One week after New Years Day, have you followed your resoulu

Hi all good morning! Most of us have made resoulutions for the new year, and its been exactly a week since New Years Day! Has anybody stuck to their goals? Has anyone made any progress?

I vowed to lose weight (of course) and so far Im seeing some progress, I weighed 212 on New Years Day and I stepped on the the scale this morning and it was 204.8 =D Great Success!!! It has me feeling all sorts of good! I just have been eating a lot healthier, if only I can cure my damn sweet tooth... or sweet teeth I think all of them are sweet teeth... *sigh*

Share your progress, and stay motivated!!

Have a great day!


  • Aimee_PD
    Aimee_PD Posts: 177 Member
    yeah i dont have just ONE sweet tooth either, its a mouth full! lol
    I've been doing well since the new year. I'm back on track after the holidays. although I didnt make a resolution about weight i just promised to keep going as i've been the last few months. 30 more lbs to go!
  • YayMe17
    YayMe17 Posts: 62 Member
    Way to go! You have had great success this week. You must be super motivated. Keep it up.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Great job! :drinker:

    I didn't make a resolution. I made my decision four weeks ago, and stuck with it. Six pounds down, 19 to go. So I'm about 25% of the way there. :happy:
  • pjsma11498
    pjsma11498 Posts: 17 Member
    I've done pretty well. Lost 6 lbs. since starting on 1/3.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • iwannawearatutu
    iwannawearatutu Posts: 150 Member
    Wow, StarStruck! We weighed almost exactly the same on the first of the month /year. :) You've definitely lost more than me, but I'm still VERY happy with my 3.1 loss in the last week. I've seriously had "Walkin' On Sunshine" stuck in my head ever since that weight showed on the TV when I got on the Wii this morning...

    I think of mine as more of a plan than a resolution, which is to make exercising a habit by adding a little time to my daily workout each day, starting very small - just two minutes a day this week! The idea is to focus on the habit, not the calories burned. But I've been watching what I eat too, and it's really paid off! :)
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I have, I have exercised 6 out of 7 days and stuck to my calorie goals, I lost 1lb. I have been at the losing weight game for a while though and it does only come off slowly now.

    I have a non MFP related resolution, to recycle and I have split up all my rubbish up to now, all going good :D
  • kingkimi1213
    kingkimi1213 Posts: 132 Member
    Sapphira: Right?? My sweet teeth are gonna be the end of me! YAY Keep going! You can do it!
    YayMe: Thanks so much I am pumped!
    Lorinalynn: Thanks so much That is exciting! 25% is great!! Youll be at your goal in no time!
    pjsma: WOW! Good for you!!!!! Stay motivated!
  • AJs_mom
    AJs_mom Posts: 64 Member
    I didn't make any resolutions this year. I already have goals that I aim for (ie loss weight, better mom etc etc etc). I've found in the past if i make a NY resolution to lose weight, I get down on myself when things don't pan out. This year however, since joining this site I feel my weight loss goal is in reach, which will ultimately reflect on my other goals......
  • Congrats on the weight loss!

    My resolutions were to continue to track my calories and do all of P90X. So far I am on track (starting week 2 of P90X today!)
  • mellissacase
    Everyone is doing really well, the support and encouragement on this site is amazing. I have been on my diet a week and havn't lost anything yet but at least I havn't put any weight on! I know my loss will come in time because I am watching my food intake in great detail. Just need to force myself to the gym from now on! I have noticed my skin changing and teeth are becoming whiter now that iv stopped the coffee intake!

    I would really need some friends to support me and share ideas with! Mel xx