Based on my goal, what should I do?

CW: 147lbs
GW: 130lbs

I'm just now getting serious about improving my body 15m post partum. I've lost quite a bit due to bf and going on daily walks (was 195lbs when I delivered my LO) but am looking to lose about 10 more lbs and gain lean muscle. Can anyone recommend what types of exercise I should be doing to lose the flab? :) I am going to start using my jogging stroller and thought about getting a yoga dvd or maybe just looking up videos on youtube. Any suggestions are appreciated, thanks!


  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Diet more than exercise is how I lost weight. I got lean and toned with exercise. I did P90X and went from size 6 to size 2 with the same body weight. I'd suggest finding a weight training program you like and can stick to.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    A calorie deficit will cause you to lose the flab. Any exercise that helps you maintain that deficit will help you towards that goal.. In order to gain lean muscle, you have to eat at a surplus but you can gain strength and maintain the muscle you already have if you eat enough protein (1g/lb of lean body mass) and lift weights that are relatively heavy for your muscles.
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    Good job on getting in shape. Ditto what everyone else said.
  • shelbyloveskk
    All good info, thank you! I'm still trying to wrap my head around a calorie deficit and what it means lol. Sorry, I'm completely new to this so I'm not very educated. I also don't mind staying at my current weight if that means I am more tone than flabby.
  • kmkgurl
    kmkgurl Posts: 321 Member
    if you want to "tone up" you could eat at maintenance and do hiit or some sort of resistance training. (that's what I keep hearing works) drink plenty of water and eat a good amount of protein.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    All good info, thank you! I'm still trying to wrap my head around a calorie deficit and what it means lol. Sorry, I'm completely new to this so I'm not very educated.

    It's simple - calories are how much energy (fuel) that food provides. When you take in too much fuel, your body stores it as fat (= flab). To burn fat, you must either take in less fuel (less calories), burn more fuel (being more active), or a combination of both. That's a calorie deficit. Makes sense?

    As far as exercise, the more vigorous it is, the more calories it burns. Yoga doesn't burn as many calories as, say, running, so progress will be slower. But the important thing is to choose activities that you enjoy enough to keep doing month after month.. otherwise you'll gain back the weight.

    Do you have access to weights or a gym to do strength training?
  • shelbyloveskk
    That's the kind of explanation I needed lol thank you. I do have a bowflex in our garage, no gym membership though. I like the idea of HIIT. I found a website with videos for beginners so I might try that. I'm not a fan of using all sorts of different equipment but I'm not opposed to it either.

    Thanks for the all the info, I appreciate it!
  • kmkgurl
    kmkgurl Posts: 321 Member
    fitness blender has good free workouts XD
  • shelbyloveskk
    That's the one I found yesterday lol! Definitely going to use it!
  • shelbyloveskk
    I also just realized that I suck at math and want to lose 20lbs, not 10 lol. Guess I need to exercise my brain too :tongue:
  • aliwhalen
    aliwhalen Posts: 150 Member
    I'm a mommy of 4, 19 months PP from twin boys! Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm currently 154, and my goal weight is 145 (that might change once I get to 145, we'll see!)
  • shelbyloveskk
    Awesome! I sent you a request! Love your "about me" section, I feel the same way (although I *hope* I'm not done having kids yet).