Do you binge?

After a week of being binge-free (my version of it, anyway), I caved. I bought some Ben and Jerry's and ate the entire container after a pizza dinner. Naturally, I now have a sugar headache and feel like crap. One day at a time, eh?

What's your story? How do you struggle with binge eating and what steps have you taken to overcome it?


  • bicirosa
    bicirosa Posts: 15 Member
    Yes it's definitely a huge challenge I've struggled with my whole life, you're definitely not alone! I've noticed that when I have a better baseline- getting enough sleep, finding other ways of dealing with stress, having good balance of work/free time, etc- that I have way less binges. But my crutch is definitely sugar, it's what i turn to to soothe myself when I'm feeling upset or stressed or tired. Some things that have helped: (1) really stopping to think if I'm hungry or if I'm craving something else (2) keeping foods I'm likely to binge on out of the house (3) if that fails and the food is in the house, then having a set reasonable amount of it. For the last one, it's really important that I'm not eating out of the bag or the carton, that I measure it out and eat it in a bowl and in another room. Usually by then the need to binge has passed. Also for sweet stuff I've been using a magic bullet or blender to mix up frozen fruit, almond milk, stevia (natural fake sugar) and cocoa powder. It's almost like ice cream, and can sometimes head off sweet binges. All these strategies have reduced binge eating, but it still happens. Also try to not be so hard on yourself after it happens helps, especially to stop further binging...think about what you would say to a friend who had just binged? You wouldn't beat them up and put them down, you would help them start fresh. It's such a ****ty feeling though to be that out of control, I know it can be hard for me to always be kind to myself. Hang in there!
  • TheWeightOfFood
    TheWeightOfFood Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks bicirosa! I've been struggling with this for years, as I'm sure many people have. Have you tried putting salad greens or avocado (mmmm) in your smoothies? I usually have one for/with breakfast- 1/4 avocado, 1 cup spinach, frozen fruit, almond milk. It's so good and addicting in the good way! Thanks for the tips. It's a process, eh?
  • dsb188
    dsb188 Posts: 121 Member
    I realize that if I have a small amount of it I'm good. I tried to do the have nothing in your house so you won't eat it. Reality is I have a car and cash for me to get what I want. So for example I just bought some Coffee Greek Yoghurt and I also have some dark chocolate with sea salt and dark chocolate with coffee. I had two pieces of chocolate each day for the past week and I also had a tablespoon of ice cream for three days. I'm still losing weight but i still feel like I get my fix.

    I try to compromise with myself and it works for me.
  • dsb188
    dsb188 Posts: 121 Member
    I've also gone on binges for several days in the past and usually if I go one day I have to get back on track the next. If I don't. i will keep binge eating day after day. Its hard bro.
  • dt3312
    dt3312 Posts: 212 Member
    I have trouble with binge eating. A book that is helping me a lot is Breaking Free From Emotional Eating by Geneen Roth. Available on Amazon. Our library has lots of copies. Yours might too.
  • bicirosa
    bicirosa Posts: 15 Member
    Adding avocado and greens sounds delicious I'm definitely going to try it! Also thanks for the book recommendation, I found a pdf version by just googling the title and pdf. Gonna spend some time today reading it :)
  • bicirosa
    bicirosa Posts: 15 Member
    Also I just realized there's a binge eating support group on MFP:
  • MsLaTisha83
    MsLaTisha83 Posts: 54 Member
    I started to post this earlier today. I struggle with binge eating when I fail to plan or when I feel like I've messed up and should just say "what the're over your calorie limits anyway, might as well keep going." My relationship with food is unhealthy. I've told myself that I'm the type of person that CAN'T stop at just one and somehow, I've managed to use that as an excuse. Internal dialogue with self: "Eat a cookie. Mmmm that cookie was good. Ok, have one more. Oh yea...perfect. You can have another. Oh crap, you know that you just messed up and you won't be able to just stop at only 3 cookies" than half a package later....the self hatred talk begins... *sigh*
  • bicirosa
    bicirosa Posts: 15 Member
    MsLaTisha83- Yes definitely, I've been there and I'm sure other people on this thread have too. I think that the only thing that's helped me is trying to understand more *why* I use sugar or other food to meet whatever my need is (sad, bored, tired, etc). That's taken really careful food logging AND logging how I'm physically/emotionally feeling. I spent 3 days tracking how I felt physically and emotionally every hour using a timer and writing it down. It was pretty amazing how normally I don't have any sense of how I'm physically feeling (including if I'm hungry or not). The 3 day tracking also really showed me the amount of stress and anxiety I carry around on a normal day without even realizing of course I've turned to sugar and fat to make myself feel better. It was a useful exercise, I'd recommend it to anyone. Even if you just do 1 day or even a 1/2 day I think it can help just to be more conscious about how you're feeling and to see patterns.
  • PeterrJames
    PeterrJames Posts: 50
    I always end up binging at the weekends, so hard to control. Monday - saturday i work so im in a routine but when i come home saturday night and sunday i always end up eating junk. Makes the weeks dieting worthless, so frustrating. Its a habit i need to kick but i cant stop thinking about food lol