just need help and support to help with loosing weight..

Hi, not going to add a reaalllyy long paragraph but im just here to seek support and motiviation when i feel like its" running low" i have started and stopped sooo many times.. This time last year i had lost a stone i was soo proud of my self but the summer holidays came and i just stopped and never started again.. but this time i hope to carry on with my weight loss and hopefully reach my goal.. My friends dont really understand and cant really support me aswell as other people losing weight can.. Hope you can all help me.. :smile: :heart:


  • debbiet1971
    debbiet1971 Posts: 2 Member
    I know how you feel! I've stopped and started so many times. This time I hope to keep the weight off I've worked so hard to lose.
    I took up walking, it's seems to have really helped me. I've recently bought a bike and the feeling of being outdoors keeps me motivated and feeling good! Think positive you can do it!