Give This A Try: 300 Jump Rope Workout

Hello guys,

Just thought I share this jump rope routine with you all. I use this to improve my footwork in Taekwondo, but it can be a great fat-burning workout if you want a break from running or biking.

There's three different movements in the exercise: regular hops, alternating hops, and one-foot hops. You will perform each movement 100x (for one-foot hops, you switch to the other foot after hoping on one foot twice). After you perform 100 jumps in the movement, rest 10 secs. All together, you will have performed 300 hops. It should take around 5-10 mins. to complete one set, depending on how good you are at jumping rope.

So the workout looks like this:

Regular hops x100
(Rest 10 sec)
Alternating hops x100
(Rest 10 secs)
One-Foot hops
(Rest 10 secs)

Ideally, one set should probably suffice depending on how much intensity you are putting in the exercise. However, feel free to perform as many sets as you please.

Hope you all try this workout. I found it really enjoyable, and maybe you all will, too.


  • seninoniwashi
    I like this, thanks for posting! What would you estimate the calories burned to be after completion of the workout? Kind of a hard question given we all have our own levels of intensity but a rough ball park figure would be good.
  • mrsBrown1989
    google "calories burnt doing jump rope"
  • NahrasWay
    NahrasWay Posts: 78 Member
    What would you estimate the calories burned to be after completion of the workout?

    This would also depend on your weight.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    For me, it would only burn 133 cals in 10 minutes.

    That's more than me, because 300 hops takes less than 3 mins. So 3x16 and I'd get 48 cals burned.

    It really well help footwork and overall coordination tho and no doubt will be very challenging for anyone that doesn't jump often. Everyone should give it a try.