5"6 with a stone to lose!

mojojorox Posts: 24 Member
Hey all, I've been on MFP for a while but only actually got serious about measuring portions and doing it properly in the past 2 weeks (in which my weight has started to drop although it won't show on my counter because I'd gained above my start weight!!). I'm amazed at how much 40g of shredded wheat actually is, no wonder my diet didn't work before! Anyway I was wondering if there are any other 5"6ish people with a little to lose on here that fancy friending and being my motivators? :)


  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I'm 5'6. I've just had my third baby, 4.5 weeks ago, and although I haven't weighed myself I reckon I have about 2 stone to lose. And that's despite exercising and logging all pregnancy.

    I've already started logging again and will be back at the gym after my 6 week check. I've done this before - I lost 67lbs after my 2nd child.

    Yep, shocking how small a 30 or 40g bowl of cereal is! I prefer eggs or porridge for breakfast.
  • beccy2590
    beccy2590 Posts: 1
    Heya :)

    i'm 22, 5'4 - looking to lose 10lbs - 14lbs.

    I've lost 25lbs with this site before fairly easily but i'm really struggling with this last 10lbs.

    I completely agree with the cereal - i didn't use to weigh it and one of my average bowls was 45g!
    I usually have weetabix now, so i know exactly my portion size. Works well for me.
  • shorshabae
    shorshabae Posts: 32 Member
    hey I'm 24, 5'6 and looking to lose 55lbs! Already started with 7lbs so MFP seems to be working for me. I really struggle with breakfast actually, weetabix with fruit is the easiest thing but I worry that I should be adding in some protein!
  • mojojorox
    mojojorox Posts: 24 Member
    Glad I'm not the only one with the cereal issue! I've started having omelettes or porridge instead now too and admitably i do feel fuller for longer! Added you all :)