weight loss goal is 28 pounds in 28 weeks- join in if anyon

sushil_kv2004 Posts: 3
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi All,
I am Sushil. I am 35, 5-4" tall and weigh 160 pounds. I joined this site/app on jan 4th this week.
my goal is to have 132 pound. so i need 28 weeks to lose 28 Lb at the rate of 1 Lb per week.
i am planning and also started -
playing tennis twice a week.
gym 3 times in a week for 1 hour each. walking, cycling a bit of weight training etc - don't want to do too much in the beginning.
yoga 3 times in a week for 1 hour each.

planning to eat non fatty items. will try to avoid fast/junk food.
lets see how it goes. if there is someone with the same profile/goal etc, please join and make a group to discuss the progress and motivate each other.



  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    pretty much like reading my own. i am just slightly off on things. im 33, 5'5, and i weigh 163, but i joined 10 days ago, :wink: my goal is a pound a week as well. my goals are to lose weight, but get healthier, and i eventually want to run a 5k, definitely not to win it, but to complete it. I want to get to 150 or so because i am naturally bigger chested so i think i would look unproportioned and i think ill look good at 150. i am definitely in and go ahead and friend me. we can do this.
  • Hi Sushil!
    i am 32, 5-2 and 194lbs.
    ive also just recently joined this site!
    I like it alot
    you seem to be planning to do a lot of exercises..
    sounds like about 2 hours a day, thats alot, you might
    get fed up fast.
    when are you starting the actual 1 lbs a week? i guess next week?

  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I am also very similar.

    Katy, 5ft 5 and I weigh 159 (I put on 3lb over the holidays)

    I am hoping to get somewhere in the 130's in about 28 weeks.

    I stick to 1200cals a day and am an exercise program junky, I am just dancing atm, but will start EA active 2 tomo.

    We can do this, all feel free to add me :)
  • Me too.

    I'm Laney and I weigh 158, am 5'5. I am also hoping to lose a pound a week. I start the 30 day shred tomorrow, my husband said he would do it with me. I need to exercise as in the last year I haven't really done much apart from walking the dog. I'm currently on 1520 cals a day.

    Please feel free to add me.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Me too.

    I'm Laney and I weigh 158, am 5'5. I am also hoping to lose a pound a week. I start the 30 day shred tomorrow, my husband said he would do it with me. I need to exercise as in the last year I haven't really done much apart from walking the dog. I'm currently on 1520 cals a day.

    Please feel free to add me.

    I did level 1 of the shred today.

    I have done the whole thing before and it gave the best results of anything I have ever tried, I love it.
  • zumbaholic
    zumbaholic Posts: 10 Member
    Since Jan. 3, 2011, I have chosen to cut out of my diet all bread, rice, pasta, tortillas & potatos. Those are the foods that my family and I routinely eat and have caused me to put on so much weight, so I chose to cut them out for one month only. I'm not on a diet, I'm merely cutting those items from my life for the month of January. I did this once before in 2007, and I dropped 17 lbs. in one month. So I know it works. It's just finding the willpower to do it, and mentally I'm there right now! It's been easy so far, and now on Day 5, I can tell my jeans don't fit quite as tight as they did last week. The good thing is, this has inspired me to go ahead and give up sweets too. I am not limiting myself in other areas, just the items I mentioned are all i'm cutting out, cuz those are what I eat the most and are my downfall. I've been eating mostly veggies, meat & fruit. I know I will see great results by Feb. 1st. If all goes well, I will continue past Feb. If not, at least I gave it a month! Good luck to all!:smile:
  • Me too.

    I'm Laney and I weigh 158, am 5'5. I am also hoping to lose a pound a week. I start the 30 day shred tomorrow, my husband said he would do it with me. I need to exercise as in the last year I haven't really done much apart from walking the dog. I'm currently on 1520 cals a day.

    Please feel free to add me.

    I did level 1 of the shred today.

    I have done the whole thing before and it gave the best results of anything I have ever tried, I love it.

    I just cleared out the room in the basement to begin. I'm definitely a non-gym type of person so I am hoping to get a few DVDs together. Husband agreed to get me another one once I reach day 28!

    I'm glad to read you got the best results from that one - hopefully I will too =)
  • Hi,
    sounds like a plan to all of you responding to this topic!
    1200 cal a day sounds like not enough, especially if you
    are working out hard!!
  • no i already started. i m going to to gym and yoga alternate day. so its 1 hour a day for 6 days a week. plus tennis (1 hour) twice a week. total it would be 2 hours - 2 days, 1 hour - 4 days, 1 day rest (sunday probably).

    playing tennis is fun which i can do every day but don't want to play much because my legs start paining. will try to increase in future if my legs support..

    going to gym and yoga is something i need motivation.

    i m like - can go to gym for 1 or 2 months with full of motivation and then suddenly get bored or something and don't do any exercise for months.. want to avoid that..
    thanks for being my friend.
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