Adrenal Gland Fatigue

Hi, Just wondering if anyone has done some investigation on Adrenal Gland Fatigue and has some insight to provide on how to incorporate healthy habits that contribute to balance the Adrenal Gland back to full capability. Anyone taking any helpful supplements for that? Thank you in advance.


  • roen
    roen Posts: 1
    This is something I have suffered with for a long time. I found a great doctor that did saliva tests and thyroid tests and iodine urine tests. . . sorry if that's all TMI but if anything I"ve found with this, is stories of others can be very helpful. What I do know is that my cortisol production is extremely low and it is affecting my thyroid. I have tried Isocort and hydrocortisone and many different doses and kinds of thyroid supplementation (compounded, T3, iodine supplements). . .
    What I do know is that there are a lot of things that are helpful if you know whether you are over producing cortisol or under producing (or if your DHEA is affected as well). . . however, vitamin C is a BIG one for everyone (the most amounts in your body are found in somewhere in the eyes and the adrenals and one other place I'm blanking on right now) and selenium to supplement thyroid conversion.
    For me, I have to cut my exercise back when my adrenals get back. I get blood sugar crashes in the middle of the night (and have since cut out 99% of sugars out of my diet and I don't eat gluten as said doctor put me on an elimination diet and it was clearly taxing my body by eating it). I will walk and do Kundalini yoga and focus on the gland strengthening sections to try to build up my energy and to just feel better. I will slowly add-in more strenuous yoga and strength training. That works for me and has seemed to agree with just about everything I've read and been told about it.
    I am not an expert but have suffered from this a long time so I'll be happy to attempt to answer any other questions and share the resources I have found if you have any other questions.
  • Igasparini
    Igasparini Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you soooo much for sharing your experience so far. Yes, I am familiar with the saliva and the other tests but have not gone that route yet. I do know that it is all about cortisol and our thyroid and have blood work booked for tomorrow morning to start my journey of Adrenal Gland understanding and optimizing. My understand is that there is a lot to be found out about this syndrome. Western Medicine Doctors may not embrace the knowledge we have on it so far, but I have been hearing about it everywhere. I have hypoglycemia and tend to get sugar crashes, even from foods that have very little sugar, but since I have been on the high protein, low carb diet (and no alcohol) I have not had any. A good sign... I got my gallbladder removed about 7 years ago, which helped me get into my weight loss (I lost 170 lbs), but I wonder how that affected my metabolism and thyroid.
    I am very in tune with my body and for many years have been justifying my exhaustion and lack of energy on the fact that I have issues absorbing iron and other minerals. I take minerals and vitamins, including Vitamin C, B12, B6, D, Magnesium Caltrate, Omegas... I also take injections of B12 (I have not done that for 6 months, oops).
    I would very much love to maintain contact with you to hear what you experience has been with what you are trying and share mine. I am anticipating the Adrenal Gland Fatigue "cure" to be a long process.
    Sincere thanks for your willingness to share. Have a great weekend...
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Why do you think it's Adrenal Glad Fatigue rather than thyroid issues (I'm not very familiar with the former)?
  • skruttan44
    skruttan44 Posts: 86 Member
    I recently started with some supplements from this lady, she is in Canada, but there are a couple places that sell them in the US online. Search for AdrenaSmart. My husband started it too and seem to be workin gwell. She has one ThyroSmart as well and many other supplements, check out the site for more info. I have and feel the products seem very well put together :)
  • lukester19
    lukester19 Posts: 72 Member
    I had high cortisol level for close to a year. Got blood work tested 3 times in a day. It was from consuming under 2000 calories with all the exercise I did. Also from stress in general and over analyzing lots of situations. I did a complete 180. Lowered exercise and went to the gym three times a week instead of 6. Took a supplement called Seriphos that is supposed to help with high cortisol and finally took up meditation. My attitude has changed completely lol. Now I just have a relaxed and "it's all good attitude. I did have some symptoms such as cold hands and feet, extreme thirst, waking up 2-4 am regularly and more difficult to get to low digit body fat. I hope you make some progress!
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    Iodine, vit d.

    I have hashimotos
  • tacticalhippie
    tacticalhippie Posts: 596 Member
    Rhodiola and ashwaganda are both adaptogen herbs that are supposed to help.
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    I have just diagnosed myself with Adrenal fatigue. I basically have all the symptoms. My thyroid tests are normal (I take synthroid) In the last little while I haven't been eating well and I have had lots of stress and my body is rebelling. I am getting back to primal eating, trying to be mellow and avoiding caffeine (missing my unsweetened chocolate and decaf coffee but I want to feel better soon so I am going to avoid all of that stuff until I feel better). If the diet and mellowing and rest doesn't work I will check out the other possibilities.
  • According to the adrenal fatigue theory, if your life is too stressful, your adrenal glands may not pump out enough hormones so in this situation you have to follow all thee steps : -

    - Fall asleep on time, and stay sleep until morning
    - Ease worries and racing thoughts that keep you awake
    - Restore your normal sleep cycle
    - Pain relief begins in just one to two weeks
    - Wake up refreshed and ready for the new day

  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    I have just diagnosed myself with Adrenal fatigue. I basically have all the symptoms. My thyroid tests are normal (I take synthroid) In the last little while I haven't been eating well and I have had lots of stress and my body is rebelling. I am getting back to primal eating, trying to be mellow and avoiding caffeine (missing my unsweetened chocolate and decaf coffee but I want to feel better soon so I am going to avoid all of that stuff until I feel better). If the diet and mellowing and rest doesn't work I will check out the other possibilities.

    How can you diagnose yourself?
  • I was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue as well. (I am also hypothyroid. Take synthroid and cytomel). My naturepath put me on "Dr. Wilson's adrenal rebuilder" (one in the morning) and "Adreset" (two around lunchtime). I noticed a huge difference! I wasn't crashing in the middle of the day anymore. Both of these are available over the counter.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    I have just diagnosed myself with Adrenal fatigue. I basically have all the symptoms. My thyroid tests are normal (I take synthroid) In the last little while I haven't been eating well and I have had lots of stress and my body is rebelling. I am getting back to primal eating, trying to be mellow and avoiding caffeine (missing my unsweetened chocolate and decaf coffee but I want to feel better soon so I am going to avoid all of that stuff until I feel better). If the diet and mellowing and rest doesn't work I will check out the other possibilities. probably shouldn't do that, and actually speak to a doctor.
    You can't diagnose yourself.
  • mooie70
    mooie70 Posts: 70 Member

    I've been taking 200mcg T4 for 20+ years after a partial thyroidectomy and have been hypo symptomatic ever since. Only just found a doctor willing to run more tests including adrenal function. I have no doubt whatsoever that I have adrenal fatigue. Just like I have always known I was hypo even though my TFT's were 'in range'.

    There is still SO much not known about these horrible diseases, and so much more new information out there that just needs to get to the doctors who still rely so heavily on T4 medication. I plan on starting NDT (T3) as soon as we can work out how.

    Good luck everyone :flowerforyou:
  • Igasparini
    Igasparini Posts: 5 Member
    Sincere thanks to all that replied. I am in Canada so I will explore the option provided of the Canadian Supplements. I will take down all of your tips as I look for a more clear picture if I am going through Adrenal Gland Fatigue. I will post back here on a regular basis, hopefully with some concrete information. Once again, thank you.:happy: :drinker: