I'm so addicted to food and I feel so alone! :(



  • sherrymwebb
    sherrymwebb Posts: 21 Member
    It's baby steps. Pick a couple things and replace them with something healthy. I was a big chip and dip eater. I stopped buying those and replaced it with fruit. When I felt I wanted a snack I would munch of fruit. The first few day are hard, but it does get easier! Now I have cut out processed food. If it comes in a box I don't eat it. Granted there will be days you stumble and fall. We all do. The main thing is you pick yourself back up and jump back on. Its not going to be a walk in the park. If it was easy none of us would be here. But you have started right and asked for support, keep the thoughts of why you want this and set small goals. Remember baby steps! I log daily, feel free to add me as a friend.
  • jobiwan83
    jobiwan83 Posts: 4
    One thing you are not is alone. I think you'll find there are so many of us on here in the same boat as you. Okay so you comfort eat when you're stressed...so do I and so do many of the people replying to you too...but remember you are only human and unfortunately our emotions can be a complete pain in the bum and pulling a chair up to the fridge can feel like the only thing that will help. I've yo-yo'd with my weight too but I've just restarted this plan 3 weeks ago and I think my big learn is to not be too hard on yourself. You'll have a wobble from time to time and lose track but don't dwell and just move on past it because tomorrow is a new day. The internet is amazing for yummy low calorie recipes so you can do this :-) Go You!!
  • We all have try many exercises in our life in order to lose weight. But is it possible to live life in a smart way?
  • scb515
    scb515 Posts: 133 Member
    Addicted to food? Certainly not alone. I would wager the majority of us have ended up here because we like food too much.

    You need to find your willpower. You say you want to get married in the next few years looking different - can you turn that into your motivating force? Without freaking out your boyfriend, maybe look for a picture of a gorgeous dress (doesn't have to be a wedding dress) that you would love to wear, but you know doesn't suit your current weight.

    You also need to identify why you're eating. Are you hungry? Sad? Bored? There will be a trigger.

    Closet eating - ooh, we've all been there. For me, I used to stuff my face in secret so no one would judge what I was eating. Food is so much more enjoyable when you take your time. Who cares who sees you eating? Eat when you want to, not in those gaps where you think you can. When you feel less panicked, you make better choices.

    I have worked really hard to figure out when I'm actually hungry and when I'm actually full. Should be simple, but after a lifetime overeating, you have to really put in the effort to relearn those points. It's okay to stop eating, think about it and start eating again if it turns out you are still a little hungry. And if you are full, it's okay to bin food. No, really.

    How satisfying is a McDonald's? For me, it always seems like a good idea until I eat a meal, then I feel slightly sick and full of regret. I hold onto those feelings for when I feel like another one. I don't know why radioactive processed cheese is so appealing, but it is. But I can harness that memory of 'ughhh, why did I eat that?' and use it to prevent a repeat. It's all about retraining yourself.

    As for exercise, I started with walking. There are loads of apps which feed into MFP (I use RunKeeper, but there are others). Walking is the least scary exercise there is. You can even pretend you're not exercising when you do it. What are you doing? Working out? No, you're going somewhere! Secret exercise for the win.

    Healthy, fit people eat balanced diets with all kinds of fruit and veg - and they do all kinds of hardcore exercise. Don't let that intimidate you. You're not looking to copy that lifestyle. The way you eat now is pretty bad, right? So if you make one small change, yes, it may not be in the same league, but you'll be eating better. Stop comparing yourself to other people. This is about you.

    Switch full fat soda for low fat. Eat one course less when you're dining out. Swap deep pan pizza for thin crust. Actually, while you're at it, halve the portion and bulk up with salad.

    Doesn't matter how small the changes, they are all steps in the right direction. Go as fast or as slow as suits you - step it up only when you feel ready. Don't scare yourself, you're in control. And you can totally do this. We all have the potential to turn our weight around. Promise.

    If you feel like you're struggling, post here in the forums or message someone. You're welcome to message me if you like. A lot of the battle is mental - once you're in the right frame of mind, it gets so much easier.
  • tigerette12
    tigerette12 Posts: 14 Member
    I am a recovering food addict! I medicated with food. I got sad, I ate, I got pissed off at people I ate. I felt lonely I ate more. I felt fat I ate, I felt bad for eating so figured why not just eat more.
    I would order dinner out, eat half, take half home. I could not sleep till I went back into the fridge at midnight and ate all the left overs!
    I recently had something bad happen to me which made me take a hard look at myself. I realized I could continue on this horrid cycle or finally do something about it for good. I still eat when I want to but I dont medicate with food anymore. If I am feeling lonely or depressed I go walk. The first step is honestly the hardest one you will make. 7 days later you will slowly start to change things. My one piece of advice do not change to much all at once. Cut out things every week. I started with lowering my sugar intake, the second week I went to no more deep fried food . I used another app for a long time and before I joined here I had managed to lose 35 pounds. It was not easy! I now hate fast food and cant stand the taste of soda. I mean it is awful! I tried Burger King the other day took one bit of my burger and threw it out. I went home and had a sandwich with a salad.
    Every single little step you take will lead you in the direction of a healthier you. I also had to adjust my thinking. I am not losing weight to look pretty. I am pretty! I am losing weight to be healthy so hopefully with lots of luck it will not take me another 7 years to get pregnant and I will not miscarry the next one. I wish I had this knowledge 7 years ago for I could be healthy and not turning 40 worrying if I will ever have children.
    If you ever just need to vent feel free to message me anytime. I know sometimes it just helps to tell someone and then its better. You are at the start of a long journey and there will be set backs but see your healthy self at the end of that road. You can do it and you can do it for you and nobody else.
  • I know what I should eat and what I shouldn't but I have ibs and a low thyroid as well so I find alot of restrictions this time around. Any one ever been told to eat low fodmap?