How long did it take for people to comment on weight loss?

I've only lost 19 pounds, and have 80 ish to go, so maybe it's not noticeable yet. Not one single person has said anything to me about "looking" like I've lost weight. Maybe 19 pounds for me is like throwing a deck chair off the Titanic, and is hardly noticeable, but it's frustrating to not hear any positive feedback when I feel like I have been killing myself trying to lose weight.

It's not that I need validation from other people, it would just be another layer of motivation.

How long did it take you before people started commenting on your weight loss?


  • rbiss
    rbiss Posts: 422 Member
    At 17lbs down, an acquaintance said something. I am shooting for loosing 115lbs to start with, so I was very surprised. Then she said, yeah your back looks different aka my fat rolls are disappearing. I'll take the compliment any way I can get it!
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    I was 15lb down when I got my first comment. However I only have 42 to lose so I imagine the more you have to lose the longer it takes for it to be noticeable.

    I know it's frustrating to not have people notice but keep at it. I imagine the next 20lb will make a massive difference! When you start dropping sizes and fitting into smaller clothes it becomes quite noticeable to other people. Nobody noticed mine until I wore a top that had previously been too small for me.
  • rebelduck
    rebelduck Posts: 11 Member
    I've lost about 22 pounds of my goal of 65 and no one has said anything yet. I think people may have begun to notice, but may not feel confident about mentioning it. It doesn't bother me, as my clothes are fitting better and I'm seeing the difference myself.

    But I've also heard that "did you get a new haircut?" can be code for "have you lost weight?", so I'm going to keep an ear out for that one. :)
  • MrsATrotta
    MrsATrotta Posts: 278 Member
    I am down about 20 lbs and I don't feel like anyone notices but I do. I know you want people to notice but just keep at it when they do you will be so happy!! But you already should be happy with how far you have come!!
  • MrsATrotta
    MrsATrotta Posts: 278 Member
    plus I already convinced myself no one would notice until I lost about 30 lbs. idk why haha.
  • Oreonut
    Oreonut Posts: 8 Member
    Well ... when I did this two years ago, a couple people noticed around 25lbs (I have 75 to lose) but it felt like everyone noticed at 35lbs. I personally hated the attention and felt like now that everyone knew .... I was being watched .... as in.... them waiting for me to fail. Not everyone of course but enough that I felt complete stress about it where I was sailing right along just enjoying (but working hard) the ride before that. So I messed up and gained it all back over the last two years. This time I will attempt to just ignore the attention.

    I kind of wish I could just stay behind a curtain and pop out when I am at goal. LOL.
  • bikeboyhaha
    bikeboyhaha Posts: 12 Member
    I think they notice more when the face starts to get leaner. That's how i noticed i was gaining weight after i had lost 87 pounds, and have gained back about 20. Worst thing i ever did was to stop weighing myself. Never again. Got to weigh everyday. But, work got me so busy. Would come home exhausted everyday. I'm 230 now and not stopping until i hit 185. Just keep at it, believe me, they will notice. my pic you see here is when i'm about 212. My face is quite more chubby with 18 pounds on me.
  • Sobus76
    Sobus76 Posts: 242 Member
    for me i think it was about 30lbs down, now i've had people that havent seen me in a while comment when they see me now. i've had people at work that hadnt seen me in a while ask others that work by me if i had cancer or was sick :\
  • Sobus76
    Sobus76 Posts: 242 Member
    Well ... when I did this two years ago, a couple people noticed around 25lbs (I have 75 to lose) but it felt like everyone noticed at 35lbs. I personally hated the attention and felt like now that everyone knew .... I was being watched .... as in.... them waiting for me to fail. Not everyone of course but enough that I felt complete stress about it where I was sailing right along just enjoying (but working hard) the ride before that. So I messed up and gained it all back over the last two years. This time I will attempt to just ignore the attention.

    I kind of wish I could just stay behind a curtain and pop out when I am at goal. LOL.

    i know where youre coming from on people watching/waiting for you to fail, i feel that way a lot.
  • mickeygirliegirl
    mickeygirliegirl Posts: 302 Member
    I have found that some people don't comment unless I bring it up. My boss said he had lost weight (which I noticed) and I said I had noticed and that I had lost weight too and he said "I was gonna say something....." Another two people at work were talking and I walked up and one said "Look how skinny she's getting" (while pointing at me - and this coworker knew all about me trying to lose weight because I confided in her when I started) and the other person said "I was going to say something, but I wasn't sure if it was my place to". The same happened with yet another coworker, I had mentioned wanting to get into some cute jeans soon but still had a way to go and she said "I definitely noticed you've lost weight".

    So anyway, my point is, I'm sure people HAVE noticed. They just might feel a little awkward right now in saying something. And sometimes, if it is people you are around all the time, gradual weight loss isn't noticeable at first. I'm sure you'll be hearing compliments in no time. Just keep at it!!!
  • bikeboyhaha
    bikeboyhaha Posts: 12 Member
    yes, people are more competitive about weight then they want to let on. I swear i have a colleague that always tell me i look like i'm losing weight just to steer me off path, even though i gained 20 pounds. They only weigh about 112 and complain they are 5 pounds overweight.