I'm back and for good this time I hope.

So hard for me to stick to dieting. My mind is always on other things, mostly work. I never focus on ME! and I need to. Really going to try and exercise 5 times a week and log in all my food intake. Any suggestions as how I can remember to do this? HELP! :blushing:


  • Sidpandy
    Sidpandy Posts: 14 Member
    I exercise as much as I can,don't cheat yourself be true even if your over.
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    Honestly... it's a mindset.

    please read a post I shared this weekend...

  • naz1234
    naz1234 Posts: 18 Member
    Welcome back OP! Wishing you success in developing habits which take care of YOU!!!

    What has helped me is fitting exercise into my routine rather than a seperate activity like going to the gym. For example walking part way to work, working out at lunchtime etc.

    Good luck.
  • AnnaChanges
    AnnaChanges Posts: 109 Member
    Get the mobile app. It is easy and nice whatever you eat immediately log in wherever you are OR prepare food the night before and log everything in this way you would have planned your meals for the day and leave some calories for unexpected snacks. Best of luck.

    If you really want it just stick to it after 3-4 weeks it would become a habit that you won't forget doing.
  • sammama5
    sammama5 Posts: 92 Member
    Honestly... it's a mindset.

    please read a post I shared this weekend...

    Great post!

    Nobody else can hold you accountable better than yourself in that it's YOUR body. You ARE going to feel sick, tired, lazy, hungry, apathetic, depressed.
    When I feel that way, I exercise. I always feel better afterwards, even if it's only a walk down the road a short ways, or 20 crunches. It is SOMETHING that will help over time. It's amazing how much more energy I have after a week of consistent exercise. I sleep better at night, I'm more alert first thing in the morning, and I have the energy to be doing things with the people I love all day long.
    You can't just say "I hope." Just do it. Don't blame it on anybody else.