Want to gain weight but fat increasing scaring me...

Hey all

I'm 6'2" 186lbs. Trying to gain weight for strength for more explosiveness in sports.

I've been trying to gain weight - but really, it only feels like I'm gaining inches of fat around my waist.

Should I expect this and push past it? I see the fat on my belly increase, then I get scared and back off the calories a few days and then I lose the few lbs I gained last week.

I'm gonna try the milk and squats program and hope that puts on some lean muscle. I don't like the roll of fat on my sides.

I play beach volleyball and although I'm not extremely vain, I think I'd rather be stick thin rather than have my love handles. :p

Help! What can I expect when trying to gain some muscle mass?


  • superhippo95
    superhippo95 Posts: 21 Member
    try to gain .5-1lb a week, keep calorie surplus about 250-500 calories to minimize fat.Fat usually goes to midsection before it spreads to the rest of the body
  • anson808
    anson808 Posts: 47 Member
    So basically I'm just getting fat...

    Like I said - my weight is pretty constant but the love handles are returning...

    I guess I'm just turning to fat and all this heavy lifting is for nothing (although I'm showing slow strength gains)
  • colej157
    colej157 Posts: 5
    I'm trying to bulk up too, and have the same fears and I'm trying to work with them because they're causing me to do the opposite of what I need to do to put on muscle, Basically, you're going to have to gain some fat in the process. You can take steps to make your bulking phase leaner. Good proteins. lots of fruit and veggies, etc and clean carbs for energy and protein synthesis Once your muscle mass starts to increase, you will burn more calories which will help with the fat gain. Also once you get the muscle on you can cut. I made the mistake of cutting first and ended up with low energy and decreased strength. Haven't tried the GOMAD diet, but I have a couple of friend that swear by it. Keep in mind that a gallon of skim milk is well over 1,000 calories and I think the program calls for whole milk so that's something to consider. It takes awhile to put on lean muscle so be patient

    Hope this helps.
  • watto1980
    watto1980 Posts: 155 Member
    Maybe you could just eat at maintenance and work on your strength and explosiveness for sport. When you start to stall or are not making strength gain progress you could eat slightly more each day until you break through the plateau. That way you won't have to worry about getting fat and you can still work towards your goals. If you do a muscle building type bulk you will put on some fat too. The muscle takes ages to build.
  • Elektrolyfe
    Elektrolyfe Posts: 151 Member
    You're gonna gain fat, how much is up to you and how much of a surplus you will be eating. You can't see-saw your diet or you will end up spinning your wheels.
  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    You're gonna gain fat, how much is up to you and how much of a surplus you will be eating. You can't see-saw your diet or you will end up spinning your wheels.

    This guy knows.

    Also, what are you eating to gain the extra calories? Eat an extra chicken breast for more calories, don't just stop off at McDonalds because "UR BULKIN."

    Also, squats are good.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    You're gonna gain fat, how much is up to you and how much of a surplus you will be eating. You can't see-saw your diet or you will end up spinning your wheels.


    bulking is hard- you KNOW you will get fat. it is what it is.

    if you can't handle that- then don't bulk.
    trying being a woman who wears skinny fitted clothes- HAHAH HA then explain

    it's hard.

    Accept it and press on- set a minimal time window to gain weight- set a target weight gain- make sure you have yoru stretchy pants and go to down. Keep lifting- take measurements- those are going to do you more favors than the scale.
    And take note of your progress with the lifting.

    I did a 20 rep squat program- it's hard- it's mentally extremely taxing. But it's a great program- I saw good gains. :)
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Generally speaking people have to go through bulk cycles multiple times. The reason is because only a small portion of the weight gained during a bulk is actual muscle (as in approximately 30% at most). The rest is a combination of fat and bloat which you then have to lose after you've completed your bulk. If you're not mentally comfortable with this idea then you're not prepared for bulking. Just understand that your ceiling (in terms of the levels of strength you can reach) is relatively low with a very low level of muscle mass.
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    You're gonna gain fat, how much is up to you and how much of a surplus you will be eating. You can't see-saw your diet or you will end up spinning your wheels.
    Just curious how fat did you get during your bulks in terms of your stomach and such? I want to add some more size and I don't mind slow progress as I am in it for the long haul. For my age etc i would be beyond thrilled if I could add 10 pounds of muscle in a year.
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    I'd cut the fat first. Get down to a 6 pack and then bulk. I always seem to put on the most muscle when I'm 9-10% BF. I bulk till 15-16% and then cut. This way you can always feel good about your body and gain the most muscle. The beginning sucks a little bit because some guys are too skinny. You got some muscle, though. You should be okay.