I wish my body looked like what I was expecting it to :(



  • fificrazy
    fificrazy Posts: 234
    You can't control your shape or your set point, and you can cause a lot of damage by trying to shapeshift through restriction...
  • elbaldwin0525
    elbaldwin0525 Posts: 159 Member
    I have always wondered how people who lost the weight they wanted to but didnt like how they were expecting to look handled it? Anybody know of topics already covering this?
  • ChristineinMA
    ChristineinMA Posts: 312 Member
    First off, keep in mind that it will take your brain awhile to catch up to the changes in your body. Mine brain runs behind by about 6 months. So give yourself some time to adjust and be patient with yourself while that process is occurring.

    Second, I would also recommend that you lift weights or do some form of resistance training while you continue to lose weight. Resistance training and proper protein intake (1 gram per pound of lean body mass) will help you retain your muscle while you lose weight. That means when you get to your goal weight you'll have a lower body fat percentage than you would have had if you had just dieted.

    Find some exercise that you love. Set goals for yourself. Think about your body in terms of what it can do rather than solely what it looks like.

    Understand that there are things that you can change about your body and things that you can't. I have a large ribcage. When I first got to my goal weight I was very self-conscious about it. But that's not something that can be changed so I had to make my peace with it. I started focusing on things that I love about my body, like my arms/shoulders. There are other things that can be changed. Since I didn't lift weights while I was losing my butt ended up somewhat flatter than I'd like. But that can be fixed with hard work and patience. There's nothing wrong with wanting to improve, but you can still love the body you have now during that process.

    Be kind to yourself and try to be patient. I think more than half the battle is mental. Make sure you're not neglecting your psychological health in addition to the physical. Practice positive self-talk. And hang in there. :flowerforyou:

    I love this! I would also recommend that you check out www.mybodygallery.com Enter your height, your current weight (or goal weight) and body shape (I am pear-shaped, for example) and see the variety of bodies. It is really eye-opening to see that we all carry our weight differently.
  • monikabenoit
    monikabenoit Posts: 43 Member
    Like all the people who already said this - you need to lift weights. Heavy enough so that you can only do 6-8 reps before muscle failure meaning you can't lift with proper form any longer for that muscle group. I would recommend a weight-based fitness routine like the Beachbody DVD series Chalean Extreme - that will change some of your fat to muscle and give you more of the physique you are looking for. You need strength training with heavy weights to get the changes you want.
  • bignat716
    bignat716 Posts: 18 Member
    I thought the same thing. What I've found is that even though you may not "look" like what you were expecting, every pound you lose is getting you closer to your goal and removing inches from your body. Soon, you will be able to fit into the size you were expecting. I've lost 17lbs, look no where close to what I thought I was going to look like. I realize that I've got to work harder and try some new things. Don't get discouraged. Continue to fight and it will pay off. You'll look great and most importantly, you be healthy.

  • ChristineinMA
    ChristineinMA Posts: 312 Member
    Some of the words they were said in here were very comforting and are also very motivating for me to hear. I have lost good chunk of weight and have been very discouraged with how my body is looking. It is awesome to see the scale go down and to feel the difference in my knees and back. I just want to see the difference physically as well. My wife told me that it is just going to take time and I know that is true, but I also I know I should start some kind of lifting program. I am just not sure where to begin. There is so much info out there and everyone has the "right" way of doing things.

    Starting Strength, 3rd edition and The New Rules of Lifting (in my case for Women) have been recommended to me
  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    Yes, especially around TOM. I just look back at where I was and know I'm making strides and its going to take time and a lot if hard work. Don't let it get you down you much. That's a huge weight loss and you should be super proud.
  • awebster2
    awebster2 Posts: 40 Member
    Echoing heavy lifting. Been lifting with a trainer for the last two months. The difference in my body is astounding. They always say to find something you like and do it. Never expected it to be weightlifting - although I was a shot putter in high school so it's not like weights were a foreign concept. I've got another 8 pounds or so to make my initial goal of just not being overweight. Once there, the sky's the limit! Excited to see where my body ends up with the lifting.

    /Good girls tone. Bad girls deadlift
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    Heavy weights are your friends!
  • Tracey_B_72
    Tracey_B_72 Posts: 1,021 Member
    I hit my goal of 147lbs and for 6 months I was happy but then I started noticing the jiggly bits and became less and less happy, I still was covering up but wearing a more figure hugging clothes, then I thought this won't be good in the summer, so I started my own toning programme at home.

    Now I kept reading about people saying lift heavy weights but I wanted something I could do at home so I downloaded an app that did 5 mins on areas of the body and I used 1kg dumbells, then I moved on to 1.5 kg and then 2.5kg within 3 weeks, I now have a set of proper dumbells and I'm doing a 30 day dumbell challenge, I'm 2 weeks in and I'm see in changes in my shape now and my body is feeling tighter, my dumbells are at 3.8kg for upper body and 4.8 kg for a leg day, I log my exercises on an app called Jefit and I'm going to use this when the challenge is done.

