me.

    One last thing: I also get hungry after eating breakfast... so I don't. I'll have a hardboiled egg if I'm starving.
  • dashaclaire
    dashaclaire Posts: 127 Member
    Some tips

    1. Water, as everyone else says!

    2. Flavored water / seltzer water. I love fruit flavored seltzer water. 0 calories. Crystal Light - 5 calories / serving.

    3. Caffeine. If you already have caffeine, try to "save" it for when you are feeling hungry. For example, I have 4 cups of coffee or tea per day and try to save those for when I'm hungry.

    4. Gum. Chew sugar free gum. Extra bubble gum flavor is really good, or something minty. Extra in general is the best! Buy them from the Dollar Store or in bulk.

    5. "Free" food. When I am very hungry and must have food, I have literally eaten a bowl of plain lettuce, lightly salted spinach, or plain celery. Make sure if you salt it, it's very light salt, and only eat low calorie foods outside of your calorie limits. Plain or steamed broccoli is really good for this. Don't add sauce or oil. No butter for the broccoli, no peanut butter for the celery, etc.

    6. Tweak your meals. I get very hungry if I use too many calories for breakfast because I get much hungrier in the afternoon and early evening.

    7. Small amount of protein. For example, one ounce of grilled chicken from your fridge.

    8. 100 calories snack packs. These are really fun to make! Try fruit, trail mix, popcorn, rice crackers, cheese, anything as long as it adds up to only 100 calories and you MUST limit to one. I even have a couple of "naughty" snack packs with chips or cookies.

    9. Do something, anything, to distract yourself. Go window shopping. Do the dishes. Play a video game. Do some jumping jacks. Whatever it is, bring the focus away from food.

    10. Have a routine. Routine meal times, routine amount of calories, routine snacks. If you get hungry outside of these, that's when you use the other strategies I mentioned.

    This is great advice! The sugar free mint gum has been saving me lately!
  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    I really believe in stomach's "shrinking" when we restrict food volume. It's probably not any kind of actual shrinkage but just resetting the full trigger back from when we are in the habit of overeating.
    The first week of any calorie deficit diet can be difficult, but once that first week is done, if you don't have any binges, even on low calorie high bulk foods, the appetite suppression signals in your brain will begin to heal and work better. That's why I feel its important to not have a weekly " cheat" day where you eat all that you want.
  • willi95
    willi95 Posts: 11 Member
    I really believe in stomach's "shrinking" when we restrict food volume. It's probably not any kind of actual shrinkage but just resetting the full trigger back from when we are in the habit of overeating.
    The first week of any calorie deficit diet can be difficult, but once that first week is done, if you don't have any binges, even on low calorie high bulk foods, the appetite suppression signals in your brain will begin to heal and work better. That's why I feel its important to not have a weekly " cheat" day where you eat all that you want.
    nice advice too, thank you
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I have to laugh at some of the responses here. If you are not full you are NOT satisfied. Can you stop yourself ...yes. However, this is why you see people loosing 100 pounds then gaining it all back. You can't live your life this way...or you are constantly denying yourself. Which leads to binges... Which leads to yo-yo weight (at best).

    I went through this all (and still go through it) after loosing 100 pounds. It is a constant struggle.

    I have realized a few things... A calorie is NOT a calorie. Certain foods I eat trigger me. They are NOT unhealthy foods but when I eat them. I have bad cravings...so I have another. Then when 2-3 do not satisfy me I can go on a full out binge. I do not carry bad foods in my house any more...but eat lots of "good foods" may not quite add up to eatting candy bars and ice cream but they add up fast too.

    One example...I have learned from trial and error. Bran Cereal really sets me off. Sure it is healthy. Sure it has lots of fiber. It is pretty darn low cal too... Depending 60-80 cal a serving plus non-sweetened almond milk. Thing is...it just sets me off. Not every time. Not every 3 times...but it has happened enough that I realize now that cereal in general is a trigger for me. Steel-Cut oatmeal, fiber cereal...other kinds of cereal too / carb filled breakfasts.

    I went through about 9 months of eating litterally 4-8 cups of veggies a day. Every day. Threw on some spice and some meals that would be all I ate. I could NOT get full. You would think after sitting and eatting in one meal four cups of veggies, 4 oz - 8 oz of lean meat (Fish, chicken etc) and a 1/4 cup of brown rice or similar... I would be full...nope. I could stay enough..I could stop myself...but I was still HUNGRY.

