Need a friend? Looking for a few to be MFP friends.

Just about 40 pounds down with 100 more to go. Was hoping to find a few people who would like to be friends. I promise to like and comment to be motivating to you too.

Had my highest caloric day ever and so disappointed in my many unhealthy choices. The day is over and tomorrow will be better. Thinking if I had some socially active MFP friends that I could be inspired and motivated seeing your daily successes. Would open my diary to help keep me more accountable. Embarrassed to show today feel like a bad influence.


  • theoden524
    theoden524 Posts: 26
    Hey, I sent you a friend request. As long as it is only one day and not making it a habit, you should be ok on today's eating. :) My family tends to throw all kinds of bad food at me at gatherings, it's like they intentionally make too much and don't eat it so they can guilt me into doing it.

    Anyway, feel free to add! I've been using it consistently lately since I got my exercise routine back on track, definitely helps!

    - Matt
  • Jenny8511
    Jenny8511 Posts: 141 Member
    I'll send a request as well. Don't ever feel guilty for having a bad day. It happens! I think every single person on MFP has had a few days they were ashamed of, so we know you aren't being a bad influence. You've lost 40 pounds, so you are obviously doing a terrific job :) keep it up!
  • gpeach1
    gpeach1 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks so much Matt and Jenny! You both are doing so great. Congrats on your progress so far! Appreciate the words of encouragement. Glad today is almost over. Looking forward to being back in the green.
  • tmyers541
    tmyers541 Posts: 53 Member
    I sent you a request also. We're all going to have our bad days, we just need to get rid of the guilt and plan for a better tomorrow (sound like I'm running for president lol).
  • Ldorado2010
    Hi! I am trying to get back into losing weight and I was wondering if anyone would like to be my friend for losing weight??? I'd love the support and friendly relationship! Thanks so much!
  • MimiMedrano
    MimiMedrano Posts: 20
    I know what it feels like to have those days that make you feel ashamed. I've had more than I care to remember. The thing to keep in mind is that it's only one day. And we ALL have them. The best thing to do is make the choice to not let it become 2 days, 3 days.............tomorrow is a new day, a fresh start. Make it a good one, your best one yet!! Eat super clean, drink lots of water, be active and I guarantee you'll have an extra spring in your step :) It feels good to treat ourselves right!!!
  • teammean
    teammean Posts: 2
    Hey. just joined. im down for a everyday hit you up, as long as you respond back. I work late shift but ill get back to yuh. add me, do whatever it is we do to connect on the daily, while I continue to setup my page.
  • teammean
    teammean Posts: 2
    yes im in! I'm setting up my page now. add me.
  • Smirnoff65
    Smirnoff65 Posts: 1,060 Member
    We all go off the rails now and again don't let it get the better of you, add me and I'll give you all the support and encouragement I can