Not losing/gaining weight

I bet there's probably been tons of topics similar to this before but here goes. Over the last 10months I've lost just over a stone by just watching what I ate but counting calories rather than being health conscious. A month ago I decided to join a gym and give my diet a re-haul as I was tired of feeing bloated and sluggish and hoped doing a bit more exercise would accelerate my weight loss. I've been doing an hour of cardio every day and burning around 500 calories at a time (Although I know the machines aren't exactly accurate) I've been sticking to 1200 calories a day and eating more lean meat and a lot more vegetables and fruit.. basically trying to eat as much fresh food as possible. I've even started drinking 2 litres of water a day and water was something I never ever drank. I stepped on the scale today and I've actually gained a couple of pounds and it's really got me down and made me lose my motivation. I feel like I'm working harder than ever, eating the right things and getting the exact opposite results I want. I know I shouldn't be fixated on the number on the scale but it is disheartening. Should I be changing anything I'm doing? I read somewhere about eating back exercise calories.. Although the thought of going higher than 1200 is scary since I've already gained should I be eating more?


  • woolfman72
    woolfman72 Posts: 25 Member
    Just remember it is not always just about what the scale says. You could be losing inches everywhere . Your clothes give you another way to judge . Also are you measuring your food? and you might want to open your diary so that others (that know alot more than I do can help you)
  • Mr_AH
    Mr_AH Posts: 32
    Are you weighing your food? Not measuring, but actually weighing it with scales? If you are, are you weighing absolutely everything?

    Look up your TDEE ( That's what many of us on MFP actually use as opposed to the goals MFP automatically gives out.

    Going by TDEE you'll likely find you are actually meant to eat more than you currently are (1200 calories is rather low especially for someone being so active). Have you started lifting? If not you need to start as soon as you can. I don't count lifting as exercise, because it doesn't burn terribly many calories, but it is absolutely necessary for those losing weight. It's not a question of wanting to do it, it's a question of having to do it. Otherwise, after losing the weight, you'll look flabby etc.

    What I'm about to say will rile some people up but, you don't have to eat totally healthy. I don't and I've still lost weight, to the point where people swear when they see me. I haven't given up carbs, bread, soda or anything. I just sick within my calories (even then, once in a while I go over) and don't consume them as often as I did. I eat about 85-90% healthy and the other 10% of the time is treats every once in a while.
  • xorachael
    xorachael Posts: 14
    According to that calculator I should be eating 1419 calories to lose weight. I might try upping my calorie intake. I haven't started lifting yet no, mostly because I have no idea where to start! I have already noticed that I am quite flabby compared to others my height and weight and my BMI is in the perfectly healthy range.

    Yeah I think that's the best way. I have a cheat meal and drink soda on a Saturday. I think if I didn't I would crack. I just keep telling myself I'm doing better than I was before. I used to drink fizzy pop every day!
  • Mr_AH
    Mr_AH Posts: 32
    There's a few beginner programmes you can start off on.

    Starting Strength or Strong Lifts, for example.

    1419 seems a little low, especially when doing an hour of cardio a day. Are you short? How much have you got to lose? Depending on the amount you could take it slower to diminish the chances of loose skin etc.
  • xorachael
    xorachael Posts: 14
    I'll look into it thanks.

    Yeah I'm only 5'2. I'd say I have about 10lbs to lose. The thing I'm most conscious about is my tummy area. It does seem to be ridiculously flabby compared to the rest of me. I have stick thin arms and legs and a massive stomach. I'm actually at the lowest weight I've been in years but I'm just so out of shape and I have so much excess fat around my middle at the moment which is where the weight lifting thing comes in I guess.