Looking for support!

bremca28 Posts: 21 Member
Quitting smoking so if your going through it or have went through it add me comment whatever!! Hope to get lots of support and motivation! Only thing I have ever been addicted to so it's tough but I'm ready to give my body a better chance!


  • randiz66
    randiz66 Posts: 22 Member
    Just started Chantix to quit smoking. It is going to be tough but I really want to quit and looking forward to breathing better. Add me if you need extra support.
  • bremca28
    bremca28 Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you very much!! We can do this! Gotta stay strong
  • lovespirit1111
    I've been quit for 19 months. I smoked since I was about 16, only stopping for pregnancies. Nobody thought I could do it. NOBODY!! I had zero support.

    I got an E-cig (several actually) and smoked that and regular cigs until I tapered completely to the E-cig. I smoked it so much I gave myself the sore throat and stopped smoking it for a few days and that was it. I was no longer dependent on it. I now can enjoy the E-cig whenever I get majorly stressed or am out in a crowd for drinks or at the casino, when I normally would've been smoking.

    I don't use it too often, and I'm not addicted to it at all and could give it up in a heartbeat. I do simply enjoy it though once in awhile. It is so wonderful to be free of the stench, the ashtrays, the burning myself accidentally etc. I have absolutely nothing against smokers at all, I'm not the type that quits and now I'm angry at everyone that is still smoking. In fact, I actually enjoy smelling them when someone else is smoking, and if I get a hankering at all, I just take a puff or two off the E-cig and all is well.

    If you want to quit, you can do it. If I can do it, anyone can!!! I was so worried about what I was gonna do with myself...after eating, while driving etc. that I worried myself into being afraid to quit. I know now that all of that was really just the fear talking. You really can do this. Just like anything else, don't deprive yourself. Take your time, and ease off of it. Feel free to add me if you like :)