    I have discovered that egg whites...they fill me up. I lean on them heavily now..as I am still trying to adjust and figures out what works for me. I eat them 2-3 meals a day. When I get really hungry I can eat 3 plain omeletts for dinner. Those are 3 egg omeletts. But ya know what...I am full after and they were only about 100 calories x 3. It also keeps me full for a long time.

    I do know (trial and error) that I crave carbs badly. Not eatting enough of them will also set me up to binge. Protein bars (the good kinds) give me enough carbs so that I don't go on binge mode.

    I KNOW I am not the only one but I do feel like I am a freak sometimes. How can people eat only 1/4 of a blueberry muffin and just not eat the rest? It is NOT just will power. They seem to be wired different from me.

    This is been a two and half year journey now...and I still struggle every day. I do NOT give up though. That is the difference between now and previously in my life. I get back on the band wagon and try again the next day. I am in a period of slow weight gain right now...it is driving me nuts.

    I am back to a very strict diet with written exercises minimums... I refuse to gain back the weight. Anyway...my two cents. I hope it helps.
    I love this post. While I think a calorie is a calorie when it comes to actual weight loss, it is not when I eat trigger foods because those calories start to build up! There are certain foods I don't have in my house, such as cookies, cakes, candy, because I don't trust my own self control with those. However, there are now foods I do have in the house that I could not have before--mainly chips and nuts. I just weigh the portion out when I want some and put the rest away.

    As for feeling hungry all the time on weekends-sounsds like boredom to me. Get out and do something. Busy yourself. Your diary seems to reflect what I would consider bingeing, which is usually not about the food but something else. Really, since you don't feel this way at school, it could be pure boredom.
  • sarahsue001
    sarahsue001 Posts: 14 Member
    I have periods that this happens to me. No matter what I do, I just feel hungry.
    First, I count my calories before eating. Sure, I still sometimes eat so much that the calories are higher than the little bar graph on MFP even has. But it makes me accountable.
    The weekend thing is also rough for me. I try to bike ride or do any physical activity before I eat lunch. Though if I really work out hard it just makes me hungrier, so I do not do intense work outs on weekends.
    High protein helps me, also sometimes a big, salty snack.
    Water does not. I can drink so much water it actually makes me sick and still be hungry.
    Since you are in college (though underage) I might assume some of the calories come from alcohol. Shift beer from New Belgium is lower calorie and not as girly as some of the others. That being said, it is really hard to drink a lot and lose.
    I try to drink more coffee, tea.
    I also make meal plans, but I am cooking. If you are eating college cafeteria food, get the weekly menu and plan what you are going to have all week. If you eat out, plan again what you are going to eat before you get there. If you find yourself snacking at home, stop buying so much snack food. Keep an appropriate amount on hand for one or two days and just shop more.
    Most of all, I have to remind myself, that I am not going to die. I am not going to starve. Sometimes I really believe that I am though...
    It's really hard.
  • Willi, may I ask why or how you don't feel full after a meal? Was this caused by over-eating or do you suffer from a medical condition or something?
  • branbuds
    branbuds Posts: 624 Member
    I have to laugh at some of the responses here. If you are not full you are NOT satisfied. Can you stop yourself ...yes. However, this is why you see people loosing 100 pounds then gaining it all back. You can't live your life this way...or you are constantly denying yourself. Which leads to binges... Which leads to yo-yo weight (at best).

    I went through this all (and still go through it) after loosing 100 pounds. It is a constant struggle.

    I have realized a few things... A calorie is NOT a calorie. Certain foods I eat trigger me. They are NOT unhealthy foods but when I eat them. I have bad cravings...so I have another. Then when 2-3 do not satisfy me I can go on a full out binge. I do not carry bad foods in my house any more...but eat lots of "good foods" may not quite add up to eatting candy bars and ice cream but they add up fast too.

    One example...I have learned from trial and error. Bran Cereal really sets me off. Sure it is healthy. Sure it has lots of fiber. It is pretty darn low cal too... Depending 60-80 cal a serving plus non-sweetened almond milk. Thing is...it just sets me off. Not every time. Not every 3 times...but it has happened enough that I realize now that cereal in general is a trigger for me. Steel-Cut oatmeal, fiber cereal...other kinds of cereal too / carb filled breakfasts.

    I went through about 9 months of eating litterally 4-8 cups of veggies a day. Every day. Threw on some spice and some meals that would be all I ate. I could NOT get full. You would think after sitting and eatting in one meal four cups of veggies, 4 oz - 8 oz of lean meat (Fish, chicken etc) and a 1/4 cup of brown rice or similar... I would be full...nope. I could stay enough..I could stop myself...but I was still HUNGRY.

