How do YOU remember to drink your water?

candycana Posts: 92 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
We've got a 64oz. of water a day in January going. (It's not too late to join us!) How do YOU remind yourself to drink water. What's your job, and what do you associate with drinking water? I'm a teacher and my 8th graders are reminding me at every class change to chug a glass. :)


  • I am a work from home mom So its a little easier sometimes but I bought a plastic jug that is I think 74 ounces and set my goal as 1 jug a day. I just got to where I'm drinking it all the past 2 days. I gave up soda about a week ago and feel a lot better. All I'm drinking is 1 cup of coffee in the morning and juice, water, and tea but I actually haven't drank tea in a few days.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    I carry around a 32 oz water bottle pretty much wherever I go. I fill it at least 3 times per day.
  • sdtul
    sdtul Posts: 24
    I'm a work-from-home mom too and I carry my 32 oz bottle everywhere. I like the bigger water bottle cuz it's not as daunting to think I only have to drink two of those, then 4 of a smaller water bottle.
  • Hi!!! I am Chelsi and I am a hairdresser. I own my own salon so I am accountable for drinking the water but, I do find that if I start the day with bottle of water, every time I throw one away I grab another one!!! It works for me anyways!!!:smile:
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I have a 64 ouncejug that I fill up every morning and usally by mid afternoon it is gone, and I am refilling it. I work from home as well so it is a bit easier, but hands are typing constantly so I do have to stop and chug instead of sip. Definitely having the water on your desk or in reach all day is best.
  • I use 8 pennies. I place them in my left pocket or on the left of my phone; maybe the kitchen sink, any place where I will see them now and again. Then as I drink a glass of water I move one penny from the left to the right; left pocket to right, left side of the sink to the right side, left of the phone to the right of the phone, etc. It keeps me aware without making the world aware too.
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    I drink 16 oz of water after I brush my teeth in the morning and another 8 oz at night. I also drink at least 2 cups before my meals. My friends call me a camel!
  • Christie23
    Christie23 Posts: 357 Member
    Having a five year old, I understand the importance (and fun) of making charts so she and I made a water chart and we compete!! Whoever wins for the week gets to be princess for the day. :bigsmile:

    But I keep a big old 32 oz water bottle handy, fill it with lots of ice and then water from my Brita. I bought it in an obnoxiously bright blue color so that I never forget it, it's always with me. I also stopped drinking any iced tea or soda... if I am thirsty, there's always good old big blue!!
  • dcl100
    dcl100 Posts: 3 Member
    I always drink 16 oz of water in the morning before leaving for work. I take 3 16 oz bottles to work with me to drink during the day. Normally I will drink 1 or 2 16 oz bottles when I get home. It seems like I crave water now instead of diet drinks.
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    My boyfriend bought me a water bottle after I started MFP and was tracking my water and I must say that was my best present ever....When I first got it I drank 4 glasses of water and that was a big achievement for me cause I drinked none before MFP...
    But as time went on it got easier, I take my bottle with me everywhere and I try to finish it before lunch, then refill and drink it in the evening and have the last one at night....that equals about 12 8oz glasses a day....some days I might be a lil short but I make sure I do at least 6-8 glasses
  • kumamushi
    kumamushi Posts: 103 Member
    Water is the only thing I ever drink, so thirstiness usually does it. I get dry very quickly. I can't stand soda, coffee, tea, and most juices.
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