i hate my body so much



  • laurenawolf
    laurenawolf Posts: 262 Member
    So I have an honest question, I'm wondering if it's to late to lose actual weight. not change your lifestyle: increase exercise and eat healthier, but flat up lose weight. I have been exercising and eating healthier more in the last 2 years than I have in the past 28 years combine and yet I can't seem to go below 230. I can drop down to a size 14 in pants but never smaller...so I know it's never to late to change you lifestyle (diet, exercise), but to actual lose the weight without surgery is there any way?

    Uh...a calorie deficit.
  • sportyredhead01
    sportyredhead01 Posts: 482 Member
    Before you fix the outside, please fix the inside and if you're REALLY struggling, please seek profession help.

    As someone who has struggled with the whole body image thing for probably 15 years, I'll tell you first hand you have to be patient and never give up. For instance, it's taken me nearly 3 years to find an ab. Yes, one ab. But I did it, I'm proud of it and I'm hell bent on finding another some day.

    So no matter how small the accomplishments, focus on the positive. If you put the work in, good things will come.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Being X size isn't going to make you happy. You have some serious self-hate going on and if you think when you reach a certain number on a clothing tag, you're suddenly going to be happy and the world is going to be full of sunshine and unicorns and ridiculously attractive men or women seeking your company, you're in for a real disappointment.

    You need counseling. A lot of it. A new therapist may be in order. Most of the people here who have made great steps towards how they appear now have been where you are, to some degree. But it's the JOURNEY that builds that confidence, that self-love, the acceptance. You don't miraculously wake up one day in your dream size and suddenly your life is better. It comes from all the small and large efforts you make every single day.

    I wish you the best.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Please find a different/better therapist/counsellor, even if it means paying for one. I promise you, reading everything you've written here, getting thin, or toned, or whatever you have in your mind's eye will not make you suddenly like yourself. This stuff needs fixing from the inside.
  • KDesiP
    KDesiP Posts: 37 Member
    You do know Victoria's Secret models are smaller than a size 8?

    You do know that Victoria's Secret models don't even look like Victoria's Secret models? Unless you're live, in person- where they use make-up and clever lighting to give the illusions of those 'perfect' bodies, their photos are heavily retouched in Photoshop. :frown: http://jezebel.com/5951863/when-perfect-isnt-enough-the-unretouched-images-victorias-secret-doesnt-want-you-to-see/ is one of my favorite examples, and there are many, MANY more available. It doesn't really matter, at least until poor women like you fall prey to the idea that you can achieve something that professional models, who's job it is to work out and look their absolute best, can't even do.

    I would encourage you to do some research into what real women's bodies look like so that you can learn to not be so harsh on yourself. The imperfections, those things that they Photoshop out, are what make us beautiful and unique. :heart:
  • dabomb3220
    dabomb3220 Posts: 2
    I think I misspoke asking about weight and should have said "fat".
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    That is sad. Why do you hate yourself? There is bound to be something amazing and wonderful about you, and it's MUCH more important than your body shape.
    SAMEoldSONGandDANCE Posts: 7 Member
    I've been there....I just want to let you know if you ever want to message me, I'm here for you. I've read some of the comments, and truly I have so much empathy for you. I have been struggling with an eating disorder. I've re3ached high weights, and disgustingly low weight. It is NO way to liv. The moment we realize that ALL FOODS FIT, in moderation. That is when we can truly reach acceptance. I still don't like my body, but I am learning through months and months of treatment to accept it. It is what helps you live, and living to be someone else, is no way to live either. There was one comment up above about putting in the same time as some of the girls at the gym you see, but I'd like to combat that a little. Not saying they haven't worked hard, God knows they have...BUT you cant beat genetics. There truly is no type of bad metabolism...It's a myth..The difference between a "good" metabolism and a "bad" metabolism boils down to about 50 more calories that someone with a "good" metabolism can eat. All of this is so much easier said than done. It's so hard to accept your body, but I urge you to remember, you are doing the best with what you have in this moment. I also promise the more you restrict things from your diet the more you'll want them. Everything in moderation. Learn how to address your feeling if you are an emotional eater, which I've been for years. I promise though, it's possible. I've been at this for 2 months and I am so much happier than when I was caring daily about everyone else. My body is mine, and it works for me. Eat to live, don't live to eat....kinda hate the expression, but maybe some further information on how to fight against these feeling could really help. Like I said message me anytime. I believe in you! Keep working hard, and loving yourself. You aren't a mistake, and your body is NOT an apology.

  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    You do know Victoria's Secret models are smaller than a size 8?
    She says she is Uk size 12, so already is US size 8. She is aiming for US size 4 or below, which for 5'7'' height would probably mean she would be too thin to even be a model.

    OP, please talk to a therapist, there is nothign wrong with your body, unless you are making up measurements and posting soem other girl's photos. You could end up all bones and skin and still feel bad. It is your perception of your body that is wrong.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    You do know Victoria's Secret models are smaller than a size 8?

