My Vegan Weight Loss

This may not be your traditional "my fitness pal" story, because many Fad Vegan diets do not revolve around counting calories which makes them more appealing to many. You may find this article inspiring!
I was married last June of 2013 and on my wedding day weighed about 199 pounds standing 5 9.5". I kept telling my fiancé that I didn't want her to marry me for my body, so once we got married I'd shed the weight . Keep in mind that weight was 20 lbs over my goal weight of 170. As for anyone who has ever been happily married you pry know it did not work out that way. We drank wine cooked more at home and learned how to fry things, bake things and this was all based around saving money! But the weight stacked up. I stood tall on the scale this past December and saw 207 and freaked! It had only been 6 months and I was up 7 lbs... I started doing the math. If I keep it up that's 14 pounds a year by the time I was 30 id weigh in close to 300 lbs. That was not an option, so what did I do? Restricted calories. I downloaded this app and cut so many calories I got to 202 in 2 weeks and stopped! Hello plateau! And stayed there. Anytime I are anything enjoyable I gained. And eventually gave up. I moved in January and lost motivation. That is until last month. I woke up at 6:30 scrubbed my teeth and looked in the mirror walked back in the room and said to my wife "we have to change" she agreed. We started learning about food and meat and dairy (80%) of our diet. I watched some Vegan home made weight loss videos and was convinced. We threw out anything non-Vegan and stocked up on groceries that were healthy. We got a gym membership and I still counted calories. However, I was eating constantly but because 70% of what I ate was raw I couldn't reach my 1200 calorie net goal. I would hit 1300 and work out and be at 900... The weight was falling off. It has now been 6 weeks and I weigh 190lbs... Not to bad 20lbs in 2 weeks and I'm eating like a maniac... And when I do slip and eat a Vegan cup cake or drink a glass of wine. I do not put on a pound. I'm 20 pounds from my goal weight, and this feels good. Veganism makes so much sense. If you drink milk from a cow that's suppose to make a baby calf turn into a huge cow. Guess what? You'll be a cow! Almond milk is way better! And meat... Mans source of protein? Why do we have to cook it then? If we are Carnivores then why are we cooking the meat? It takes 72 hours to digest. If you left meat on the counter for 72 hours what would happen to it? It would spoil. Oh I forgot we have a refrigerator in our stomachs... Not. Meat and fat slow down your metabolism and make digestion harder. Trust me I poop 5 times a day pleasantly. Keep in mind there are un healthy Vegans but they are not paying attention to what they are eating. Because they do it for ethical reasons which is great. But you'll still be fat! Feel free to ask any questions.


  • hollyanne572
    hollyanne572 Posts: 55 Member
    I've been vegan for about 3 months now, however I've been following raw till 4 and eating unlimited calories...with little weight loss.
    I've decided that I'm going to restrict my calories to 1400 and start running for fitness. I'm glad things are working out for you it's great motivation, however for a male isn't 1200 far too low? Your body will be going into starvation mode and you'll loose muscle tone...?
  • ajones1965
    ajones1965 Posts: 78 Member
    I did the same and I have been mostly vegan for 2 months and dropped 33lbs in that time. I feel so much healthier. The only exceptions are I sometimes eat a whey protein bar post workout and I occasionally sweeten oatmeal with some honey.
  • juliafromrf
    juliafromrf Posts: 106 Member
    I am also vegan and I am glad that it works out for you, but keep in mind that 900 kcal net is NOT healthy and sustainable especially for a man. It's great that you lost the weight, but maybe you want to proceed in a healthier manner.
    Do you take supplements? Do you hit your macros?

    Edit: Also, please keep in mind that calling people who drink milk "cow" is quite impolite and intolerant and I don't think that's the image we want to represent.
  • chrissi_k
    chrissi_k Posts: 175 Member
    I am also vegan and I am glad that it works out for you, but keep in mind that 900 kcal net is NOT healthy and sustainable especially for a man. It's great that you lost the weight, but maybe you want to proceed in a healthier manner.
    Do you take supplements? Do you hit your macros?

    Edit: Also, please keep in mind that calling people who drink milk "cow" is quite impolite and intolerant and I don't think that's the image we
    want to represent.

    Couldn't agree more. And I am a vegan solely for ethical reasons and don't think that means I am not paying attention to what I am eating and will be fat - almost all my vegan friends who chose to be vegan for ethical reasons are fit and far from being fat - and being vegan doesn't stop at what you eat and don't eat.