    Right now I do 2 sets of 10 reps and doing

    Week 1 - Arms, back and shoulders ... Mon, Wed and Fri
    Legs and Bum ... Tues and Thur

    Week 2 - Legs and Bum ... Mon, Wed and Fri
    Arms, back and shoulders ... Tuesday and Thur

    Mon to Fri - I do a 5 min ab routine on an ab roller as I can't do sit ups as I hurt my neck but I do try them on my challenge and I'm getting better at them.

    Now this is working for me and the proof is showing in my jeans and work trousers becoming a lot loser on me and this week I've lost 2lbs but I'm on 1660 cals a day I dropped 40 as I decided to lose another 7lb and I changed my macros to 45% carbs, 30% fat and 25% protein, that was all I've done differently.

    I ent to have the body I wanted, a body I could be proud of, I didn't want to look skinny fat and so I'm doing what I can to get it, I'm never going to have a bikini body, I've had 3 kids but I know my jiggly bits are less jiggly and my arms have the start of some nice definition to them.

    Hopefully my experience may help you, by no means am I an expert this is still all a part of my journey and I'm still in the process of learning and reading a lot of information and I'm doing everything gradually so I don't injure myself this is why I have rest days on Sat and Sun.

    ETA ... Sorry for waffling on, didn't realise I'd gone on so much!
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Dieting just creates a smaller version of the same body.

    Strength training and altering body composition (i.e. decreasing bodyfat %) will cause the body to change shape and give a leaner, 'toned' look.

    Read Staci's story which is commonly posted here: http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2011/07/21/meet-staci-your-new-powerlifting-super-hero/
  • Jazz_2014
    Jazz_2014 Posts: 142 Member
    As others have said celebrate in what you have accomplished. I have lost the same amount so far and to my surprise my body has morphed into some strange lumps and jiggles and more importantly it seems to change every week. Where once there was a large padding of fat is much smaller, which seems to accentuate another area that didn't seem to be that noticeable before. And I swear I jiggle more now in some areas and jiggle less in others. Its a process and your body is in charge of where you loose the weight.

    Learn to appreciate the change your body is going through. I don't mind the jiggle or the various pads of fat . . . its a process.

    You have lots of options to firm up areas. Presently I have started Yoga to build strength and nothing is off the table for me to try. If I don't like the results then, I might consider weight training. Twenty seven pounds is not something to scoff at, you've done great so far.
  • Nbentz214
    Nbentz214 Posts: 39 Member

    Just as a little background about myself, I am 5'4" and started at 190 lbs. I am currently 142 lbs and have a goal to be 130 lbs. I
    have a medium sized frame...I did get down to about 130 lbs before and felt like I looked too gaunt for my frame-maybe I have a large frame? I felt like I lacked curves that I wanted! I thought I would have been happy at that point but I feel like I looked the same as before but just in a smaller scale. At that point I started to lift weights and ate more calories which was scary for me to do being worried about gaining weight. The scale shows more weight now but I feel and I feel that I look better now. I would like to lose a bit more (fat) and continue with lifting weights and hopefully lose some unwanted fat and not lose much muscle as I did initially when I got down to 130 lbs.

    For me personally, I think I was not happy with the way I looked at the weight I thought I would be happy with because 1. I was not use to seeing myself that way and 2. I lost muscle with the fat. For me, the softness or "jiggly" areas just needed to be "smoothed out". I started lifting weights and it has been a long journey and much longer ahead of me but with lifting weights, I could re-shape my body in a sense. Some things are just genetics and other things you can control if you work for it.

    So in a fewer words, lifting weights let me see the shape I desired. Everyone is different, maybe its the same for you, maybe not. Just be proud of what you have accomplished and keep on trucking!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Just Lift.
  • Dandman1990
    Dandman1990 Posts: 196 Member
    I've lost about 70lbs and I still feel the same way and hate looking in the mirror too. I still feel the same sense of shame whenever I go out too. I'm hoping at some point (perhaps in the next 60lbs I have to lose) I'll get over it.
  • caribear1984
    caribear1984 Posts: 203
    There is plenty of good advice here, and I can't add much except to say I know how you feel. 125 pounds down and I sometimes still feel the same as I did when I started. I think people assume that losing weight means your body will shrink, but really it's less like shrinking and more like melting. It also takes time for your skin to catch up, which can exacerbate the problem. Just don't give up, you will get there!
  • oChristyo
    oChristyo Posts: 61 Member
    Thank you all so much for the advice. I guess the answer is clear, I will need to lift! Can't wait to get started. :)
  • dsb188
    dsb188 Posts: 121 Member
    I can understand. I am down 43 pounds and while I wear smaller clothes I still have a ways to go. The thing I try to remember is I don't look the way I did several months ago. I know i don't look the way I want but I thank God I don't look the way I did.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Lift heavy weights.

    That's very general and not necessarily what's right for everyone

    It's spot on for 99.9% though

    Bet ya $100 it's right for OP, so what was the point of your post?
  • OmegaAlpha007
    OmegaAlpha007 Posts: 70 Member
    Go to Bodybuilding.com they have pretty good beginner lifting plans..

    You won't get "bulky" btw.. not unless you eat at a surplus ..