Finally - my lightbulb moment!

More of a speech than a question will follow and it may be incoherent, but anyway...

Finally, I feel like my lightbulb moment has arrived! I'm a 28 year old, 5ft 3 woman currently weighing 168lbs and I have been "trying to lose weight" since I was around 15 years old... Needless to say i haven't been trying very hard. For years I think I've ignored the issue hoping it would go away on it's own or when finally deciding that enough is enough I'd try the next fad and do anything, anything at all, as long as I didn't have to exercise.

Well, maybe it was my weight creeping up to 174lbs (I've lost 6lb since March), maybe it was having to buy UK size 16 bottoms and 14 tops (something I vowed would never happen), maybe I sustained a forgotten head injury, but I feel like someone flicked a switch in my brain and I FINALLY realise this whole weight loss thing isn't so complicated after all.

You have to burn more than you earn. Simple as that.

Although I've always eaten relatively healthily, I have done zero exercise, eaten the portion sizes of two grown men and I think I have downed many a treat without even fully realizing! Imagine my surprise when I looked at the calories on a bag of those Galaxy Caramel individually wrapped square thingos and found out they were 50cal a piece! 50 CALS A PIECE!! On more than one occassion I've sunk a whole bag.

I'm glad that I can now take full responsibility for what I am eating. I am glad that I can see the solution. I am glad that I have made peace with the fact that it will NOT happen overnight/in time for that holiday in two weeks/insert special weight loss event goal. It will happen when it happens at a slow and steady pace. If it stops working, I will figure out why and fix it.

On top of this, I am also glad that I am now exercising - walking 6km 3x a week and C25k every other day). Moreover I am ENJOYING exercise and I look forward to going out for a run! Granted I am only just about to complete week 1 of C25K, but it took me 4 whole attempts before I could even complete the first workout and already I feel an improvement in my fitness. I look forward to being able to run for longer lenghts of time and now understand how people say running is addictive.

Anyhow, there's no real point to this ramble other than to say - why make something more complicated than it needs to be? There is no quick fix for weight loss and I think only when you come to terms with this and take responsibility for your own body, does this become clear. I cannot blame any diet for "not working", I can only blame myself. Maybe that's what makes it so difficult. But if you reverse that, when I succeed, the only person I can congratulate is myself :smile:

End speech.


  • andylowry
    andylowry Posts: 89
    Nicely done!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    it's great when the light goes on....

    congrats on flipping that switch.
  • _sherbear_
    _sherbear_ Posts: 18
    Great post! No doubt you will reach your goal!
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    Good job and great attitude! Good luck on your weight loss journey. :happy:
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Just remember this moment for when you decide "I don't feel like running so maybe I will skip a day(s)". When you go out and run anyway it will be "damn I am so glad I did that!". The more you dedicate to change the easier it becomes. Keep up the good work!
  • blizzardsmom
    blizzardsmom Posts: 63 Member
    Awesome Post! I love it when the switch is turned on,
  • countrymom1
    countrymom1 Posts: 125 Member
    Excellent post! Thanks for the inspiration. Deep down, I know all this, but I needed a reminder.
  • Congrats. kinda picked me up a little. :smile: