
So who does the rawtill4?
What are ur thoughts about it?


  • cateeintheraw
    I follow a rawtill4 lifestyle. I started two months ago, prior to that I was miserable. I was calorie restricting, hungry, grumpy, DEPRIVED. I would eat well for a few weeks, binge, beat myself up and start the process again. I found rawtill4 and started a week later and I will never go back. I no longer suffer from IBS, headaches, tinnitus, ovarian cysts. Ontop of that I am so energized and vibrant. I have never experienced this level of vibrancy and happiness and it is incredible. I will follow this lifestyle for the rest of my life. Look at "what I eat in a day rawtill4" videos on youtube, educate yourself and go for it! The benefits are amazing.
  • Orolan03
    Are you still doing the RawTill4? If so how is it working for you?