Do you think I look ok at this weight or go a little more?



  • coelisima
    coelisima Posts: 1
    You look fabulous!
    That said, I would look at the health piece... healthy BMI range is important to really getting the benefits of all the work you have done, and / or healthy weight range. I'd say keep going a little more, just to get into that healthy range, and then maintain it. As you probably know, you wont be going back to old ways unless you want to go back to old weight.
    Keep on going, you are looking great and you've go my respect!
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    What a wonderful transformation! I think the current pictures look good. At this point, I don't think anyone would criticize you for just maintaining. That looks like a good weight for your frame and height. :)

    Congratulations on your awesome transformation!!
  • Mariachicat
    Mariachicat Posts: 311 Member
    You look great man! Congratulations. You don't need to go any more but if you do, I'd keep it to within 5.
  • mowree
    mowree Posts: 74 Member
    You have done a fantastic job! You definitely have been disciplined and have seriously applied effort and dedication to reach your goals. Congratulations on your success. You've managed to do what millions struggle to achieve. You have a wonderful story. It's very inspiring. And it's very commendable of you to change the course of your life after experiencing serious health problems. What a testament for others who may find themselves in the same situation. Your doctor must be so pleased with your turn-around. I bet she mentions your results often. Again, great job! You look great. I agree with others... If you want to maintain at 160, you need to go about 5 lbs below that.

    P.S. I provide seating and mobility to patients who need wheelchairs. I see patients like you were before all the time. Most of them accept their situation. It's absolutely remarkable how you've changed your health. And, your outcome. :-)
  • BrazenSpirit
    BrazenSpirit Posts: 4 Member
    You do look great compared to when you started, that is 100% fact. But if your Dr. sees you and says he thinks you should get down another 5 or 7 pounds, then I would agree to get to a healthy BMI. However, you might want to take another road and build up muscle mass with weights and calisthenics, staying at the current weight. It is just my 2 cents. But I would think you would look better than great if those few pounds moved from your bellybutton to your arms and chest. And it will allow you to be somewhat more forgiving during the transition to maintaining your weight to have more muscle mass. Regardless of what you decide, you have done one heck of a great job. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    Congratulations! You look fantastic! I wouldn't lose anymore, just maintain. WTG! :bigsmile:
  • halfpintpeggy
    halfpintpeggy Posts: 64 Member
    BRAVO!!!!! :happy: You sir, are an inspiration and proof that people can overcome their challenges! Your weight loss is a remarkable accomplishment. I do have one thought regarding your "dizziness." Perhaps you should look into Vestibular short it retrains your brain until you are no longer dizzy.
  • Goldensun2014
    Goldensun2014 Posts: 51 Member
    Amazing success!!! I think you look great now. No need to lose anymore!!! Amazing results. Be proud of your accomplishments :)
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I think you look really good at that weight, very healthy and happy. Best wishes!
  • orangpeel757
    orangpeel757 Posts: 38 Member
    I think you look great, but it wouldn't hurt to continue if the doctor thinks it's a good idea to drop another 5 lbs. Also, I'm a big fan of facial hair and you, sir, have a great mustache. :wink:
  • caitology
    caitology Posts: 50
    I think you look fantastic!
  • austepants
    austepants Posts: 356 Member
    I think you look great!
  • lwestmill
    lwestmill Posts: 91 Member
    well, i never went to the dr previously and my pressure was 260/140 when i had the stroke. Funny because i actually felt better then than now. Mostly tiredness, balance when walking, the nerve damage on my left side etc... but what can you do. they told me when you have 1 stroke, you are more likely to have a 2nd, and didnt want that, so knew i had yo do something to lessen my chances of a 2nd.
    the Dr told me she would reduce meds as i lost and that has happened, but was taking maybe 28 pills a day then, maybe 9 of them blood pressure pills alone. now maybe i am down to 14, so thats good. like i wrote in a post before, just a little upset as i figured with all this weight gone, i would feel better, but really dont. really cant stand long, balance off, but you know what? if i did not do this, i know i would not be at 282 like i was when i started. i would most likely be over 300. so i am happy.
    i am sure the dr never expected me to stick to it, but i am pretty competitive, and now at the point that i know i can have a piece of pizza or cake and maybe only gain a pound. but i now know it may take a week of being good to take that pound off. thats why i have been so good. i have got to the point where i would rather lose that pound than eat that food....

    Have you thought about joining the YMCA? Our Y has machines for people that are specifically for physical therapy. I was amazed how nifty that the machines worked. And there are always people on them every time I go in, so I'm guessing they must work pretty well. However, I'm not sure if all the Y's have them.

    I wish I knew back when my knees were bothering me.

    I will see if I can take a pic of the machines next time I go and post them for you.
  • Slinky_BraveHeartBunsOfSteel
    Slinky_BraveHeartBunsOfSteel Posts: 10,891 Member
    No, you don't need to lose anymore. You look great and have done amazingly well! So well, that I must award you the...


  • hamfam60
    hamfam60 Posts: 9 Member
    Dude, first of all CONGRATULATIONS on the weight loss! What an inspiration for others to follow. Personally I say you probably need to find a way to lose the flab that is on your belly right now and that can only happen from bulking up or having surgery to tighten the area. I think after that you would look amazing and should be alright as you are. After working your heart so hard it should now be pumping so much easier and having a little bit of belly is a good thing, in my opinion. I'm the same height as you and started at only 210, down only to around 180 and am having a tough time losing more. I'd love to be at 160 and I'd call it quits after that, just maintain and keep on exercising. Again, congrats on the great effort!
  • mikegerber1
    mikegerber1 Posts: 38 Member
    you look good, seriously though, I would check with your doctor to find out your "healthy" weight. Your doctor will take all things into account and give you a healthy answer instead of all us giving our opinions.
  • katznkt
    katznkt Posts: 320 Member
    You know I think you look great!
  • wannabprncs
    wannabprncs Posts: 8 Member
    I think you look fantastic!! I wouldn't lose anymore. You don't want to look too skinny!! Fantastic Job!!!!!:bigsmile:
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    You look good and it is amazing what you have done for yourself. Whichever you decide, you are better off than if you hadn't done anything.

    That said, I think it may be size to aim for the goal your doctor wanted you too. A healthy BMI is one indicator. The other thing that stands out is your waist-to-height ratio. Right now it's right about at 50%, which I believe is considered borderline for risk, so it may be worth it to lose a bit more. It may also help if you can do some resistance training, as you get to those last 10 pounds or so. It can help maintain muscle (also eat at just a slight deficit, like 250 cal a day below maintenance.

    Cheers! :drinker:
  • 321blueeyes
    321blueeyes Posts: 279 Member
    Congratulations on your accomplishments so far! Inspiring to see someone make a total transformation through healthy habits.

    You look good in the photos - if I were in your shoes, I think health would be the #1 priority over looks/numbers. Has your doctor indicated how many medications are likely to be eliminated if you lose 5 more pounds? If your meds (at this point) are unrelated to weight, then maybe you should focus on quality of life & see what additional physical therapy might help to ease some of your pain?
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