Advice with weights and weight loss anyone?

So I started using this app to count kilo joules 6 weeks ago and have stuck to a healthy diet under my daily kilo joule count (but not too much under). I've also been working out with my partner and a PT 3-4 times a week for an hour each session.

I'm trying to get back into running but I broke my foot and tore the ligament right off the bone 3 months back and am finding it difficult... Have not done much cardio at all.

I desperately want to lose 7 kilogram... But In six weeks I've lost.... 200g. And it's been totally consistent. No movement on the scales whatsoever, except normal gain and weight loss of 2 kilograms with my period.

My PT and partner insist weights is the way to go, I know my clothes fit better but I want to see weight loss :(

Help me? Before I pull my hair out....

I'm 5'3 and 68 kilograms, and extremely bottom heavy.


  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Lift weights. Body composition is far more important than the number on the scale.
  • JensTwistedLogic
    Will I get to where I want to be? How can I stay motivated when I have no concrete way to track progress?
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    You will still burn calories when you lift weights. 250 for an hour approx. You may get hungrier when you lift (I do), so I do two things - eat more protein and make sure I have a snack to eat right after I get out of the gym. My go to is some frozen red raspberries, two packets of stevia, and three or four tablespoons of plain Greek yogurt on top. I can leave it in the car for the hour I work out (unless it is summer, then I just stick the cup in my cup holder with a mini cold pack. A hard boiled egg and a banana works too. I hope you heal quickly.
  • Forty6and2
    Forty6and2 Posts: 2,492 Member
    Will I get to where I want to be? How can I stay motivated when I have no concrete way to track progress?

    Calorie deficit will help you lose weight but lifting will help you maintain your lean body mass so you look freaking awesome. You will get to where you want to be as long as you maintain a deficit. You can measure your progress by tracking how much you can lift, your measurements in various spots, and how your clothes fit. You should search for lifting threads on here to see some results.

    Also, if you have not been losing, it might be likely that you are underestimating your calories burned or overestimating your calorie intake. Are you using a food scale and heart rate monitor to keep track of everything? If not, I would suggest the food scale AT LEAST to see where your eating is.

    Read this:
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    You can measure yourself instead of weigh yourself if you want to track your progress.
  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member
    Yeah I would look at the scale as sort of the least accurate measure of fitness and health. The thing has no idea how you look or how much water your body is storing. If you are trimming up and getting tighter I would stick with what you are doing.

    In all likelihood you'll pop on it in a few days and see a few pounds drop off for seemingly no reason at all and you'll be back on track.

    If things end up stalling for real (i.e. your body stops getting slimmer and the scale stays the same) then maybe think about tweaking the calories you eat a day down a little but what you are doing now is working, even if the scale is being a jerk.

    This is the sort of stuff that makes most people give up so don't do it! If you are really wanting to be healthy, this should be a lifetime thing, not a six week thing, and people who spend their life eating well and working out are pretty much always slim.
  • JensTwistedLogic
    This makes sense... And is really what I needed to hear.
    Thank you....
    Guess I'm just feeling a bit low
  • jenniferpark01
    jenniferpark01 Posts: 34 Member
    Lifting is great! Keep it up and one day you will be like, OMG, my biceps are getting so strong! Or I can feel my hip bone. At least that happened to me. My trainer measures me once a month and I am shrinking even then the scale doesn't move much.