    And please make sure your B12 is ok. :)

    Being an omnivore doesn't make you living unhealthy per se, everyone can eat healthy or unhealthy, it's a choice everyone makes.
  • rbyear
    rbyear Posts: 5
    Anything below 1200 will go into starvation mode. I eat atleast 1200 a day, but coupled with excerize it nets lower. I tried eating more, I just felt sick. I also want to apologize if my statements sounded like I had something against ethical Vegans especially because I have started doing this more for ethical a reasons. But that is not how it started. I do take vitamins and eat lots of beans for protein. I feel great, I know there's a lot of science behind everything you all say. But I'm just listening to my body. When I'm hungry, I eat. Thanks for all the replys.
  • rbyear
    rbyear Posts: 5
    I've been vegan for about 3 months now, however I've been following raw till 4 and eating unlimited calories...with little weight loss.
    I've decided that I'm going to restrict my calories to 1400 and start running for fitness. I'm glad things are working out for you it's great motivation, however for a male isn't 1200 far too low? Your body will be going into starvation mode and you'll loose muscle tone...?

    You may want to figure out how many Calories you burn and just eat either that amount or less. Because I've watched videos of "fitness trainers" document their week by week unlimited raw Vegan Diet and gain weight. If you pour more in the cup then it can hold it starts to over flow.
  • StormieDay
    StormieDay Posts: 2 Member
    Great to hear! I looked at photos of myself when I was happiest and healthiest a few years ago and I was vegetarian (which I was from about 25-32 years old or so). I alternate between 144-148 now and have been wanting to get back to where I look and feel great (and don't need my asthma inhaler) which will be 122-126. I am wondering if you are a total strict vegan (no honey, etc...) or as vegan as is realistic in today's world? Keep up the great inspiring work and also for noting that we should count calories vegan or raw. SD
  • rbyear
    rbyear Posts: 5
    I am very strict. I do not eat honey or slip with bread that has egg or milk and I will tell you why.
    One reason is for self discipline. When I was younger I was 30 lbs over weight. I lost it all in one summer (not vegan). But one thing I did do is made decisions of what I would and would not eat. I called it the Black and White Diet. That way when the time, smells, and temptations would arise, I knew what to do. Does honey really matter? Maybe not but if you eat it then what's next? Does the milk in my bread really matter? Or does the animal fat on the Mushroom burger matter? You get the point lol. I personally am very self disciplined this way, but not so much the other way. That's what I like about Vegan it's black and white. Now if you are gonna slip, do it! It has to be a way of life. My wife and I split a Vegan cupcake once a week. And every Friday I have a glass of wine or two with my family. My advice is not to keep these things at home. There is an awesome place in Milwaukee that makes Vegan Cup Cakes and they are $4.00 each. This makes it feasible but not easy. I only stock healthy foods. And I splurge out. Try to make beans a staple of your diet. Whether it's a Bean Burrito or Black Beans and Brown Rice. Hope this helps!

    Tip: For breakfast blend Ice, Almond Milk, 1 Banana and Bettr n Butter Peanut Butter (100 call per serving, from Trader Joes)
    It's a great "sweet" way to start of the morning. If you have a nut allergy replace the peanut butter with strawberries.
  • dgkt
    dgkt Posts: 57 Member
    Great work, OP!
  • larcybelle
    larcybelle Posts: 6
    Being vegan rocks on so many levels. I have always followed a vegan diet when I want to lose weight and always have boundless energy when I do. I have recently realised that I want to stay on this diet always and this video helped make that decision easy....

    Enjoy your life abundant :)
  • rbyear
    rbyear Posts: 5
    I also like that video!
  • phys72
    phys72 Posts: 66 Member
    Tip: For breakfast blend Ice, Almond Milk, 1 Banana and Bettr n Butter Peanut Butter (100 call per serving, from Trader Joes)
    It's a great "sweet" way to start of the morning. If you have a nut allergy replace the peanut butter with strawberries.

    *** if you have a nut allergy you'd have to replace the almond milk too. I've been an pescatarian for 20 yrs and while a vegan diet sounds great to me its not feasible for those of us allergic to nuts and seeds. It's really difficult to eat vegan with allergies. :-(

    Congrats on the weight loss.
  • RedheadQuine
    RedheadQuine Posts: 111 Member
    Whole foods plant based most of the time here... :) I feel INCREDIBLE compared to a year or two ago! Good job.
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