Binge Eating

Hello. I'm new here, but I've always needed help on this.

I am 17 years old and obsessed with my weight. I am extremely healthy and eat all my fruits raw and vegetables steamed or in the oven. I do not eat red meat and instead eat chicken and fish. I eat fish more often than chicken. I eat salmon at least twice a week. Other fish I eat include tuna. Everything I eat is grilled, steamed, or boiled. I drink at least one cup of green tea everyday. I also eat a handful of raw nuts everyday. I don't eat or drink dairy products, except for eggs, which I eat boiled. To avoid binging, I try to give myself a small serving of dessert, dark chocolate, or biscuit after my breakfast to satisfy my sweet tooth. On Fridays, I let myself have a cheat meal where I eat whatever I want. I exercise 3-4 times a week for around 60 minutes. I weigh 111 pounds and have 14% body fat percentage.

However, I have recognized a pattern. Every two weeks or so, I lose control and binge for a whole day. During that day I don't care about it and eat freely all day. Despite the fact that I eat SO much, I still feel hungry throughout the day and eat more and more and more. I also tend to eat unhealthy foods that day, like a lot of bread, creamy stuff, and sweets. However, right after that I feel extremely bad and fearful of gaining weight. It is one of my greatest fears. I feel so bad that I don't want to leave the house. I just want to hide away from everyone. I get mad at myself for losing control and feel very uncomfortable with myself.

Before I say that I want to break this habit, is this ok? Will I get fat after just one day every two weeks? I really want to break this habit, but I'm having a really hard time. Any of you going through the same? Please share your advice and tips with me, I would really appreciate it.


  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    its probably actualluy beneficial... read up on "carb loading".... any time I binge I just consider it an unscheduled carb load... as long as its not frequent it's likely to actually aide in your weight loss
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    you're about to get slammed by people telling you you have an eating disorder... I'm only interested in commenting on your actual question...
  • You are probably binge eating because you aren't eating enough? Are you eating ''extremely healthy'' because you really want to? or because you feel that you should to keep down your weight? If that's the case it might be that you just need to treat yourself a bit more, binge eating can most certainly occur when you feel restricted.
    I know I tried to eat 99% healthy and I would end up eating a whole container of ice cream or jam at the end of the week. something I know I would tell myself to moderate, is something I would end up having a binge on, just make sure nothing in your mind is restricted and to have whatever you feel like in the appropriate amount to avoid building up a monster craving
    Good luck x :)
  • Memjunior
    Memjunior Posts: 10 Member
    I'm sorry I just saw your reply, thank you so much!
  • WLG1974
    WLG1974 Posts: 90
    You shouldn't gain if it's just once in a while. If you do that all the time expect a massive amount of weight gain for sure.

    People do this a lot you are not alone.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    You are too young for MFP. Try Sparkteens. It's specifically for teens and their nutritional needs.
    That being said, you probably binge because although fairly healthy-your diet is too restrictive, your calories are too low for your age and activity and if you up your calories enough you will stop bingeing.
    Do some research and find out how many calories you should eat to maintain your weight. And eat them!
    Your bingeing will be a thing of the past. If not, you should probably talk to a trusted adult about your issues.
    Good luck! Take care of yourself!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    No, once every few weeks should not do any harm, especially if you eat well the rest of the time.
    It is the unhealthy thought processes I would be more concerned about.
    However, I would question if maybe it is that you are trying to be 'too good' the rest of the time, that leads you to totally release control on your binge day? You get hungry because the quantity of sugar and carbs in quick succession, probably plays havoc with your blood sugar. I get the same issue if I overeat on certain foods. It is very hard to stop craving more of the same.

    I just bought a book, that comes highly recommended, off Amazon, called 'Overcoming Binge Eating'. It goes into the whys and Wherefores of binge eating, and gives methods of breaking the pattern, but basically it involves not restricting any kind of food, and following a more intuitive way of eating, where no food is considered 'bad' or 'good'.

    I would also suggest not being so focused on your weight. If you are a healthy weight, are active and have a reasonably healthy diet, there is no reason to be thinking on that number too much. It will look after itself, unless you start overeating consistently.
    Also, how did you get your bodyfat% number? It is quite hard to maintain that low a bodyfat as a female. I myself have between 12-14% bodyfat, but I workout most days of the week.
  • superhippo95
    superhippo95 Posts: 21 Member
    it seems you are binging because you are not eating enough on all the other days. Why on earth are you trying to lose weight at 111lbs? Couple that with an irrational fear of getting fat and obsession with food and weight and it seems likely you have an eating disorder, I suggest seeking professional help and looking for treatment and talk to someone like your parents about your thoughts and actions.
  • Memjunior
    Memjunior Posts: 10 Member
    Is there any way to break this habit though? I don't like doing it. I would wish to stop craving sweet foods and carbs sometimes.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Is there any way to break this habit though? I don't like doing it. I would wish to stop craving sweet foods and carbs sometimes.
    You might lessen your full on binges by increasing your daily calorie goal and allowing yourself one or two treats a day.
    If you are very restrictive with what you eat everyday-you are bound to rebel with an all out binge every week or so.
    I hope you accept this at your tender age. It took me decades to stop being punishingly restrictive with myself.
    Now that I allow myself enough food and a little of everything I crave-am maintaining at a normal weight for a while.
    Good luck! Sometimes "older" does mean a bit wiser!
  • girlindecline
    girlindecline Posts: 1 Member
    This used to happen to me - at the time I was undereating and the binges were my body's way of telling me I needed to eat more and be at a higher weight to be healthy and maintain without episodes of binging. It will be incredibly difficult, if not impossible, to stop that type of binge from happening without accepting that your body needs more than you are giving it. It's great that you are so interested in diet and health, but please remember that health does not equal a number. How many calories do you eat per day in order to maintain?
  • sarahrosheen
    sarahrosheen Posts: 82 Member
    I went 1000 calories over yesterday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can I stop feeling guilty about it? I feel so bad about it but why!? grr