Just starting out- need friends females 50-65

I am new to the website and dont know anything about it yet. But..
After a lifetime of not having to watch my weight, I need to lose at least 20 lbs
My 60th Birthday is June 18 th and I would like to be at least half way there by then
I road bike 2-3 xs per week between 10-20 miles (average 10 w hills)
but havent moved due to the horrible winter we had
Just came back from a 30 minute walk with my dog
I am looking for other females my age who also need to lose 20-30 lbs
Doesnt matter where you live; online buddies works fine for me
Am on a new diet as well
Love to hear from anyone in my situation;
support buddies invited:smile:


  • harbor12
    harbor12 Posts: 1
    Hi Nizard,
    I am just starting over today after a too long hiatus. I'm 53 and need to lose 30-40 lbs. I play tennis 3 x a week (doubles), bike in my neighborhood, I am in FL so no hills except for bridges lol. I too never had to really watch my weight until it started creeping up after 40 and when good ole menopause started kicking in high gear weight loss/weight gain became a whole different animal. What diet are you starting? I am just started my new way of eating today, lots of healthy protein, healthy carbs and trying to stay away from processed foods. Good luck with your weight loss.:happy:
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    If you want someone who logs consistently and exercises regularly to motivate you, feel free to add me. I've been doing this almost 2 years and have lost 66 lbs!

    BTW- I'm 50, 5'3", SW 201, CW 134.5
  • Nizard
    Nizard Posts: 6
    Wow; so quick
    I bike as well.
    We recently bought a place in Florida- and visit as often as we can
    Currently live in Ohio where there are tons of hills. Very different cycling in Florida
    Strong winds but flat, flat flat.
    Anyway we had a miserable winter but are trying to get out as often as possible
    what sort of bike do u have; Ive got two treks; one hybrid and one road but now mostly road
    Yesterday did 10 miles mostly hills at 10 MPH/hour
    Felt lousy
    I just started the Sadhkin diet which is ridiculous but Ive got to jump start this or I wont continue
    so Im a bit depleted. Once I lose the first 10 lbs, Ill go onto a healthy eating plan
    Any suggestions welcome
    Gonna go out for a long walk- gorgeous day here- finally
  • Nizard
    Nizard Posts: 6
    66 lbs is impressive. Ive got a looong way to go
  • pcoladeb
    pcoladeb Posts: 1
    I am 52 so I fit that criteria. I used to only need to lose 30 pounds but then I packed on a bunch more. I am 5'5" and weigh 196.4. Egads!!
    I need to lose 36.4 to get back down to where I was Dec 12. I want to be 140 but will evaluate that once I hit 150. My first goal is to get back to 160.
    I sit at a desk all day. I go to the gym with my son, who also needs to lose weight, three days a week. We try to walk three times a week but haven't been highly successful at that. I do two 15-minutes walks at work a day. I am active in my yard.
    My biggest thing is eating mass quantities of pastries, ice cream, and candy. I have always eaten them, but in moderation. There is nothing moderate this past 1 1/2 years.
    I quit smoking over three years ago and stopped drinking 2 1/2 years ago. I replaced alcohol with sugar.
    Plan on eating healthy, cutting out almost all sugar and processed foods, and when eating out, select healthy.
    I hate not being able to wear my clothes because I look so fat in them.
  • raggiemom
    raggiemom Posts: 139 Member
    Hi, I'm from Ontario Canada. I turned 62 in March. I've been at this since Feb. and as of today, I've lost 23 pounds. I still have at least 40 to go. I can sympathize over the lousy winter...it was never ending!! I did most of my walking inside. Finally getting nicer outside so I'm out walking a bit each day, and doing yard work which burns a surprising number of calories! I am getting a pool membership next week so I can start swimming at least 3x a week, and maybe doing some aquafit. I log in daily, like and/or comment on all posts on my page, and I have an open diary. If anyone is interested, feel free to add me. We can all do this with the support of our friends on here! I'll send you a friend request, Nizzard!!
  • Sharon5913
    Sharon5913 Posts: 134 Member
    I'm still 54 for another 3 weeks or so. I have been stuck for a LONG time, sabotaging myself and eating like crap. I finally feel like I"m on the right track. I would love to knock off about 40+. Feel free to add me if you like.

    I live in Florida, and it's super nice, although the heat is building!!

    Sharon :happy:
  • LindaLou1397
    LindaLou1397 Posts: 69 Member

    I am 65 years old and have been at this for the last year and a half and have diabetes and oral allergy syndrome. I have lost 57 pounds all together and reached goal last week, but have decided to lose another 5 lbs as a cushion. I am looking for new friends to keep me on track to keep the weight off I have lost. For me keeping off weight has always been harder than losing it. Good luck on your journey and feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Amanda201403
    Amanda201403 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, Started to get back into losing weight but struggling need help with diet. My goal is to lose 50 lbs. I joined bootcamp a few months ago and try to go at least 4 times a week but sometimes the hot flashes interfere with my sleep and I can't get up in the morning. I find that if I dont exercise in the morning it's hard to fit it in. I also play ball hockey once a week and usually walk about 4 km at lunch. Cant seem to drop the weight. My shape is changing but scale much the same. I have lost about 12lbs since March. Any suggestions on diet plan to follow?
  • jschwend1
    jschwend1 Posts: 15
    Hi, I will be 52 in August and just a few weeks into this journey myself. I need to lose 100+ lbs (a long string of excuses for getting that far), but my first goal is 50lbs. I would love to add any of you who are starting like me or have been this road for awhile. I am excited, motivated and already feeling better, just wanting to build some support for those times that I am not feeling those emotions. We can do this!
  • looseseal
    looseseal Posts: 216 Member
    53 add me, add me! Started again :mad: end of March, down 10 lbs, looking to lose another 30 give or take. Horrendous 2013 (see my profile page) but am back in zone again. Exercise consists of running/incline walking on the treadmill, hiit workouts (checkout FitnessBlender.com), dog walks, yard work, going to incorporate weights soon. Anyone feel free to add me.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Hi, Started to get back into losing weight but struggling need help with diet. My goal is to lose 50 lbs. I joined bootcamp a few months ago and try to go at least 4 times a week but sometimes the hot flashes interfere with my sleep and I can't get up in the morning. I find that if I dont exercise in the morning it's hard to fit it in. I also play ball hockey once a week and usually walk about 4 km at lunch. Cant seem to drop the weight. My shape is changing but scale much the same. I have lost about 12lbs since March. Any suggestions on diet plan to follow?

    12 lbs since March is an incredible loss! Congrats!

    Don't worry too much about the scale. Don't get discouraged. Slow weight loss is better, I think. I lost 50 lbs my first year, then it took me another 9 months to lose the other 16 to get to my goal weight!
  • ddkphotos
    ddkphotos Posts: 304 Member
    also looking for support! feel free to add me!
  • toadg53
    toadg53 Posts: 302 Member
    hi Nizard. I'm 60. Have been on MFP since August. I've already lost quite a bit, but have 24# to go to goal. Feel free to add me if you'd like. I'm more than willing to offer whatever encouragement or advice if you'd like, that I can.
  • sandydiane
    sandydiane Posts: 19 Member
    I'm 59. Used to do weight watchers and got to goal but then gained it all back. I've been with MFP for awhile but wasn't consistent. I've added a few more pounds and so have started up again. I could use some friends to share encouragement with