When does this get easier?



  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    It will always be a challenge...though as you build habits it gets easier...but....don't worry yourself about it. Just concentrate on today. You can think about tomorrow, tomorrow.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    It took me quite a while before I got the hang of it...like several months. Really, sometimes all you can do is gut it out. Eventually, you will develop new habits that you will be able to sustain forever.

    A few tips:

    Don't try to do too much at once. Like, don't think you have to give up everything that tastes good! I eat chips almost every day, I just make them fit my calories! All you need for weight loss is a calorie deficit.

    If you want to exercise, find something you like! There are tons of options out there! Zumba, Crossfit, running, strength training ( ie weight lifting), treadmills and elliptical, aerobics, kickboxing...you get the idea.

    Bottom line, find what works for you. This may take a while, and that's ok. Forgive yourself for the inevitable mistakes you make, and, whatever you do, don't quit.
  • TannerBoyl
    TannerBoyl Posts: 55 Member
    The first week was tough for me. The second week was less tough. The third week was the most tough. By then, I had made enough progress to keep pushing forward. The key for me was to celebrate the small victories. I set milestones for myself (my milestones are 3lbs or 10% of my goal loss of 30lbs). It made my weighloss seem more like a series of small hills instead of a mountain.

    The first milestone that I achieved, I made a big deal about it. I didn't go crazy with food or anything, but I bragged to some close friends. They congratulated me as good friends should. My friends understood my struggle and stood behind me. If you don't have that kind of support system in real life, look for friends on here to motivate you.
  • disneymama73
    disneymama73 Posts: 8 Member
    It will get easier . . . I too am just starting out. Once things start become habit it makes it easier. I see it as I have to go through the struggle to get to the big pay-off at the end. You can do it. Don't give up on yourself yet.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Where are you having difficulties? I found all of this to be rather simple and easy. In my experience, people who find this "hard" are being too aggressive in their calorie goals and generally don't understand that you don't have to eliminate everything that you think is "bad".

    Maybe give this a read...this is one of my all time favorite MFP threads....

  • Flutterloo
    Flutterloo Posts: 122 Member
    1.) Get some encouraging friends on here.
    2.) Yes it gets easier.
    3.) You need to find your OWN motivation. Anything we give you will only enhance that. It can not replace it.

    You can add me if you are looking for friends. Good luck on your journey!
  • Hi!

    It will get easier. You have to look at it as a life syle change. It will not be a quick fix overnight but instead a long journey where some days will be easier than others. There will be hiccups, rough weeks, easy weeks, hard weeks, skinny weeks, fat weeks, healthy weeks and unhealthy weeks. But in the end changing to a healthier you looking in the mirror all of that you will realize it was worth it!

    amberflo143 is totally right. Eating healthy can be rough. Especially right out of the gate. A lot of the stuff you think is healthy ends up being ROTTEN for you and it can get really frustrating. But keep going. The best way I can describe getting healthy is this: the first 30 days suck. Out loud. The next 30 days, you start to feel better and it sucks much less. The next 30 days, you are enjoying eating healthy and it doesn't really suck at all. Don't give up. Anything that is worth having is worth working for.
  • vikkiec12
    vikkiec12 Posts: 10 Member
    I'd say just take it slowly :) if you have a bad day don't hold it against yourself! Everyone needs a treat every now and then. It is definitely worth it in the end. I feel so much better about myself now! It was hard work but worth it
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member

    It will get easier. You have to look at it as a life syle change. It will not be a quick fix overnight but instead a long journey where some days will be easier than others. There will be hiccups, rough weeks, easy weeks, hard weeks, skinny weeks, fat weeks, healthy weeks and unhealthy weeks. But in the end changing to a healthier you looking in the mirror all of that you will realize it was worth it!