    A UK 8 is a US 4
  • Hophead43
    Hophead43 Posts: 1,634 Member
    I really think you are being to hard on yourself!! I checked out your pictures and think your pretty hot. Those totally waif thin chicks are umattractive. You hug them and feel like your gonna break them. Just work on being happy with you!
  • Dube11
    Dube11 Posts: 93 Member
    Keep in mind that Victoria's Secret models and anyone else you may envy all have their own hang ups and insecurities.
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    I'm sorry if this comes off as mean,but you would look like a skeleton if you lost 32 more pounds. Stop trying to lose weight and start trying to love yourself enough to eat healthy and exercise. Please also look into therapy. In the US if someone says they want to die or want to kill themselves we are required to report that to the authorities.
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    I honestly think you need to work harder on your mind rather than on your body.
    "The only way I can be happy is if I'm thin" is that kind of very dangerous sentence that someone with an eating disorder would say... and in the end, you always find out that no, being thin doesn't make you happy. But if you really work on yourself, you can find out you can be happy without being thin.
  • This absolutely breaks my heart to read this. Please start looking at your positives. We ALL have flaws and we all have strengths. You need to realize what the media shows us...DOES NOT exist. You are unique, beautiful and one of a kind. There is no other like you and never will be. Even at a smaller size...you Will mentally struggle. You need to start seeing yourself in a different light. You NEED to change emotionally AND mentally. A healthy life style is all of those. Seek help if need be. This desperate feeling you have can and will damage you. I am ALWAYS here if you need/want to talk.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    :huh: :noway:
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You do know Victoria's Secret models are smaller than a size 8?
    She says she is Uk size 12, so already is US size 8. She is aiming for US size 4 or below, which for 5'7'' height would probably mean she would be too thin to even be a model.

    OP, please talk to a therapist, there is nothign wrong with your body, unless you are making up measurements and posting soem other girl's photos. You could end up all bones and skin and still feel bad. It is your perception of your body that is wrong.


  • bloodyhonest
    bloodyhonest Posts: 196 Member
    You do know Victoria's Secret models are smaller than a size 8?

    You do know that Victoria's Secret models don't even look like Victoria's Secret models? Unless you're live, in person- where they use make-up and clever lighting to give the illusions of those 'perfect' bodies, their photos are heavily retouched in Photoshop. :frown: http://jezebel.com/5951863/when-perfect-isnt-enough-the-unretouched-images-victorias-secret-doesnt-want-you-to-see/ is one of my favorite examples, and there are many, MANY more available. It doesn't really matter, at least until poor women like you fall prey to the idea that you can achieve something that professional models, who's job it is to work out and look their absolute best, can't even do.

    I would encourage you to do some research into what real women's bodies look like so that you can learn to not be so harsh on yourself. The imperfections, those things that they Photoshop out, are what make us beautiful and unique. :heart:

    Does it make you ladies feel better to know that Victoria Secret models don't look as beautiful as they appear in magazines? They might be enhanced, but I doubt they look like trolls without all of that "photoshop"....oh, and by the way, they don't just appear on magazines, they also have to walk in front of people in fashion shows ( they still look stunning ).

    Ladies who try to see flaws in beautiful people (celebs and people they come across in life) need to spend more of that time focusing on themselves and not on others.

    To the OP, if you want to lose weight : eat healthy REGULARLY and exercise REGULARLY, and don't stop. You fail because "yoyoing" never works.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    You do know Victoria's Secret models are smaller than a size 8?

    You do know that Victoria's Secret models don't even look like Victoria's Secret models? Unless you're live, in person- where they use make-up and clever lighting to give the illusions of those 'perfect' bodies, their photos are heavily retouched in Photoshop. :frown: http://jezebel.com/5951863/when-perfect-isnt-enough-the-unretouched-images-victorias-secret-doesnt-want-you-to-see/ is one of my favorite examples, and there are many, MANY more available. It doesn't really matter, at least until poor women like you fall prey to the idea that you can achieve something that professional models, who's job it is to work out and look their absolute best, can't even do.

    I would encourage you to do some research into what real women's bodies look like so that you can learn to not be so harsh on yourself. The imperfections, those things that they Photoshop out, are what make us beautiful and unique. :heart:

    Does it make you ladies feel better to know that Victoria Secret models don't look as beautiful as they appear in magazines? They might be enhanced, but I doubt they look like trolls without all of that "photoshop"....oh, and by the way, they don't just appear on magazines, they also have to walk in front of people in fashion shows ( they still look stunning ).

    Ladies who try to see flaws in beautiful people (celebs and people they come across in life) need to spend more of that time focusing on themselves and not on others.

    To the OP, if you want to lose weight : eat healthy REGULARLY and exercise REGULARLY, and don't stop. You fail because "yoyoing" never works.

  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Stop reading fashion magazines and Victoria's Secret catalogues.

    Do some research into how much photoshopping is done to every picture that is published in commerical print publications. Here is a great article on photoshop:


    I would also highly recommend a good counselor to help you see yourself in a more favorable light.