    I have discovered that egg whites...they fill me up. I lean on them heavily now..as I am still trying to adjust and figures out what works for me. I eat them 2-3 meals a day. When I get really hungry I can eat 3 plain omeletts for dinner. Those are 3 egg omeletts. But ya know what...I am full after and they were only about 100 calories x 3. It also keeps me full for a long time.

    I do know (trial and error) that I crave carbs badly. Not eatting enough of them will also set me up to binge. Protein bars (the good kinds) give me enough carbs so that I don't go on binge mode.

    I KNOW I am not the only one but I do feel like I am a freak sometimes. How can people eat only 1/4 of a blueberry muffin and just not eat the rest? It is NOT just will power. They seem to be wired different from me.

    This is been a two and half year journey now...and I still struggle every day. I do NOT give up though. That is the difference between now and previously in my life. I get back on the band wagon and try again the next day. I am in a period of slow weight gain right now...it is driving me nuts.

    I am back to a very strict diet with written exercises minimums... I refuse to gain back the weight. Anyway...my two cents. I hope it helps.

    Excellent advice! Thanks for sharing the struggles you have had on your journey - I feel less discouraged now. Maybe I will try more eggs :smile:
  • willi95
    willi95 Posts: 11 Member
    Willi, may I ask why or how you don't feel full after a meal? Was this caused by over-eating or do you suffer from a medical condition or something?
    i dont suffer of any medical condition, is most likely a binge issue, when i finished to eat my meal i start thinking when will i eat the next meal and so on..
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    Hi evryone, i have a problem: i never get full! i can eat all day long.
    A year ago i lost almost 110 pounds and i had no problem to say "no" to certain foods. Now that im triing to loose last 8-10 pounds i cant even stick to a diet for more than 3 days. For example today i ate 5200 calories and this is going to get repeated every week-end so the hard work that i gain during the week gets messed up in just 2 days. Please anyone have had my same issue?
    Any help appreciated.

    I wonder if the feelings of hunger you experience are psychological and maybe cover up a kind of " fear of success " now that you are almost at goal and have to seriously start to maintain. Many people slip back into old habits once they have lost a lot of weight. Maybe you would benefit from professional advise in regard to how you see yourself and how to life life as a slender person. It would be a shame if all your efforts would be for naught....
    Good Luck !
  • willi95
    willi95 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi evryone, i have a problem: i never get full! i can eat all day long.
    A year ago i lost almost 110 pounds and i had no problem to say "no" to certain foods. Now that im triing to loose last 8-10 pounds i cant even stick to a diet for more than 3 days. For example today i ate 5200 calories and this is going to get repeated every week-end so the hard work that i gain during the week gets messed up in just 2 days. Please anyone have had my same issue?
    Any help appreciated.

    I wonder if the feelings of hunger you experience are psychological and maybe cover up a kind of " fear of success " now that you are almost at goal and have to seriously start to maintain. Many people slip back into old habits once they have lost a lot of weight. Maybe you would benefit from professional advise in regard to how you see yourself and how to life life as a slender person. It would be a shame if all your efforts would be for naught....
    Good Luck !
    thank you!
  • newb01
    newb01 Posts: 22
    Actually...there are lots of studies that show you should eat some carbs for breakfast. That can start a binge cycle without any carbs. Your body is already low on carbs for fuel if you eat around 6pm and dont eat until 8am.
  • willi95
    willi95 Posts: 11 Member
    i read about carb addiction and i think my situation falls into, as soon as i eat processed foods, i start a cycle of eating..that will lead me to eat around 6000 calories. i will try to cut down processed foods and keep protein very hight and see how my body will act
  • aledba
    aledba Posts: 564 Member
    Willi, may I ask why or how you don't feel full after a meal? Was this caused by over-eating or do you suffer from a medical condition or something?
    i dont suffer of any medical condition, is most likely a binge issue, when i finished to eat my meal i start thinking when will i eat the next meal and so on..

    Binge eating disorder is a mental illness that is characterized by recurring episodes of binge eating without efforts of the affected individuals to compensate by undoing the binge episodes by purging, excessively exercising, and/or inappropriately using medications like laxatives or diet pills. Does that fit your description? If so, you have a medical condition and you may benefit from a professional. If it doesn't fit your description - GOOD! Get some self-help resources and learn discipline in your consumption.