    hear hear... and once the mirror keeps winking and catcalling you...well then you know you made it. :blushing:
  • poohbah4
    poohbah4 Posts: 127
    For me, it got easier when I started adding strength and cardio training. Both seem to kill my appetite for hours, and also get me to drink more water. Also, after a few weeks the weight graph develops a nice downward slant, and that is incredibly satisfying, especially when I get a craving for a chocolate chip cookie. Just admiring the chart usually gets me past the desire to spoil everything.
  • stosha164
    stosha164 Posts: 1 Member
    GIRL! I don't know how on earth I found you (and this post), but it is so serendipitous! I am in the same boat you are - it is hard! The best thing is that we keep getting back on the right track, no matter what. That's a win in my book. The hard reality that I'm facing is that this is a loooong journey and there aren't any quick fixes (although I'm really wishing there was!). It's helping me to be more public about by goals and obstacles, it keeps me accountable in a way. It's harder to let someone else down than to let myself down, as odd as that sounds. If you need me, I'm here for you. There is always, always strength in numbers.

  • It will get easier.

    In the beginning, my mind would scream like a 2 year old that it *couldn't* log everything and that it *couldn't* eat only what I had planned to eat that day. This part of me kept up the temper tantrum for many weeks. In time, her whining was less frequent. If I gave in to her though, she'd start up again, full-force, and I would have to retrain her again from the beginning. After about five months, I didn't hear from her anymore.

    You can do this.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    yeah in the beginning your basically ganna mess up a lot.

    just make sure to fall forward... that way you don't beat yourself up about falling...

    heck... even I over eat on the almonds every now and then ;P
  • bc2ct
    bc2ct Posts: 222 Member
    Yes -- I think it really helps to set short-term goals aside from weight loss to help you stay motivated and feel accomplished along the way. Think of goals that can be achieved within 2 weeks to a month and come up with a new one every time you tick off the old one! These can be fitness goals (i.e. run a 5k), health goals (reduce resting heart rate), aesthetic goals (fit into a size smaller jeans), or personal goals (i.e. make a new friend).
  • anothermop
    anothermop Posts: 187 Member
    I thought it only sucked the 1st week. I started P90X, didn't check the scale, and I only ate what my wife put in front of me. I *****ed every single day! I would say things like, "I'm doing everything you say so if I don't see some results at the end of the week, I'm done." Well, I lost like 9 lbs that 1st week and I was hooked.

    I'm a creature of habit, so after about a month, it was pretty easy to stick with it.
  • I'm having such a hard time right now! I'm doing the slimming world 'diet' plus gym cardio 3 or 4 times a week for 40 mins a time yet all I'm seeing on the scales is GAIN???

    Anyone else having this problem?
  • lockedcj7
    lockedcj7 Posts: 257 Member
    I tried dieting for years and never made any progress. Diets simply don't work for me. I had to make a lifestyle change that was permanent and healthy. It started with portion control and choosing quality over quantity. I still backslide now and then and I'm far from perfect so I won't get preachy.

    Before: Killer chicken sandwich, fries, 12 buffalo wings and 2 beers.
    Now: Half a killer chicken sandwich, 6 buffalo wings and 1 beer.

    If I denied myself all of the foods that I love, I would give up or fail quickly. By giving myself permission to still eat what I love, just eat less of it, I feel like it's something I can really do.

    I still eat everything at Thanksgiving, I just ensure that I can see plate between the portions and only have one plateful. I also have added a lot more exercise to my daily routine. When I don't exercise, I feel like crap and I binge eat which makes me feel worse. The only cure is to get off my butt and move!
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    I'm having such a hard time right now! I'm doing the slimming world 'diet' plus gym cardio 3 or 4 times a week for 40 mins a time yet all I'm seeing on the scales is GAIN???

    Anyone else having this problem?

    You shouldn't even look at the scale till you've been working a diet and cardio... and strength training is important as well... till you've had about 2 months in.

    the scale is only one tell of progress... how do you feel? more energy? easier to wake up in the morning? Smile often?

    That is a better tell. be healthy be happy!! and always smile obnoxiously . :bigsmile:
  • Thanks scottiejm, and yes that's all true I do feel better and also clothes are abit looser, I'm only 3 weeks into it so I will be avoiding the scale from now on.

    Any advice of type of strength training I should be doing please?
  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    My best advice is to take it slow. We all want results now, but a big transformation takes time. Small, gradual changes are more likely to stick. Small, gradual changes are less likely to lead us into temptation and binges.