Stuck in a rut after pregnancy...Suggestions and thoughts?

Hello! After having a baby in early January, I've lost about 25 lbs. At my highest with pregnancy..I was 240 (I gained about 40lbs during) and now at 5 months, I'm currently 220. I was going back to eating a strict diet of 1200 cals (I was eating healthy during the pregnancy, and gained the majority of weight towards the end) until I was cleared to exercise again, where I lost 12lbs. Now, it seems either my metabolism has been shot or I need to rev up my workouts. I still try to stick to my 1200 cal diet, but don't know if I should consider myself 'Lightly active' instead of 'sedentary' since I'm a stay at home mom (I was a at a desk-job prior). I usually do half hour workouts 5-6 days a week; with 30 mins of interval walking with an incline on the treadmill and 10 mins of push ups, sit ups, squats, and mountain climbers per day mixed in as well. I was going down a 1lb a week for a few weeks and all of the sudden I gained it all back...not too sure why but it's so frustrating haha that I've been doing what I have been doing and nothing is coming off! I drink a moderate amount of water (the only thing I do drink besides the occasional coffee to keep me awake/sane) and plenty of protein by eating chicken almost everyday for lunch and dinner. Any suggestions as to see a steady weight-loss and any in-put from others who have been in this same position would be helpful as well!
Sidenote: I'm looking to at least lose 40 lbs in a respectable amount of time. Definitely not right away as I would of wanted pre-baby but you'd be nice to see it gone by the end of the year.

Thank you in advance!


  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    Stop doing the same thing every week and expecting the same results week after week. Do something new.
  • JlovesAB
    JlovesAB Posts: 10
    Are you switching up your exercise? Doing the same routine each week will prevent you from burning a good amount of calories. Perhaps adding a light jog to your treadmill routine would help also, instead of just walking for some more intensity.

    Generally speaking the more weight you put on in pregnancy, the longer and harder it is to get off. As long as you focus on eating nutritious food, sticking to your suitable calorie intake (have you tried using a calculator for that) and stick with the exercise it should come off in due time.
  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    I just had a baby in February! Congrats!

    I do agree, if you haven't switched up your workouts lately it may be time. Also, I know that for me at least my body will NOT lose weight at 1,200 calories. The moment I upped to 1,300 - 1,500 I started losing again so that could very well be an issue as well.

    Feel free to friend me and we can chat! :)